Heaven knows we needs lots of help and hope. President Bush has created a squalid mess spreading throughout our government. A record-breaking $3,000,000,000,000 budget. A disastrous foreign policy. He’s lost an entire city, and enacted a set of domestic policies drifting between apathetic and plain pathetic.
There was a silver lining of hope in the wake of 9/11 as the country united, and the world united around us. The American people were told to go to the mall, the rest of the world was told to go screw. No wonder we’re scarred.
But hope doesn’t fill a stomach, it doesn’t appease the mortgagers. Help is what we need, and I’m focused on what it will take to get us help: getting a Democratic President in the White House who will sign laws helping the American people.
Winning in November. Mind-reading swing voters is a tricky business, and Democrats failed miserably in 2004. It is a mug’s game I shall not attempt.
Instead, I want to look at a certain myth: Hillary’s high negatives. As Obama’s campaign has repeatedly pointed out, they are high. The high 40s. Of course! The Republican Party started attacking her twelve years ago. I’m in my twenties (barely), and was in middle school when the machine began unloading on her. After millions poured into everything from drug charges to murder conspiracy theories, it’s amazing that over 50% of Americans favor her. Who else could stand to that? We know that Clinton’s negatives are high, but we also know that they aren’t too high to cost her the election. No guessing here.
They are high despite Clinton’s tooth-and-nail fight with Republicans on everything from health care in the 1990s, to forcing religion into the public sphere (check this out), to abortion access, to privatizing social security, to condemning MoveOn.org – all fights where Obama is on the wrong side, or more often, simply absent.
Foreign Policy beyond Baghdad. The Bush foreign policy is marked by the failure in Iraq. Senator Obama was right in his speech in October 2002 disagreeing with the invasion, and Hillary was wrong. There is no denying that. Just as Obama and Hillary have been wrong when came the chance to help: the 98% of the time they have voted together to support and underwrite this disastrous adventure. Senator Clinton, though, has never sought to undermine Senate strategy by averring the war funds will always be there, no matter what Democrats might say.
Foreign policy is more than Iraq, though. Iraq and Iran get a lot of play, but Bush seeks to make an enemy out of a major oil exporter, Venezuela, even supporting a jury-rigged and abortive coup d’etat. China is shifting rapidly and America is standing on the sidelines. Russia’s democracy has been suffocated and America watches. Africa cries for help, and America does not hear. Europe is replacing us as the center of the global economy.
Obama does indeed have good rhetoric on foreign policy (though his ad on foreign oil included odd statements that have never been explained). But Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Ahmedinijad, Kim Jong Il…they all got where they are by being masters of rhetoric. With these folks, it’s always business as usual. They can’t be out-talked or out-charmed. They must be out-thought.
And if necessary, out-fought. Senator Clinton traveled to eighty-one countries as foreign leader. She looked the decrepit autocracy of China in the eye and declared:
It is a violation of human rights when babies are denied food, or drowned, or suffocated, or their spines broken, simply because they are born girls.
This was in 1995. She was calling out the Chinese 13 years ago. That is leadership. Senator Obama has not yet been to China.
True experience, true difference. For experience does matter. And while Senator Clinton’s tenure in the White House wasn’t elected, she was around power. Maybe she wasn’t in the situation room – though we’ll never know for sure – but there’s little doubt that she knew what happened there. One thing always missing from the “but…but…but Abraham Lincoln!” defense is the fact that Lincoln was around and knew power and issues before his election: seven attempts to win office will educate a man. There are many pathways to government experience, but the good ones are all several years long.
Experience matters not only in reaching the White House, but in signing good bills delivered to it. Lyndon Johnson did not create the atmosphere for the Civil Rights Act, but a reading of Robert Caro will tell you just how deft were the legislative calisthenics that got it to his desk; same with the Great Society. The cry for those laws came from the streets of America; the votes for them came in the aisles of Congress.
Senator Clinton has answered for her record. She has been in the Senate for 7 years, true. But she stood on her record, and easily won re-election. She has answered for her ideas on education, health care, immigration to the people of New York and we know that they were good answers. Senator Clinton has had to write policies that will help the Democratic Party and American people. She shows up for votes.
Hillary Clinton knows Congress. She works closely and often with Master Parliamentarian Robert Byrd. Clinton’s depth in learning the Senate from its masters shows; Senator Obama, meanwhile, formed his presidential exploration committee less than 400 days after his term began with a declaration that “I can unequivocally say I will not be running for national office in four years.” The world is on fire, and this is no time for lessons on how to use an extinguisher.
