Growing up, every decision for my family involved a careful calculation about how we could pay for it — a visit to the doctor, a tank of gas to drive to my grandparents’ house, a new pair of school shoes.
My Aunt Bert cut everyone’s hair, my Aunt Bee bought my Easter dress every year, and my brother David paid for his school clothes with money from his paper route. There were plenty of ups and downs. When my father had a heart attack, the store where he worked changed his job and cut his pay. We lost our car, and my mother went to work answering phones at Sears so we could make the mortgage payments.
My parents worked hard all their lives. My three older brothers carved out their own futures—one was career air force, one worked heavy construction, and one started his own business. I went to college on a scholarship, got married, and started teaching in an elementary school. But I never shook off the worry: did we have enough money to cover basic expenses, enough money to help our parents retire, enough money to build secure futures for our children?
After I graduated law school, I started focusing on what was happening to other hard working families like ours. The story isn’t good. For a generation now, incomes have been flat, while basic expenses like housing, health care, and child care have risen sharply. Families have turned more and more to debt to finance education, to pay medical bills, to cover a cutback in hours or a job loss—or just to make it to the end of the month. With each passing year, families have found themselves with less economic cushion to absorb a major health care crisis, a job loss, or a divorce. What it means to be middle class in this country – having a good job, owning a home, putting together the money to pay for college – seems to be slipping out of reach.
Today, it’s harder than ever for middle class families in Massachusetts and across the country to get by. Each day, more families find themselves deeply worried about money. They wake up to news about wild swings in the stock market and a government that seems unable to exercise even the most basic common sense. They see shuttered windows on Main Street and hear about the latest neighbor to lose a job or a home. They wonder what will be the next shoe to drop in their communities or in their own families.
A few years ago, I decided to tackle one part of the problem—big banks that drained billions of dollars out of families’ pockets by hiding costs in fine print and selling predatory loans. I started to work on an idea for a new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) because I believed it could help make a real difference in the lives of middle class families. The concept is simple: in a world where debt has become so common and necessary, families need to be able to understand and to compare loan products like mortgages and credit cards so they can make good financial decisions. The costs and risks of financial deals should be clear and transparent — no tricks, no traps.
After Congress enacted the new CFPB last year, President Obama asked me to help set it up. Starting from our first weeks, we were determined to make things better for American families. We worked to make federal mortgage paperwork shorter and easier to understand, we set-up an Office of Servicemember Affairs to help military families navigate the financial repercussions of deployments and frequent moves, and we developed systems to make sure that even trillion-dollar banks comply with the law. We put in place the building blocks for an agency that will make credit markets safer and fairer for families.
Last week, my role setting up the consumer agency ended. My husband and I packed up the car and made it back to our home of 17 years in Massachusetts.
I left Washington, but I don’t plan to stop fighting for middle class families. I spent years working against special interests and have the battle scars to show it – and I have no intention of stopping now. It is time for me to think hard about what role I can play next to help rebuild a middle class that has been hacked at, chipped at, and pulled at for more than a generation—and that that is under greater strain every day.
In the weeks ahead, I want to hear from you about the challenges we face and how we get our economy growing again. I also want to hear your ideas about how we can fix what all of us – regardless of party – know is a badly broken political system. In Washington, I saw up close and personal how much influence special interests have over our law-making, and I saw just how hard it is for families to be heard. I want to hear your thoughts about how we can make sure that our voices –our families, our friends, and our neighbors — are heard again.
We have a lot of work to do in our commonwealth and our country. We need to rebuild our economy family by family and block by block. We need to create new jobs and to fix our broken housing market. We need to make sure that there is real accountability over Wall Street and that the greed and recklessness that created the last financial crisis do not create the next one. We need to restore the hope of a secure retirement and the promise of a good education. We need to stop measuring our economy by profits and executive compensation at our largest companies and start measuring it by how many families can stand securely in the middle class.
I am glad to be back home. And I’m looking forward to discussing with you what we can accomplish together.
when are you going to announce your candidacy?
Now that I am back home, I really want to travel through the state and hear more from all kinds of people, before I make a decision. Thanks for writing – stay in touch.
We would love to have you come to the Massachusetts Democratic Party North Shore BBQ at the home of Beth Welch and Chuck Christensen 69 High Road, Newbury at 4:00 on Saturday August 27th. Lots of local Democratic activists will be there because here on the North Shore, we party for the Party!!
I’d like to point out that the North Shore BBQ is a Massachusetts Democratic Party fund-raiser and anyone wishing to attend should sign up at For questions, contact (We need to know you’re coming so we won’t run out of food!! And oh, the food..)
