Understanding the challenges before us is crucial to finding bold and effective solutions, and I have worked hard to propose new ideas that will truly address our greatest challenges : job creation, providing universal health care and … [Read more...]
Memo to Sen. Lieberman – Become a Republican already!
When, in the course of political events, it becomes necessary for one party to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them to a particular member, and to assume among the powers of the government the separate and equal station to … [Read more...]
Massachusetts League of Environmental Voters Endorses Capuano
"I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Massachusetts League of Environmental Voters. Preserving our environment has always been a priority for me. As Mayor, I cleaned up brownfields, expanded open space, planted thousands of trees, … [Read more...]
Senate proceeds to health debate
Last night the Senate voted on straight party lines to open debate on the Democratic leadership's health reform bill. All 60 members of the Democratic caucus voted for cloture on the motion; 39 Republicans (Voinovich of Ohio not … [Read more...]
Senator Byrd breaks another record!
Senator Byrd of West Virginia, the President Pro Tempore, today became the longest-ever serving member of Congress. Fifty years in the Senate preceded by six in the House means that he has been in the Congress for more than a quarter … [Read more...]
Healthcare Reform: Senate Cloture Vote This Weekend? New Cost Numbers
The complete TPM article: Democratic leadership has distributed figures to reporters from a CBO analysis of Senate health care legislation. The numbers affirm what we reported this morning--that Majority Leader Harry Reid is very … [Read more...]
How Alan Khazei Turned my Heartache into Hope
I lived in the moment with such joy and saw the most beautiful future with a man whom I loved. But just a few months after our decision to sail on, my fiancé sent me packing. To this day I don't understand what happened. I didn't see it … [Read more...]
Note from Mike Capuano
Hi BMG, Mike asked me to get you guys an update about the questions being asked on his post. He is currently on an "Open Mike" Tele-Town Hall with voters around the state - some of you might be on the call. Thanks for taking the time read … [Read more...]
{UPDATED} Our Best Chance for Health Care Reform in a Generation
I understand that some may be confused after reading recent media reports on health care reform. I want to set the record straight and there is no better way of doing that than by communicating directly with you. In short, I voted for … [Read more...]
Brown Brigade Lays a Scary Scotty Turd
attempting to spook voters with a Halloween theme. Is this the caliber of campaigns we have to suffer through again? Would someone please get that party together? … [Read more...]