Tonight at 8:05 PM, Scott Brown strategist Eric Fehrnstrom tweeted the following from his account:
“I’m excited to announce that Cindy Creem is the newest hire at my charity, Be the Change #mapoli #masen” Source: 10:06pm 8/23/11 accessed via UberTwitter
Why in the world would one of Scott Brown’s strategists tweet a reference to Sen. Creem and Alan Khazei’s Be the Change organization? Why would he do it from the first person?
For any BMGers on Twitter, you’re probably familiar with the @CrazyKhazei account. For the most part, the account has been impersonating U.S. Senate candidate Alan Khazei and mocking him. This has become standard on Twitter, and the accounts seem to come and go. Not too long ago there was an account satirizing Secretary Bill Galvin called @LordoftheHill but that seems to have disappeared. They’re really not that funny after a while, and I usually ignore them. The same went for the @CrazyKhazei account until Eric Fehrnstrom tweeted that strange tweet at 8:05pm.
Kevin Franck of the MassDems caught the tweet at around 10:00pm and I saw him mention it a few minutes later and got the screenshot above on my phone. Fehrnstrom has since deleted the tweet.
What he hasn’t deleted yet, however, is the @CrazyKhazei twitter account and the 157 tweets he’s sent out. Let’s take a closer look at some of those tweets – they’re a bit more interesting to read into when you know it’s coming straight from Scott Brown (and Mitt Romney) top strategist Eric Fehrnstrom. I’ve selected a bunch and you can find them under the flip. The Elizabeth Warren ones are gold.
With Fehrnstrom on board with Brown pulling immature stunts like this, it’s going to be a long campaign season. It’s great to have this window into Fehrnstrom’s strategy.
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on “It Get’s Better Video”
Nothing new here, just the same old “jobs, jobs, not creating any jobs” shtick:
“I promise to devote all my time in office to making gay videos. Shame on Scott Brown for focusing on jobs! #mapoli” 31 July via Web
And a little “Dan Savage is evil”:
“If someone said “vile” and “sexually crude” things about me, I would happily work with them. #mapoli #itgetsbetter” 2 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on Elizabeth Warren
She’s a carpetbagger! She moved here seventeen years ago to run for senate!
“Elizabeth Warren? C’mon, this is Massachusetts, not Oklahoma #mapoli” 31 Jul via Web
“New York Magazine defends right of Oklahoma native Elizabeth Warren to run in Massachusetts #mapoli” 20 Aug via Web
“Honestly, so far the only people I know who are excited about Elizabeth Warren live outside Massachusetts #mapoli #masen” 20 Aug via Web
“Not true. I saw her in Harvard Square once RT @3January2013 GOP Says Elizabeth Warren Has Basically Never Been to Massachusetts #mapoli” 22 Aug via Web
Doug Rubin worked as a lobbyist! It’s not that Eric realizes Doug is ten times better than he is, no way!
“Do you think Elizabeth Warren checked in with Steve Pagliuca before hiring Doug Rubin? #mapoli #masen” 12 Aug via Web
She’s Martha Coakley! She’s Martha Coakley!
“If you squint, she looks like Martha Coakley MT @JimmyCawley: Elizabeth Warren addresses Democrats in Dorchester” 15 Aug via Web
“Elizabeth Warren “another Martha Coakley?”” 19 Aug via Web
“Echoes of Martha Coakley? Eliz Warren’s supporters forget which “Scott” she’s running against #mapoli” 19 Aug via Web
She’s a lefty liberal! Pink right down to her underwear!
“Eliz Warren was too liberal to get confirmed by a Democratic Senate, yet she’s going to be our next Senator? Ooookay. #mapoli” 16 Aug via Web
She’s hiding from the press! Does Senator Brown open up all of his campaign meetings?
“How come Eliz Warren won’t open her neighborhood political meetings to the press or public? #outrage #mapoli” 16 Aug via Web
She’s a liberal! Still!
“On Eliz Warren’s listening tour, she’s only listening to liberals. I’ll listen to anyone crazy enough to talk to me #mapoli” 18 Aug via Web
Do you think he tweeted this before or after he sent marching orders to Eabo Clipper to write an RMG post:
“Elizabeth Warren’s political committee email address is, a DC lobbyist/law firm. Some grassroots! #mapoli” 18 Aug via Web
At least Fehrnstrom is scared enough of Elizabeth Warren to have done his research:
“Robt Reich RT @conoryunits Good question. Ever happen? RT @twallack: When’s the last time a Harvard prof has run 4 office? #masen #mapoli” 18 Aug via Web
“@scottmelbourne I have a lot of oppo I’ll be dropping on Eliz Warren, don’t you worry.” 22 Aug via Web
“Elizabeth Warren’s “Cambridge centric” view” 19 Aug via Web
“Elizabeth Warren’s view of Boston . . from the Cambridge side of the river #mapoli #masen” 22 Aug via Web
“@elizabethforma is not following anyone on twitter. Typical Harvard elitist. #mapoli #masen” 19 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on putting fingers in David Bernstein’s mouth
This isn’t so much Scott Brown, but Fehrnstrom did block Bernstein on Twitter. It’s not high school, I swear.
