The idea that a resident doc is made to work over 30 hours at a stretch is insane and wrong eight ways from Sunday. Is the medical establishment finally... uh... waking up? … [Read more...]
Principalities and Powers
Wow. The always provocative Ed Kilgore at New Donkey almost made my head explode today in this post about the intersection of religion and politics in America.Ed also links to this commentary (LA Times, reg. req'd) by Stephen Prothero of … [Read more...]
Social Insecurity: Grrrrrrawf
Just in case you're new to this blogosphere thing, I gotta say: if you're not reading Josh Marshall's continuing coverage of the Social Security Super Bowl, well hell, you just ain't living. Josh has a hold of this thing like a big dog with … [Read more...]
Jello Pudding Pops for President
Here's an article from Washington Monthly with a slate of non-conventional candidates the Democrats could try to draft for '08: Bill Cosby? Tom Brokaw? Tom Hanks? etc. (Thanks to Political Animal for the steer -- hah.)[Hey, this bolding … [Read more...]
New Jersey moves into second place in stem-cell research derby
Reuters reports that New Jersey will spend $380 million to create a stem cell research institute, putting it in second place behind California's $3 billion voter-approved effort.Although New Jersey lacks Massachusetts's and California's … [Read more...]
Air America in Boston area
Probably a lot of you already know, but if you haven't heard, Boston now has some lefty talk radio stations, 1200 and 1430 on your AM dial. They include much programming from liberal radio network Air America, and also Ed Schultz in evening … [Read more...]
Almost literally:D.C. officials said yesterday that the Bush administration is refusingto reimburse the District for most of the costs associated with nextweek's inauguration, breaking with precedent and forcing the city todivert $11.9 … [Read more...]
Questioning the powerful
I have been struck lately by the spate of columns written by religious people struggling to explain how it is that a just God permits things like the Indian Ocean tsunami to occur. And perhaps it's coincidence, but two columns written … [Read more...]
Executive Summary of Conyers Report
First, in the run up to election day, the following actions by Mr.Blackwell, the Republican Party and election officials disenfranchisedhundreds of thousands of Ohio citizens, predominantly minority andDemocratic voters: The misallocation … [Read more...]
“There are others”
David Corn at the Nation says that Armstrong Williams told him that he (Williams) is not the only commentator receiving taxpayer money to toe the Bush administration line. Oh, do tell, Armstrong! Do tell! (He says he … [Read more...]