Professor Warren, provided you decide to run, I would very much like to be on your campaign’s field team. Last cycle, I was the Berks County Coordinator for Sestak for Senate and I’m currently an associate for a political consultancy in Texas. I’ve sent emails to the field people at both the MA Dems and the DSCC about my interest in this race. I would really, really like to be on the list of organizers you guys consider if you run. It’s my top choice for the 2012 cycle.
Starts with fixing the finances of American families. No one in America can make this case better than you can. We need your voice and experience in the Senate.
Keep us posted here on your public schedule for your listening tour. I’d like to encourage other progressives in my community to turn out. I’d be proud to help organize for you in Arlington if you join the race.
Really hoping you will decide to make the run. I know that a Senate campaign is more work than most people want to do in a lifetime and that you have just come off a very difficult and stressful job. No thoughtful person would think less of you if you decided you had done your bit and backed away.
However, in the Senate and in a campaign for the Senate you can command attention and continue to advocate for regular people and against those who trick, trap, and plunder them. I have seen no one in the administration and very few on the liberal left who can make the case for protecting and strengthening the middle class as well as you.
The libertarian right and the low wage, cheap labor conservatives have the media megaphone and hammer their talking points day in and day out. The center of our political discourse moves ever further to the right of what we used to think of as the American consensus.
I have been fortunate enough to discover some of your lectures and interviews on the web. You are a thoughtful teacher and an advocate to behold. People may be ready to listen.
I would be proud to support your candidacy and proud to have you as one of my Senators.
Professor Warren, what are your views on current education policy?
Another way that middle class and lower income families are undersiege are from Duncan’s/Obama’s education policies. They are having the effect of taking the “public” out of public education (meaning democratic participation) and placing corporations in charge of what we are doing in our schools. The upper class send their kids to exclusive private schools while the rest of us are subjected to ever narrowing curricula and excessive testing. Funding for regular public schools is being funneled to often corporate run (and corporate supported) charter schools which often do not serve the same population as the local district schools and (at least in Massachusetts) are not under local control. Recent loss of more federal dollars for schools affects public schools disproportionately when compared to the charters that also receive private funding.
All of this is bolstering the divide between the haves and the rest of us by permeating down to the future generations.
NCLB needs to be radically overhauled – if not thrown out altogether
and starting again.
It is important to me to have our elected officials fighting for us – on the economic front but also on the educational front as well.
It is a frightening thought, isn’t it? That coporations will have influence and control over our educational system.
The issue I see, and it is a glaring one, is that the conservatives are MUCH better at talking points, buzz words, and staying on message. A message that plays up fear. When they say “government take over of education” or that public education is “indoctrination” the average American views that negatively. They feel as if an outside influence is trying to take over. They equate the outside influence with our gov’t.
The Democratic Party needs to start reminding the people that the government IS the people. It is not Socialist to say that your government is YOU in representative form. Someone needs the courage to get up on a stage during a televised debate and call this out.
They need to say “enough with the fear, semantic games, distracting assaults” and then show examples of how its being done.
We have some great Dems running and you would be an powerful additional voice. Looking to learning more about you. Welcome!
This is a classic I’m-considering-running post. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if you jump in the race, I’ll probably be on board. I haven’t picked a primary candidate yet, mostly because we’re spoiled here in MA and so I want a candidate that is a) articulate and engaging, b) progressive, and c) good at campaigning a la Patrick/Murray. I haven’t really seen anyone who fits the first bill well enough to make me start looking at the second two. The only question mark in your case is c (because you haven’t ever run before) but if you get the right attitude and people about you, then I think it’s really a no-brainer. After all, Patrick did it, from being a total unknown, and you have an actual public profile.
But, you gotta start soon if you want to do it right! Hope you do it, for all our sakes. I think you could win.
We need to have real fighters – more and better Dems please!
That candidate is Bob Massie. Lynne, if you are not familiar with Bob I wish you would take the time to check him out – his convention speech was amazing but there is a whole lot more at Bob’s website and he is way better in person!
I think I clicked the wrong thumb…good post amberpaw.
None of the candidates in the race excited me. Most of them were not ready for primetime. Massie isn’t bad, but I am also looking toward the general election and who can really rile things up and beat Brown, and he hasn’t convinced me he can run statewide.
Of course, Elizabeth Warren hasn’t, either, but I am extremely interested to see if she does all the right things (and I can say, without a doubt, she’s off to a pretty good start). Something about her has a similar feel to Patrick’s 06 campaign, and while I’m sure that doesn’t get your enthused, I’m still a pretty heavy supporter of Patrick (other than casinos) and I like what we got with the manner in which he campaigned.
