Everyone knows that Scott Brown is expected to win over 100 percent of the vote in 2012 and bolster his Tea Party base with a landslide of Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, and Green Party votes. Nonetheless, it is astounding that his designer-label $10 million dollar campaign team managed to let this video online, unless they’ve reached the point where they are just having fun with the voters in a 41-17 with under three minutes to go kind of way (and who could blame them).
Brown warms up by comparing himself, a former town property assessor and Big Government employee of almost 20 years standing, to a “wet blanket.” He closes by sharing his “biggest problem:” he doesn’t know what’s next. Leadership: pass it on. And all this from his own campaign. A Tea Party Senate win in a Massachusetts special election: $11.08 million. Scott Brown for Senate 2012: priceless.
When he says “don’t know what comes next” he’s technically speaking as though he were one of the poor bums that can’t get into his no-jobs tour events. He’s not saying HE doesn’t know what comes next, but that the scared, frustrated people don’t know. However, that’s where my analysis begins. Check it out.
(And thanks for posting so I could tear him apart in my own blog!)
Your interpretation, to be fair, and God bless you for it, is even less favorable to the former tax assessor than mine. If he does know what’s coming next but won’t share it with the common folk then he is callous and uncaring instead of just helpless and overwhelmed. But I interpret his “you” as inclusive: “you, me, everybody:” none of us know what is coming next.
Mr Brown is spouting a thoroughly standard Republican talking point, namely, that it is uncertainty about taxes and regulation that prevents businesses from blossoming. By that view, there are hoards of would-be entrepreneurs saying to themselves, “Oh deary me! I have this great idea for a very successful business, but what will those scary bureaucrats do? Why tomorrow, they could make my business illegal! And taxes! Oh taxes! That Obama persons is going to raise taxes sky high any year now! I just wish I could invest! I wish! I wish! But the uncertainty is too much. I don’t know what’s next.”
Boehner and other members of the House Republican leadership have also pushed this touching scene from their play The Entrepreneur Deterred. As an explanation for the economic downturn or the continuing lack of jobs, it’s not very convincing. Not even the other people in the diner seemed convinced.
I suppose the companies making hip replacement parts that don’t work would be able to make a lot more profit too if it weren’t for those mean regulators. And the coal mine owners — think what they might have to suffer if there were more horrible liberals stirring up trouble about mine safety. Tell me too why we should have this job-killing concern about salmonella?
These kids he played Uno with at the Dorchester Boys and Girls Club, for example, were all over him with demands that the guidelines for emission reductions resulting from forest degradation be clarified. They also had a lot of questions about the status of current passive loss deduction carryover timetables.
Because seeing it written out makes you realize how incredibly content-free Brown’s “jobs” program is. Remember – this is what the Brown campaign itself put out. This is the best they’ve got. Holy crap.
Kinda where my post ended up too…unbelievable. This will NOT connect with MA voters who are hurting.
They want solutions not talking points.
But you’re right, seeing it written out is…mind boggling.
(Just as an aside, an Elizabeth Warren could rip that apart with her eyes closed and both hands tied behind her back at 5am before coffee. Yeesh! Not that I am complaining that it appears the Brown campaign is bringing a knife to a gun fight…for once it’s not the Dems, we can hope…)