The Senator’s true Republican colors were on full display today. NYT:
Obama administration officials and Congressional leaders said Tuesday that the House and Senate would have to reopen the conference proceedings on a sweeping financial regulatory bill after Senator Scott Brown, Republican of Massachusetts, said he would oppose the final version because it contained a tax on big banks and hedge funds.
The Senator’s make-weight argument for opposition — “this new provision takes real money away from the economy, making it unavailable for lending on Main Street, and gives it to Washington” — ignores the fact that markets require rules and an enforcement mechanism to operate, as the 2008 collapse that followed the laissez-faire approach of the Bush administration demonstrated in spectacular fashion (try running a modern city without police, and see how well the free market works). By the same argument, one might as well abolish the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Justice, and everyone else who polices the financial markets.
The good citizens at Red Mass Group, who apparently have failed to connect (A) the lack of regulation of Wall Street under Republican rule with (B) the economic collapse of 2008 and the loss of many of their jobs — “Our hero Scott Brown” — are delighted, testimony to the ability of the best spin Wall Street’s money can buy to distort reality.
You don’t have to take my word for it the Boston Globe reports gloom on Wall Street and spooked traders all over the world
p>When you thrown the unemployed off the cliff – and not just the 10,000 per week in Massachusetts but 900,000 a week nationally – and eliminate jobs folks thought were safe, then you also pull the plug on the value of 401ks and the stock market.
p>Nice work, Scott.
p>Nice work, Mitch.
p>Where will the first McConnellville be? Tent cities for summer vacation, anyone??
has become, like much of the contemporary Republican Party, a free-market fundamentalist. You know — the ones that reflexively think that everything that the free market does is good (even as the financial sector tears down the economy and the oil sector destroys the Gulf), and that everything the government does to police the private sector is bad.
p>Scott Brown is still riding high on popularity for now, but keep in mind that 2012 is a long, long way away. The real Scott Brown will continue to be revealed between now and then, and you’ll see his numbers down well in advance of November ’12.
before the first engineered financial crash the CT community pegged the entire operation as a front for establishing predatory lending/fiat money policies for globalist organizations.
And what do we make of this my friends?
p>Wonder where they’ll get the money?
p>If any quote disqualifies Senator Brown as someone serious about reducing the federal debt, this is it right here. In Scott Brown’s world, all of our problems can be solved by tapping into the Magical Money Tree that’s locked in some bureaucratic Washington office somewhere. Why didn’t I think of that?
p>Heckuva budget solution, Brownie!
Brown being the biggest, of course. Can’t say I think much of Frank, Dodd and company for caving in to him, either. I’m sick of all of it, and of all of them.
And Brown’s the most popular politician in Massachusetts? Screw it.
His true stripes are showing, between this vote and the vote against unemployment insurance. So much for being an ‘independent voice’. He’s more like Mitch McConnell’s waterboy.
so naturally they would be applauding Scott Browns decision. They’re clueless. Probably sitting around in pajamas, yawning while scratching their heads, then offering a loud belch to round out the image.
p>Scott Brown, did you know banks aren’t lending now even without a bank tax? Do you still think “trickle down” works? Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Where ya been? Trickle down economics landed us in the the very economic crisis you want to use the status quo to try to get out of.
p>So, as soon as the working middle class voters in Massachusetts get wind of not only this but also the
vote against unemployment benefits, he should definitely not win re-election.
p>OK All, get out your index cards. Put both of these Scott Brown votes on a card and place it on your dashboard to remind you that the next time you are in the grocery store, the post office, a restaurant, the bank, wherever, find one person to discuss these Scott Brown votes with. Share your knowledge with this one person so loudly that everyone in the store, restaurant, bank, post office hushes to hear what your saying. Be sure to be clear, specific and thorough. Make it clear who Scott Brown really is and that he is in no way a working/middle class advocate. He’s a fake, phony, status quo George Bush style Republican. Be sure to let that one person (with 10 other ears listening) know that it would be wise to find some other candidate to support in the next Senate election. This is the only way we can spread the message to those voters who don’t read the newspaper, the web, or those who don’t watch informative news programs. Namely the elderly, busy Moms & Dads, and the poor. Talk, talk, talk. Everyday and local. All politics is local. Let’s get rid of Scott Brown.
The market is endlessly creative when it comes to driving us off a cliff. As long as we feed it money through low interest rates, we will continue to have market bubbles.