I also want a candidate that is articulate, engaging, progressive, good at campaigning, with a history of working for inclusive justice, and a real fighter who will not give up. Fortunately I have found him, and his name is Bob Massie.
With all due respect, I have not seen any evidence that Professor Warren will be a better campaigner. I have not seen any evidence that Professor Warren knows the ins and outs of Massachusetts politics, and MA politics is kind of complicated (!). I have not seen any evidence that she has name recognition outside of political junkies like us.
I am willing to debate any Warren supporters and even Professor Warren herself on any of these points, and of course I am willing to make the positive case for Bob Massie anywhere and anytime.
Do you have a Twitter handle?
In this settlement with the state of Massachusetts, Goldman Sachs is described as engaging in huddles with certain clients to make trades, sometimes against the published price targets of Goldman analysts, ahead of specific catalysts. Do you have any idea what the specific catalysts were/are?
How much of our financial system is this kind of trading and how much is actual productive investment?
I signed on to the “Draft Elizabeth Warren for Senate” movement a few weeks ago, and I’ve been hoping that you’d make an announcement soon
We need a real progressive who will fight for the little guy – not Wall Street!
If you decide to run – you can count on my support. (Worcester)
to Wall Street. But in this case, it seems Elizabeth Warren has really dedicated herself to doing just that. When I first read her indictment in 2008 of the credit card industry and its predatory lending practices, I was impressed. At the time, she proposed creating a Financial Product Safety Commission. She then went on to set up something very much like it.
In fact, not many candidates back up their words with deeds. Warren, I think, has done the groundwork for her candidacy.
And thank you for CPFB, a great achievement in these times.
this post is (perhaps not surprisingly) getting a lot of attention.
The Hill
Roll Call
State House News, too.
also National Journal – though they bizarrely choose not to link back, or even to name BMG.
But it’s BLOGGERS who aren’t journalists or have any ethics.
Yeah I know, old news, dying inside joke. Hey, I still have “Member of the reality-based community of progressive blogs” as a tagline on my blog. 🙂
I arrived here by way of the Huffington Post.
My links don’t post. A good article and lots of possitive feedback from HPers.
In another extremely amusing Globe story “Warren takes first steps toward Senate run” reporter Theo Emery manages to make himself look silly by writing an entire article about a blog post without proving able to either mention the blog’s name or link to it — in a tory published online, no less. There must be an aphorism for this kind of traditional media ostriching. “Hum with my fingers in my ears and the Internet will go away?” I don’t know.
if I am not mistaken, has referred to Scott Brown as a “moderate!”
I just now added a link to this post in the comments section of the Globe piece.
Long time resident of worcester county – will definitely vote for you if you decide to run
Professor Warren,
I have wanted to contact you for many months now, mostly in vain. However, since this seems to be one of a few outlets where I can try to reach out to you, I will try my case.
Ms. Warren, I have been following your every word, video, interview, and presentation for maybe a little over the past 4 years now. You have been a small light of inspiration to all of us who feel taken advantage of by multinational/conglomerate corporate entities, specifically the finance and bank institutions. I want to thank you from all of us who have believed and watched you so closely, because of your honesty to our faces, and the way you break down complicated terminologies and concepts to the huddled masses.
This does not come from a place of fear of Republican domination or a retreat from fighting. It comes from a place of belief that you are bigger than a state senate seat, and are bigger than a local or even state elected official or representative.
You represent all of those in this country who have felt taken advantage of, and have minimal understanding of current economic and global forces in relation to finance/commercial/investment banks and institutions. We all wanted you to be the new CFPB so badly, but President Obama cowered in fear, even when he could’ve appointed you during the congressional recess.
I totally agree with rationalbias’ statement, I think you are selling yourself short by just going for a Senate seat. I myself have watched you through the years and you are the shinning light this country needs. Please, reconsider and run for President.
We all know what needs to be done in Washington and throughout this great Nation; we just need someone to do it. In Congress, that whole system needs a good dose of Ethics and if that doesn’t work there are enough laws in the books to put some of these crooked leaders behind bars for a long time.
Wall Street is another system that’s broken; what they need is regulation just like the banks in this country. With today’s technology there is no reason for a bank like B/A to be so inept as they were with a couple in Florida that actually paid their house with cash and had a deed yet B/A still foreclosed on them. That is unacceptable with today’s technology and cross reference data systems.
This country needs a long term vision, a challenge if you will that will inspire people to go back to work. You see them interviewed on TV and they seem lost, disoriented or they want an extension on their unemployment benefits or someone to help them. They can’t see beyond their difficulties which hinders them from taking steps toward self improvement. In fact there are enough resources that can aid in this endeavor so they could learn new skills and not always have to look for a handout. Personal responsibility goes a long way but no one at the Federal level or even State level wants to say it.
