The casinos are projected to siphon an additional $1 billion dollars out of the Massachusetts economy every year. This isn't money that is currently being gambled by residents. It's money that residents are currently spending at nearby … [Read more...]
Vote Yes on Question 3: Casinos Hurt Our Businesses
As children, we all learned that you can't spend the same dollar in two different places. Every dollar that gets spent at the casino is a dollar less that is available to spend at other businesses. That reality will hit local … [Read more...]
Vote Yes on Question 3: Casinos Threaten Our Jobs
According to the Massachusetts Gaming Commission's own projections, $1 billion dollars a year in local spending will be shifted away from existing businesses to the casinos. Whether it's 1,000 Massachusetts businesses each losing … [Read more...]
Have your pet blessed and help end Greyhound racing
Blessing animals (and all of Creation) is nothing new for the churches. St. Francis of Assisi was known for his love of all living creatures and respect for the earth. The annual tradition of inviting animal owners to bring their pets and … [Read more...]