Scott Brown along with all of his Republican buddies voted to play politics rather than fighting for jobs and voted to filibuster a re-authorization of long standing jobs bill, one that was created in 1965. A jobs bill that has benefited Republican and Democratic Presidents and had maintained long standing tradition of bi-partisan support. The Economic Development Revitalization Act of 2011, was supported out if committee by Chair Barbara Boxer and Ranking Republican Jim Inhofe.
Some details of the bill (pdf):
* For nearly fifty years, the Economic Development Administration (EDA) has helped to create jobs and spur growth in economically hard-hit communities nationwide.
* Reauthorization of the EDA will help ensure that the agency is able to continue creating jobs and investing in distressed communities.
* Since 2005, the EDA has awarded more than $1.2 billion in grants to hundreds of communities nationwide – investments that are expected to create more than 314,000 jobs.
* Every $1 dollar in EDA grant funding is expected to leverage nearly $7 dollars worth of private investment.
* S. 782 makes changes to the EDA that will: increase flexibility for grantees; lower threshold requirements for grantees to receive an increased federal share; and, make more investments available for planning assistance if EDA funding increases.
Amazing that Inhofe filibusters his own bill.
Scott Brown talks about fighting for jobs but when push comes to shove Brown packed it in and didn’t fight, he bowed down to the Republican leadership and voted down jobs. At a time when we need someone in Washington to fight for jobs Brown has failed us miserably.
seascraper says
johnk says
and has a record of creating jobs. Why do Republicans want to stop programs that create jobs?
SomervilleTom says
Always have, always will.
Republicans bust unions, gut worker protection legislation, gut workplace safety regulations, and destroy services that workers need and use.
When a Republican tells you that he or she “loves working people”, he or she is lying. Period.
hesterprynne says
Guess who else filibustered his own bill?
When this Congressional session got underway, Senator Scott Brown co-sponsored “The Creating Jobs Through Small Business Innovation Act of 2011,” a bill to make small start-up companies that receive most of their funding from venture capital eligible to compete for federal government grants.
But on May 4, when the Senate took a vote to end the Republican filibuster of the bill, Senator Brown voted no.
But wait – there’s more! In June, a month after voting to filibuster his own bill, Senator Brown visited the Cambridge Innovation Center, home to more than 250 start-ups and emerging businesses. His press release says he was there to discuss legislation to create jobs and spur innovation.
michaelbate says
and out of touch with reality. He’s the Senator who claims that global warming is a hoax. Need I say more?
ms says
Behind closed doors, the GOP’ers want to absolutely destroy the economy.
In a Presidential election, each party has its base, and then there are the swing voters.
In an election year after the 1st term of a President, if the wing voters are getting by and have jobs, they vote to re-relect the President.
If they are unemployed and cannot get jobs, they vote to “THROW DA BUM OUT!!!!!!”, regardless of anything else.
Aren’t the GOP’ers sweethearts?