Before I retired I worked in Grocery retail and I was manager a good number of those years and even though I had to work within Union rules I still had my team work based on performance. If they didn’t perform during their hours work; hours would be cut, they would not get wanted days off or the ideal schedule. The employees that did perform and took instruction were very happy and loyal to the team; hence they would stay over if needed or got the days off they wanted. The system changed, it took six months to get rid of those bad apples but the store went from $67K gross per week to $150K gross per week in six months. It can be done with the right people. You manage things like training, research the competition and you inspire your employees to be the best they can be.
The Education system needs mending as well. I for one believe that there are only a few good teachers in the nation that can inspire to learn and teach the basics. I would produce DVDs of their instruction and mass produce them or even better have downloads available for every possible subject and have schools only for testing base on the knowledge level taught on the DVD’s and a platform to socialize. Pay these teachers by the number of downloads that they get. You have Youtube/ PDF files that can be use instead of school books and class rooms. I would suggest ubiquitous Internet access and less expensive laptops that can be had for a fraction for the purpose of educating the masses. I am sure that all this would be a fraction of what the Public School system is costing this Nation currently.
I wish you luck in your decision and you have my support even though I live in Albuquerque, NM.
It’s important that more actual progressives take seats in Congress. Advising one of those actual progressives to not run for the Senate because she’s “bigger than that” immediately raises the question: what possible role can she play that’s bigger than US Senator? I emphasize the possible component of the question. Al Gore-style activist guru roles aren’t really very influential.
The Senate is precisely the place for people who want to speak on a national stage. Short of running for president, I can’t imagine a better way for Elizabeth Warren to get her message out than a campaign for U.S. Senate.
I’ll have some responses for you.
I don’t see any.
Let’s refrain from some of the idealistic notions of change that Elizabeth Warren can bring. Yes, she can come in and try her best to pass legislation for the middle class or the poor and unfortunate, but will it be systemic, foundational change? The same kind of change that Barack Obama made once he was elected into office?
Instead, let’s take a step back, and look at what it takes for a candidate to win an election, and what must they endure?
If you think Republicans attacking Elizabeth Warren prior to a confirmation to be the head of the CFPB was something, then you haven’t seen anything until she runs for elected office. The conservative/Republican party will do everything in their power to tear her down to the American public. It won’t matter if it’s spin, bullshit, or misrepresented facts, they will try to destroy her to all of us. I would not want her to endure that.
I know that non-profit organizations are a dime a dozen. And we want to vote people into office who we believe in, like Elizabeth Warren. But what kind of “real change” is voting Professor Warren into office? Will it change the dynamics of the Senate or Congress? Because in all honesty we know some of the laws we must pass to truly reconstruct democracy in our country. Those would be creating a modernized version of Glass-Steagall and very strong derivatives regulations. Passing an updated version of the Fairness Doctrine, so there will be more unbiased news from news networks, and it won’t be fully partisan based on ideologies. Public option for all people to lower costs, and compete with private insurance companies. These are some of the foundational changes we need. And just electing 1 or 2 congress officials, or even the President like Barack Obama won’t make any real change, we’ve seen what happened with that right? He’s a moderate Republican, plain and simple.
I’m not sure what Elizabeth Warren could do. Maybe she could be the head of a network that connects important and strong democratic organizations, and non-profit organizations together to consolidate our power and our voice to our officials. Consolidated power is the only way we will have any impact or voice, because our voices randomly dispersed across the country cannot be heard. But when we can channel that together from different spectrums of the political process, together, with all of our progressive voices and all of our collected power together, can we actually do anything real.
God help us all. Good luck.
I get your points, but too overgeneralized. Give me some responses later too
Given the lack of good news coming out of Washington for……….years? I do hope you will use your considerable talents to focus on a Senate race. It would be a joy to vote for you. (Hint: apparently you must stay current with your knowledge of the Red Sox)
I look forward to any meeting you might hold in the Pioneer Valley, Western MA, five college area, Springfield.
After watching you in interviews over the last couple of years, you appear to be the only stand out in the Straightforward Department, which is sorely understaffed. Please run.
I appreciate your kind words – and your advice on the Red Sox! I’ve always figured that anyone who thinks you can live near Boston and not root loudly for the Red Sox has never lived near Boston. I am looking forward to getting to Pioneer Valley soon.
There are more than a few of us out in here in Nebraska that are envious of you Massachusetts. Professor Warren’s common sense is greatly appreciated even out here in the sticks. Thank you for your service so far. It would be great to see you in the Senate!
