Credit Where Credit Is Due Dept.: We're having this conversation today because of a back and forth between StratfordDem and myself over at Blue Hampshire, as I mentioned above, and the ideas that you'll hear here are hardly my own-in fact, … [Read more...]
Wall Street – from their perspective.
It is interesting to listen to the talk on Wall Street, and the way they feel put upon by government and society. They think Tim Geithner is "solid" and the good guy. They spin tax numbers to make it seem like they are going to … [Read more...]
Deval and the Unions: Part 2
For whatever reason the Mass AFL-CIO seems to be dominated by the hysterical police and fire unions. This story in the Globe today: Some patrolmen object to paper's Obama depictions is illustrative. If one ever gets a chance to read … [Read more...]
Say Yes to Cape Wind — Tell Salazar to Support Good, Green Jobs
In a letter calling on the Interior Secretary to support Cape Wind, Electrical Workers head Ed Hill writes: If allowed to proceed, Cape Wind will create 600 to 1,000 jobs, employment opportunities that are critical to IBEW members. When … [Read more...]
Labor and Climate Change: The Legacy of Tim Costello
Talking to Labor About Climate Change: Focus on the inevitability of climate change mitigation policies and the changes they will cause. Explore the positive aspects of this change: massive new investment is needed to … [Read more...]
Rep. Stephen Lynch: “Health Care is a Right, Not a Privilege”
Massachusetts Congressman -- and former union ironworker -- Stephen Lynch recently sat down with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers to talk about the labor movement and the status of vital pro-worker legislation -- like the … [Read more...]
Stop Delaying Cape Wind Say Unions, Enviornmentalists
Now the project--which would power up to three-quarters of Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket with approximately 450 megawatts of emissions-free electricity-is facing another delay. Unions and environmental groups are speaking … [Read more...]
Corporations get bailed out, we get laid off…
"Working families have been hit the hardest by this recession -- building trades, health care workers, manufacturing workers and public employees," said Robert Haynes, President of Massachusetts AFL-CIO. "Despite signs that the … [Read more...]
Hyatt Firings Aren’t Just about Hyatt
That's what just happened to Hyatt workers in Boston, as not only people in Massachusetts but around the country know by now. The governor has called the Hyatt CEO to register his concern, there's been a rally of hundreds of people and Rep. … [Read more...]
CWA members show strong support for appointing temporary Senator from Massachusetts
CWA District One members showed strong union support for appointing a temporary interim Senator to fill Sen. Kennedy's seat at the Massachusetts legislature's Joint Committee on Election Laws hearing. "With the passing of Sen. Ted … [Read more...]