To protect our future, and our children's futures, I agree with Barack Obama's Speech in Wisconsin today. What our President said in his speech in Wisconsin today about ZBB Battery Corporations Product and facility is the kind of … [Read more...]
Put price tags on Health Care – simple, but great.
Now it just so happens that Kagen - who is also a Doctor - will be in Massachusetts this month and there is an event at The Precinct Bar and Restaurant in Somerville's Union Square for him. It's on Sunday, March 21st from 6 - 8 and … [Read more...]
McCain Campaign Misdirects Absentee Voter Forms in at least 5 States
From the Wisconson State JournalThe state elections agency is investigating complaints about a massive campaign mailing Republican Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign has directed toward Wisconsin Democrats and other voters. Each … [Read more...]
CA Legislature 1st to Pass Equal Marriage Bill…Again
Before Schwarzenegger pockets the bill out of electoral fear, he might want to bone up on the lack of negative effect pro-marriage stances have had recently on governor Doyle in Wisconsin, and of course Patrick in Massachusetts.[Doyle … [Read more...]