Our DTC is hosting all the Senate Candidates, we would love to see you in Franklin and talk to you about the issues we are facing. The fact you are back home in Mass, and want to talk to the people about the issues is the best news I’ve heard all day. Please, run for Senate!
I wish I was in MA so I could support you more. You may not run to represent me directly but I want you to know that someone down in Texas supports you and is glad you are fighting the good fight!
P.S. All Your Worth had a big impact on my life and finances, thank you Dr. Warren!
I am so excited to see you here to listen to the people who have so much to say and are not being heard. I will be back later to share my worries and the problems that we are facing on Main St. It’s going to take me a little while because I want to make sure that what I say is clear and not misunderstood. Thank You so much and You are the best Elizabeth Warren!!!!!
If you announce that you are running, I’m in — with enthusiasm!
Professor Warren: I’m a big fan, which is precisely why I don’t want to see you run for the Senate. Why anyone would want to become a member of that dysfunctional body is beyond me, but particularly any true progressive. How much more graphically do you need to see the way the very few progressives in that body have been emasculated to realize it’s no place for someone who still has kojones, like you, but would never get to use them?
Take a look at what happened to Al Franken, someone I consider (or at least used to) to be a true progressive. He’s been relegated to voice-in-the-wilderness status, as has the Senate’s one true progressive, Bernie Sanders. Franken even voted FOR the debt ceiling deal, as did such Democratic progressives in name only as Levin, Whitehouse and Reed.
The Democratic apparatchiks want you to run so they can neutralize you as a forceful and effective progressive voice. If you win, you will be essentially warehoused in the Democratic caucus,and your voice will be dimmed (if not totally silenced) especially since you will be a freshman, the lowliest of the low in that good ole boy body,not to mention the second-class status women in that body are frequently relegated to.
I can’t tell you ALL the reasons your running for this office would be a big mistake, so I’ll recommend you read what I consider to be the best explanation of those reasons by the respected economics (and occasionally political) blogger, Yves Smith, in her blog post entitled “Why Liberals are Lame, Part 3: Why a Warren Run for Senate is a Terrible Idea”:
Yves has an equally trenchant post about why your best move would be to run for President:, which I agree with. It’s not like you owe anything more to Obama than reciprocation for the disgraceful way he treated you, is it?
Whatever you decide to do, best of luck. You are one of the very few people in public life who deserve the title, “the genuine article.”
and elevates the usual public discourse.
The way for the Senate to start serving the people better is to replace someone like Scott Brown, who keeps the field tilted in favor of polluters and hedge fund managers, with a Democrat who will push to level the playing field so people who work hard and play by the rules can get ahead again. Elizabeth Warren would be a tremendous improvement. And if she runs, she gets to explain her values to a broader audience than just viewers of PBS’ NOW and readers of The Nation.
Running for Senate will not marginalize her. For Pete’s sake, Al Franken is a vastly better Senator than Norm Coleman.
went food shopping and got into an argument with the cashier about whether it was ok for her to put a pie in the bottom of the bag and heavy stuff on top of it.
Then I came home and read your piece.
All is now well. Yippee.
I want to beat Scott Brown, and while the other candidates are interesting progressives, I believe we need a candidate with some star-power. Sorry guys, Elizabeth Warren is the one who can win.
I’m with you, as will be Western MA.
How can we contact you to let you know about local events.
I just want to say on behalf of all those across the country who have ties to Massachusetts, that you will have the support of thousands who do not live there now.
And, you may be interested to know that our former Governor, Jennifer Granholm, is tweeting in support of your decision to run:
I live in Florida and have watched and listened to you in the news for the last year or so. To me, your candidacy seems like a no brainer. I don’t know you personally and don’t know if you have the patience, discipline or energy to do this, but if you do I think you will electrify the race. Politics requires nerves of steal it seems.
You’re one of the few people in the policy making world that actually “get” what middle class/poor folks are going through in this economy. Your eloquence in discussing these issues really connects with me. I don’t expect you to be a super hero as I understand you will be one of 49 other senators. However, I believe we should have congresswomen like you who know how to fight the corporate lobbyists and wealthy interests. I look forward to hearing more about your potential candidacy.
It’s great that you are participating in the blogosphere, and on BMG, but hopefully it was not a signal of your politics, and hopefully you’ll not pay a political price for being associated with these progressive libertarians.
Brown’s not invincible, but there is no way anyone associated with BMG is going to do it. They call it the “BMG Kiss of Death.”
