Here's a new must-read blog for your bookmarks. Mudflats. It's a blog about the mud-encrusted world of Alaska politics. In the latest post, here's the documentation that Sarah Palin was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against … [Read more...]
VP Analogy Test
Feel free to comment after you select your answer. … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin’s “executive experience” – LOL!
From Sarah Palin and Wasilla Sports Complex land deal: Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla from 1996 to 2002. Her record during that time can tell us a lot about her. The biggest deal during her tenure is perhaps the construction of the sports … [Read more...]
Palin’s hometown GOP state senator blasts VP selection
Alaska Senate President Lyda Green (R-Wasilla) had a few more choice words for her neighbor, the governor. Green, who has feuded with Palin, brought up the big oil tax increase Palin pushed through last year. She also pointed to the award … [Read more...]