Under the president's proposal, workers who receive employer-providedhealth insurance would have to pay a tax on the cost of their benefitabove $15,000, the threshold proposed by Bush for the tax break.People with families who buy low-cost … [Read more...]
Reality-based politics and sound policy: 2 essential ingredients for meaningful health reform
The biggest objection to single-payer I have heard from Democrats is not that single-payer is not a good system, or even the best system, but that it will be attacked as socialized medicine and therefore is not politically viable. Of … [Read more...]
Health care worth fighting for
Spending a few months rotating through a private facility, I found it unconscionable that patients needing urgent medical care were turned down at the door if they did not have medical insurance. I spent as much time treating lacerations … [Read more...]
In case you missed this as I did: “UNSUNG DEVELOPMENTS OF 2006”
Boston Glob, December 31, 2006HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT | UNSUNG DEVELOPMENTS OF 2006Silent majority for single-payer By Marcia Angell,MDIN SEPTEMBER, an ABC News/Kaiser Family Foundation/USA Today survey found that 56 percent of Americans … [Read more...]
Sen. Wyden’s Proposed Healthcare Reform: another gap between theory & real world
The Healthy Americans Act is a bill being introduced by Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon.Executive Summary (excerpts):The "Healthy Americans Act" (HAA) establishes a centrally financed system of private health insurance for all Americans except … [Read more...]
Or is it Massachusetts “poison” that’s spreading?
Meanwhile, in Illinois a "state task force on Thursday recommended a far-reaching reform of Illinois' health care system that would require most employers to offer medical coverage and calls for $3.6 billion in new state spending. The plan … [Read more...]
Who thinks the Chapter 58 law is a good piece of health reform legislation?
the new health law will force everyone who is uninsured to buy a commercial insurance product, sold at a profit, with NO RULES about how the insurers spend the money. this includes the huge sums coming from the state budget to … [Read more...]