They want the country to go even deeper into debt (and/or raise taxes), rather than cut any progressive programs like stem cell research and high speed trains and gay marriage, they aren’t interested in energy conservation or post-oil sustainability or controlling the impending contraction into local walkable economies. It’s all about the flying car and the robot house cleaner here, and partisianship-to-the-max. You have a reputation as a reasonable person with mainstream values, not a libertarian or progressive or partisan.
Well, that about says it all for this comment … although the rest of it was charmingly bizarre, too, like looking in the fun-house mirror.
But what you do get here is exposure to the rank and file workhorses of the Democratic party, all across the state. Just think about it – folks from every single town Democratic Committee read this blog – and it takes 15% of the delegates at the 2012 Convention to get on the ballot. There are more potential convention delegates reading this blog then any other media outlet anywhere. Tara DaCristofaro figured that out, and ran an unconventional campaign in the strangely oldfashioned Middlesex Caucus (by the way, she is doing a stellar job as Register of Probate).
Don’t be bashful, along with your antipathy to cuteness: you’ve been an esteemed member of BMG for an awfully long time. In any event, as to the politics here, those are secondary: this is fundamentally a reality-based community: that’s why we have so little in common with the Republicans and the Tea Party, who, tragically, live largely in a fantasy world of their own construction, illustrated by Fox.
I guess progressive libertarian can mean many things, because I consider myself one as well, but far from the sense that Dont-get-cute considers him/herself to be. To me, a progressive libertarian is one who values a government that protects the people of the country by enacting regulations that keep things fair and uncorrupt, while at the same time protecting against unnecessary laws and regulations that take basic rights to choice away from people in the our country. Progressive libertarians are also against needless intervention into foreign affairs. I love being a progressive libertarian.
Nice post, very sweet, nostalgic, caring, homey, concerned, professorial, albeit lengthy…but going on a “listening tour” to see what people in Massachusetts are thinking sounds too, too, too at this point. Every day Ms. Warren continues the tease is another day she stalls other Dems in the field making it harder to raise money and supporter commitments…cut to the chase…in or out, say it, mean it…all the “veil dancing” that goes on in politics today is part of what turns off the public. To win US Senate, you have to have it in your gut to run all out…Ms. Warren either has it or not…if she has to be coaxed, lured, convinced to run by others, chances are her candidacy will be a non-starter…jmho
Worked for Hillary in NY. She did it well. People in upstate really liked her.
Nothing too too too about it. If you want to run, you’d better go out and listen about things that are not your natural field of expertise, and to get a feel of the territory. In fact, all the candidates need to do that, including Scott Brown.
If she want to campaign across the state listening and talking to people as all other candidates are, why not declare the candidacy FIRST…why play a game? Either go for it, or don’t…but no need to tease.
One of the reasons I support Bob Massie is that he jumped in with both feet and was the first Dem candidate to declare, even while people are around were saying Brown was invincible. He did not wait to see who else was running or not running. He did not stick his finger in the wind in/out/in/out for weeks or months.
She was waiting to be nominated to head the agency she was building until last week. When someone else was nominated, she tied up the loose strings and has come back to Massachusetts. It’s now three weeks later. That’s a pretty quick turnaround time. Not everyone can drop everything and announce their candidacy 22 months out.
She was not waiting to find out if obama would give her that job…she knew he would not …so she has been looking at options for a while and has had plenty of time to think about the Senate race…The posting here sounds very Rubin-esque, perhaps that is just coincidence and they have the same writing style…who knows…but if she wants to run, she should step in right now and not do a whole “thinking tour” act to come to a conclusion she has already made…
I like Ms. Warren, I like the job she did, I hate that Obama did not give her the job she deserved/earned, but, I would also hate to see her run for an office she was talked into by beltway geniuses and local client-trolling consultants.
If you’ve read about this (HuffPo or some of the other links in comments to articles about this) you would know that actually, she could not do ANYthing about running until she was no longer attached to the agency. That means, she had no opportunity to float any trial balloons, a luxury I’m certain all the other candidates got before officially jumping in.
At least give her a COUPLE weeks to talk to activists and others around the state so she can make a final decision.
Odd comment, Lynne. Why would I be bitter?…I have no horse in this race (nor do I want one, I am happy to support the Dem. nominee whomever that is)…all I am asking is that she get in now and start campaigning without “the Caroline Kennedy listening tour to help decide”…she would be a good candidate I am sure…but, rest assured, she already has decided.
You spent countless words bashing her, and I am correcting you. No one just thinks about it for a while and then jumps in. You float trial balloons, talk to activists (yes, she is talking to activists, and doing a lot of listening) to see if you think you have enough initial support to get the ball rolling. You also get yourself some advisers to help you look at these things – *especially* if you are new to straight up political campaigning (as opposed to issue campaigning). It’s not just “think about it and do it” and she could not do anything active until she was completely divorced from the agency she was hired to set up. It’s the law.