America needs help. It needs a Democrat in the White House. It needs a Democrat who can bring the legislation our country needs to the White House. And it needs that legislation and those executive orders to start rolling on January 20th, 2009 and not a day before. We have two candidates who could be great presidents. I believe we have one candidate who will quickly reach the greatness that this moment calls for.
A fine patriotic song is Jackson Browne’s “I Am A Patriot”, which opens with the line “The river opens to the righteous”. America is filled with the righteous, and we have traveled that great river before.
But we need someone who can navigate the course. We need someone ready to take the oar. That person is Senator Hillary Clinton.
… Deval’s stump speech always ended with his oratorical couplet of “Just Words, Just Words” but actions speak louder than words, another well worn phrase that comes to mind that sums up my vote for Hillary today.
It needed to be said, and you have said it so well. Now back to making phone calls.
when she first ran for her senate seat. I thought she jumped in too soon after they moved out of the white house. I thought she should have waited a couple years and run for the senate in Illinois, her home state. I thought she was too polarizing. I didn’t think she’d be able to appeal to rural upstate NY (where mostly I grew up).
p>But I was wrong on all those counts, and I learned an important political lesson. Never underestimate a really intelligent, determined and capable person with good political connections. Hillary is not flashy, or highly charismatic… though I think she has a more subtle, warm and non-nonsense charisma when she’s at her best. But she is so relentless in presenting her knowledge and policies and values that eventually that stuff seeps in to people. She has this sort of rock solid quality about her and I think that’s why the media has only been able to go so far in trashing her.
p>Our household voted Hillary today, but if Obama ends up with the nomination we’ll happily support him.
…the words I told Sen. Clinton when I shook her hand after phonebanking all of yesterday for her. Thank you for your thoughtful post, Sabutai. It sums up why this 24-year old progressive couldn’t have been more excited to cast my vote for her today.
Because it looks on this page like David front-paged it. But it’s not on there.
p>I note, however, that “Hillary voted for cluster bombs” made it without a hitch.
p>PS I will toot my own horn by mentioning my own weighty endorsement of Hillary on BMG, made precisely 49 minutes after the launch of Sabutai’s far more eloquent offering. (Hint: I ran his through babelfish twice and threw in a reference to Socks)
The garment or the cat?
p>No conspiracy theories here. I believe that David was frontpaging it as I was editing out a couple typos. So re-saving the corrected version probably took off the front-page.
If by “re-saving” you mean “I completely deleted the old diary and then created an entirely new one,” then I concur that that might well take it off the front page. If you mean “I continued editing the original diary after it was front-paged,” that does not clear up the mystery for me.
p>And I intended, in my own mind, for Socks to refer to the cat. I suppose it works either way.
You have said it all. Very well put. I was proud to cast my vote today for Hillary Clinton, and you have so eloquently summed up the reasons why. Thanks!
p>2. voted in favor of continuing the use of the horrific cluster bombs, Obama voted against
p>3. said she wouldnt’ campaign in florida, now shes claiming victory there and hoping their delegates will be counted
p>4. her unconstitutional flag burning amendment
p>5. continuous distortions of Obama’s record and quotes, Bill’s injection of race into the debate left un-apolozized for
p>6. takes the most money from BIG Pharma of any candidate on both sides while saying she will fight big pharma
p>7. The more progressive wing on the party is lining up behind Obama from the more progressive labor unions to the Kennedy bunch
p>8. Against opening trade with Cuba, while Obama favors it
p>9. Long history of relations with shady donors and investors
p>I could think of more…
p>2. voted in favor of continuing the use of the horrific cluster bombs, Obama voted against
p>3. said she wouldnt’ campaign in florida, now shes claiming victory there and hoping their delegates will be counted
p>4. her unconstitutional flag burning amendment
p>5. continuous distortions of Obama’s record and quotes, Bill’s injection of race into the debate left un-apolozized for
p>6. takes the most money from BIG Pharma of any candidate on both sides while saying she will fight big pharma
p>7. The more progressive wing on the party is lining up behind Obama from the more progressive labor unions to the Kennedy bunch
p>8. Against opening trade with Cuba, while Obama favors it
p>9. Long history of relations with shady donors and investors
p>10. Her 6 year stint on the board of wal-mart where she sat silently by while workers fought for their rights