“What’s up? RT @dbernstein Wife’s ill, email’s not working, & heading shortly to a wake. If you want a really cranky response, Tweet me a Q!” 31 July via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on local newspapers and good reporting
Here Fehrnstrom goes after the Dorchester Reporter’s Gintautas Dumcius:
“@gintautasd I admire your dogged reporting for a newspaper that no one reads. Is it online?” 31 July via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on Setti Warren’s campaign and Newton finances
Fehrnstrom tosses a little comedic jab at Setti Warren’s campaign debt:
“Hee, hee. I wrote @SettiWarren a $2500 campaign check against an overdrawn bank account#settimoneywoes#mapoli#masen“ 31 July via Web
And on Newton’s finances:
“Setti is calling on Congress to return to DC to deal with S&P downgrade. He should get his ass back to Newton and do the same.” 14 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on a balanced approach to the deficit
Fehrnstrom calls Khazei a tax and spend liberal. Shocking.
“Put me down for higher taxes MT @RWwatchMA Any word from MA Sen candidates on their assessment of the debt ceiling deal?” #mapoli July 31 via Web
Scott Brown hates taxes:
“The major issue dividing me from Scott Brown is higher taxes. He’s against them, I’m for them. #mapoli #masen” 3 Aug via Web
Democrats just want to tax and spend:
“The only reason the stimulus failed is because we didn’t do more of it. We have to spend our way to prosperity. #mapoli” 3 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on Demoratic donors
They’re elitists! Elitists! Not like Tufts-educated supermodel Scott Brown. He’s blue collar.
“Just got back from sunny California. Thanks to all the elitists there for donating to my campaign#mapoli” 31 July via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on Coakley Comparisons
Eric really wishes Sen. Brown was running against Martha Coakley again.
“Warning to all press types. Michael Meehan is working for me. He does not like reporters. Watch:” 31 Jul via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on furthering nasty satire
Fehrnstrom is impersonating Khazei, and tries to further confuse the tweeting masses:
“Apparently, there’s a fake twitter account out there called .@AlanKhazei. Please do not follow that imposter #mapoli” 1 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on Tom Conroy
He was in the state legislature, and served under DiMasi!? Let’s try really, really, really hard to connect them!
“DiMasi puppet (snicker) RT @tomconroysenate: Met Dedham firefighters. They want better firehouses and benefits. #mapoli #masen” 1 Aug via Web
“Pssst . . DiMasi puppet MT@buckbuckaroo I like @tomconroysenate. He’s more issue based then the other Democratic candidates. #mapoli #masen” 6 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on Glen Johnson
I guess Fehrstrom and the Globe’s Glen Johnson still don’t get along. Great video if you haven’t seen it.
“If @globeglen gets any skinnier, I’m calling 911. Just kidding, Glen. Call me on the debt deal. Voters should know where I stand. #mapoli” 1 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrtstrom talking point on Scott Brown’s lack of town halls
Well, the other candidates haven’t done them either. They’re not elected United States Senators, but why should I have to do a town hall? At least he acknowledges Brown’s dependence on talk radio.
“Someone tell Scott Brown going on talk radio is not the same as a town hall. One of these days, I’m going to do a town hall. #mapoli” 1 Aug via Web
After all, Fehrnstrom says meeting with Brown’s staffers is pretty much the same thing:
“Being accessible won’t help you Scott! RT @USSenScottBrown Come meet with my staff in Berkley Tuesday, August 23” 17 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrstrom talking point on the Boston Globe
The Globe is evil!
“Yo @GlobeMartyBaron. I have more anti-Scott Brown story ideas to share with you. I will call in the morning. #mapoli #masen” 1 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on Blue Mass Group
I sense some sarcasm, which means you guys are just as evil as the Globe! You’ve really made it! Congratulations!
“I want to thank @bluemassgroup for their always honest and objective reporting on MA politics #mapoli” 2 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on Patrick/Murray economic leadership
Fehrnstrom recognizes Gov. Patrick and Lt. Gov. Murray’s leadership on guiding the Massachusetts economy through recovery! Thanks, Eric!
“Yes, they have lead us very well RT @massdems The Patrick-Murray administration has lead the #MA economy firmly into recovery mode #mapoli” 3 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on marijuana use
In favor, apparently. Or accusing Khazei of being a drug user. Which one, Eric?
“A bong MT @BU_Tweets Move-in is less than a month away — time to pack! What is one thing you’re glad you brought with you freshman year?” 5 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on opposition going negative
As Eric Fehrnstrom does Scott Brown’s bidding in a clearly negative way, he accuses the opposition of getting ready to go negative:
“Despite the high ideals that motivated me to get into public service, I intend to go harshly negative on Scott Brown #mapoli” 6 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrstrom talking point on the gas tax
Apparently Brown is against repealing the gas tax. Good. Take that, tea party!