Any candidate who just thinks a while, then just does it, is an idiot, and I’m glad to see Warren is not doing that, it makes me MORE comfortable with her as head of a campaign, not less. It means she knows how to lay some groundwork. And that she’ll need some buy-in before a campaign by her is feasible. If she sees that there’s not enough support and buy-in from the “early adopters” then she’d be better off announcing she isn’t running and disappointing a few people.
I do not think she’s necessarily made up her mind yet. I think she could be as much as 90% there, but you leap on her like she’s not as good as her word. That is what I call cynical and bitter.
I hope Ms. Warren is not as sensitive to people who state the obvious or she will be shocked speechless with the real criticism that comes with being a candidate in 2011. We disagree. I think she already has made her decision. You do not. You need not “correct” me as only Ms. Warren and her consultants know which one of us is correct.
I like BMG and most of the posters here, but one can’t help but notice that there is a growing number of regulars who feel the need to dismiss and “correct” anyone who does not jump on their bandwagon or point of view. Disagreement makes a better and more interesting blog…jmho
everything you’re stating is pretty refutable, and/or misleading or missing a huge part of the truth.
I hope that you aren’t afraid to have someone challenge YOUR assertions – after all, you’re the one making them.
I understand your concern and how important it is that I make this decision quickly. If I decide to run, it’ll be for one reason – so I can continue fighting for the survival of the middle class. This isn’t about being coaxed or lured. This is about talking with some of the people who will be most affected—the people here in Massachusetts.
With all due respect, I find that… implausible.
Party insiders have been hinting that they were working on a “big name” to jump into this race for months, long before the POTUS officially announced that you would not be the director of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. There is also reason to believe that party insiders have been discouraging big donors from giving to any of the current candidates until they could persuade this “big name” to get into the race. I find it difficult to believe that they were referring to someone other than you. If from your point of view you have not been coaxed or lured, that is commendable. But I assure you that others have been working to coax and lure you, whether you perceive(d) it that way or not.
I have a great deal of admiration for you. I hoped that President Obama would recess appoint you to the CFPB and was extremely disappointed when he chose someone else. I have seen you on C-SPAN and have always been impressed with your interviews and testimony. If it were possible to just wave a magic wand and make you Senator, I’m sure you would be an exceptionally good Senator. But I am concerned about your ability to be a strong candidate in the maelstrom that is Massachusetts politics.
I am not the kind of person you will probably run into on your listening tour, so I am giving you my comments here. Free advice, worth what you paid for it.
Ms Warren;
We are excited about your political entrance to OUR U.S. Senate… Please run for all our sakes. Good Luck and I cannot wait to see you in the US Senate. Thank you for your fight and heartfelt effort on behalf of all consumers. -Californians For Warren
Hearing that you are contemplating a run for public office is the best news I’ve heard in very long time. I for one will definitely be sending you money for that run. I’ve been a big fan since hearing you on Fresh Air and hearing your common sense, fair, pragmatic approach. We really need a LOT more people like you in the US Senate, US Congress, and White House.
I was very disappointed that you were not selected to run the CFPB on behalf of the entire country. I understand the politics behind the decision made, and am glad to know you won’t have to be grilled as if you were a criminal by the senate to confirm you. As disappointed as I’ve been in what I feel is a loss for our nation’s financial future, I do have one thing to be thankful for…
This is just to say, welcome home, and best wishes for a successful run for the senate. You’ve got my vote all the way.
We in Massachusetts expect something. A bit more of something from our politicians. We do not always get it, but we try and when we have that proper combination of gravitas and integrity we like having that person representing us in Washington.
We were the home to countless Found Fathers, not the least of which the Adamses. Rabid abolitionist Charles Sumner spent three years of his Senate career convalescing after he was beaten by a proponent of slavery. The Massachusetts legislature reelected him Senator feeling his empty seat could serve a louder voice against slavery over any other replacement. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr left the Senate to serve during World War II. JFK would go on to become president. Edward Kennedy fought, tirelessly, especially in the latter half of his career for the underprivileged and voiceless, the exact opposite of his station in life. More importantly, he forged alliances and friendships with ideological opponents and passed legislation nevertheless. Edward Brooke, among the last Rockefeller Republicans was not just the first popularly elected black Senator. He sided with some of the most progressive legislation of the day including Fair Housing, a woman’s right to choose, and the environment. And John Kerry has been a consistent advocate for the Bay State’s interests, veterans and our nation’s security and stature in the world, being a point man on foreign affairs for President Obama and by shepherding New START through the Senate.
