Hillary Clinton ⇓ Iowa is a 2-way or 3-way tie. Her New Hampshire lead is down to single digits (already showing the idiocy of a recent Boston Globe article). At least she still doubles up Obama in South Carolina and … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs (November)
Joe Biden ⇔ The window has closed on Biden's candidacy. At interest perks up among voters, media interest narrows even more to its nominees for the horserace.Hillary Clinton ⇓ Although still rising in … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs (October)
Joe Biden ⇓ Biden hasn't done much to distinguish himself in the last month, in all honesty. Latching on to Chris Dodd's efforts don't help him in the long run, either. The new plan, attacking fellow Democrats, doesn't … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs (September)
Joe Biden ⇔ Well, at least he won't be chased out of this primary season for stealing other peoples' speeches. Joe has a good record, but not as extensive as Hillary or Richardson, which leaves him with a tough road ahead. … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs (August)
Joe Biden ⇑ Biden has a strong background and a good campaign, and he's creeping up in polls. Consistent in debates, and surprisingly well-organized in New Hampshire. Unfortunately, there's not much opening for him, as … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs (July)
Joe Biden ⇑ Becoming one of the more interesting stories of the campaign. Every debate seems to garner him a wee bit more in the polls, and enough time has passed since his infamous "articulate and clean" comment. If … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs
Joe Biden ⇑ As I said elsewhere, reminiscient of the angry uncle most families have: often right, often scary. An old-school experience candidate whose time has passed. Decent organization last night in NH puts him past … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs (May)
Joe Biden ⇔ A quick, funny, and classy response to an inane question during the debate was his best moment since confronting Bush's hacks on torture. He just needs many more such good moments.Hillary Clinton ⇔ Hillary votes the … [Read more...]
2008 Ups and Downs
Joe Biden ⇔ I'd love to hear from somebody somewhere who is supporting Joe's run. So that I can ask why...he's a good enough feller, but what does he offer that nobody else does?Hillary Clinton ⇔ Earth to … [Read more...]
2008 ups and downs
Joe Biden ⇑ Joe gets a little nudge because Vilsack dropped out. He won't get all of Vilsack's support by any means, but he will get some. Wesley Clark ⇓ Now the General says that any announcement is three months … [Read more...]