“Setti also told @WuWCVB he favors repeal of the federal gas tax. He’s either clueless, or thinks he’s in a GOP primary #mapoli” 14 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrstrom talking point on Bob Massie
Brown chooses to pretend Bob Massie is invisible
“Joe Trippi has done an outstanding job for Bob Massie. By the way, is Massie still in the race? #mapoli #masen”14 Aug via Web
Scott Brown/Eric Fehrnstrom talking point on Khazei’s sanity
Aside from the username of @CrazyKhazei, Fehrnstrom again takes the opportunity to call Khazei crazy:
“Dear Mr .@HeyCallahan: From one crazy guy to another, how about a follow? Throw me a bone. #mapoli #masen” 16 Aug via Web
Whois Results for ‘’
created: 14-Jan-2011
last-changed: 04-May-2011
registration-expiration: 14-Jan-2012
registrant-firstname: Robert
registrant-lastname: Willington
registrant-state: MA
registrant-city: Reading
registrant-ccode: US
Further research showed me that this man is Scott Brown’s online strategist.
Are domain registrations tea leaves? If they are, you should check out who registered
this could get interesting.
The Shawmut Group (Fehrnstrom) has received $60,000 from Brown’s campaign this year 1/1 through 6/30 FEC Reports
Willington Media has received $21,000 from Brown’s campaign this year through 6/30 FEC reports.
Willington is also an employee of Swiftcurrent strategies and a former ED of Mass GOP.
Rob Willington also registered the following according to WhoIs records.
your exposure (and NICE job BTW) nips this line of attack in the bud! If we’re going to see candidates mocked, it’d be nice to stick to their actual records, instead of mere satire (like the Bobblehead campaign, which is outlining ACTUAL votes by Brown).
It looks like the cite property for blockquote didn’t do anything, so here it is: Reaction to Massachusetts senate result
His posts seem immature and unbecoming of a US Senator he seeks to represent. Besides, shouldn’t a spokesman for an incumbent be touting his boss’ record?
I guess this stuff is scraps of red meat for snotty GOPers.
I think Warren can handle the heat, however.
…having multiple accounts of my own. I’ve DONE it before, except that MY tweets are not embarrassing and questionably tasteless, so a simple deletion or retraction suffices. The way it happens is if you are using third party software (in my case, Seesmic) to manage multiple accounts (and in my case, I can post to Facebook and to my Facebook Pages as well). If you have the wrong accounts selected when you post an update, well you see the result.
I also posted on this, it’s too precious for words!
With the thumbs down? What, for saying that the tweets are tasteless? Well, they are. The rest of the comment is merely an explanation of how you can post to the wrong account. Good lord, stop being so sensitive.
and throw it out the window at this point. The only way Brown recovers is if Fehrnstrom and Wellington are fired from his campaign. The posts take on a different life now that we know if came from the Brown campaign.
– Scott Brown
Because Scott Brown is brave, noble, and pure of heart. Surely nobody would dare question his morals or integrity. Whereas his opponents are nasty, sordid beasts with no shred of human decency. It’s no wonder that Brown is expected to win both the Democratic and Republican primaries, as well as the general election, by over 100%.
He needs to show he’s not Romney’s puppet. I remember the dismay I felt when Romney introduced Brown on election night, saying “what a candidate!” I have no idea if he was stealing Brown’s thunder or owned Brown all along, but ditching Romney’s childish campaign manager would be a good way to set the record straight going forward.
the schizophrenic:
CrazyKhazei: “I was *cough* busy that day RT @EricFehrn Scott Brown runs Nantucket Triathlon, finishing 50 out of 763. Not too shabby”
the ironic:
“CrazyKhazei: “Agreed RT @buckbuckaroo I’ve realized most anonymous #mapoli accounts use really bad disguises. Even the lame fake ones. #masen”
CrazyKhazei: Yay, my birthday! RT @dtfan579 @CrazyKhazei What RW “new media consultant” are you? I notice this domain was registered 1/14/2011 #mapoli
What is this, high school?
And hey, they mentioned the actual website!!!
Why is Fehrnstrom comparing Mitt to Kerry for appearing on TV in front of a bunch of yachts? Doesn’t he work for Mitt? I know “Like Kerry” is not the image Romney is currently trying to project.!/CrazyKhazei/status/105816063517802496
They’re quoting you on the front page at DailyKos:
cost-benefit ratio of fake Twitter accounts tips toward: don’t do it!
Cost: Ferhnstrom’s reputation for competence, putting Brown in a difficult position, potential loss of Ferhnstrom to campaign, cheapening political discourse (but that’s 90% GOP discourse, so it probably shouldn’t count)
Benefits: Ferhnstrom relieves his stress?
I got 4 thumbs down about tweets being “scraps” of red meat for the party faithful, I must have struck a nerve. Because what negative effect could these tweets have on Khazei?