I feel Sen. Brown has offered us nothing anywhere close to what we expect from our Senators. Just gimmicks and media events or appearances before adoring audiences. Ms. Warren, I am convinced, based on your accomplishments and your drive to see them through, that you have both the gravitas and the integrity that defines many of our Commonwealth’s Senators. I hope we will see you soon on the campaign trail and, if so in the Senate representing us.
Professor Warren,
I first heard about you during the whole Consumer Protection Bureau evolution, and I’m absolutely convinced you would be an exemplary senator for me and the rest of the middle class. Please run. There’s no end to the volunteering I’ll do for you!
It was a nice surprise to see Blue Mass Group mentioned in the WaPo online. It was even better to see that you, Prof. Warren, are at least thinking about running for the Senate. I watched some of the Congressional hearings you had to endure down here in Washington, D.C., and think you will do just fine in a political race up there.
My only concern is how difficult it still seems for women to win higher office in Massachusetts. I think Scott Brown used that to his advantage against Martha Coakley by subtlely playing the manly man and the AG’s campaign amazingly helped him. (Remember the truck and the barn coat?) Your post here is a great start. (BTW, I don’t think many people realize how wealthy Scott Brown is. The working class people I know from my home town who supported him think he is just like them.)
Try to speak also with people who are not hard core Democrats. They are the ones whose vote you will need to beat Scott Brown.
I wish I could vote for you, but I moved to Northern Va in January. Best of luck in making your decision. You have some great people helping you out. As someone else has said here do, not take too long in making your decision. (Say hi to everyone in Lynn for me when you go there, which you must.)
You are a light of hope for something good to happen for us. I now I may be a resident of Texas, but I do have to say, you are giving me a feeling of patriotism that I have not felt in many years for our nation. And this is why I wanted to leave a comment, why cant our government think outside of the box of the financial crisis? In many middle class homes, mine included, we have had to cut debt, ut at the same time change the way we think of how to make money. I am a current college student, Majoring in History, and many people are saying that there are no jobs for people like history majors. But I beg to differ. When there are no jobs, create a job for yourself. Use your imagination to create a life for yourself to prosper. THAT is what the American dream is. With the stock market it way it has been for the past two weeks, there is a question that is just being begged to be asked. Why doesn’t our government take this opportunity to create jobs themselves to help the American people? There are so many chances for us to move from fossiel fuels and into the Green industries that WILL create jobs that will last, and allow for American wealth to once again be one of the best in the World! The Fed says that it wont do anything to help the markets, and will only keep the current intrest rates at its present level. I implore you Mrs. Warren, become a voice within our government for compromise, reason, and to think outside of the current box of politics. Do not get sucked into the Partisan march of my party is better than yours. Continue to think of us, the middle class. Good luck and many blessings to you.
Start with that. 🙂
Seriously … see who she’s working with … Doug Rubin and Kyle Sullivan. Old pros. Proven winners.
The only other advice I have is to do everything that John Walsh says. He’s always right.
But I have to agree, Charley is dead on here: Dustin Pedroia is your favorite Red Sox player. I assume you’re already a dedicated listener of The Big Show, but needless to say that is probably the most important kind of information to listen to for a successful career in Massachusetts politics. Everything else will fall into place from there. Scott Brown is still a minor-league Massachusetts Senator who no one pays much attention to in all but name. Go get ’em!
But Holley and Ordway do more baseball, and the Sox will always be the sine qua non of Boston sports babble.
and neighborhoods of Somerville, Newton, and Waltham… Saltalamacchia is an outstanding player too. Just make sure you pronounce every syllable.
“The only other advice I have is to do everything that John Walsh says. He’s always right.”
Right on! Well, he’d dispute that but yeah, when it’s under his power to direct something, he does do it right (let’s face it, it’s not Walsh who dropped the special election ball).
And when I read the HuffPo article tonight after coming home (from Shakespeare on the Common, you all gotta go!) and saw Doug’s name associated, well, that was pretty much my reaction too.
I am one of those “job-creators” (and yet still a progressive!) and would love to meet in person, and I am ready to help your campaign if and when it happens.
And if it doesn’t happen, and if your political career “only” resulted in CFPB existing — that is still a brilliant thing to have accomplished. Hopefully, the state and country will get to see even more of what you can do.
Good for you for doing your part to create jobs. My daughter is a small business owner herself and all the hard work and challenges involved never ceases to impress me. I appreciate your kind words about the CFPB.
First I like to tell you that I feel your one of the real people who want to solve problems not create reasons why we can’t fix the country.
I have one big idea and I honestly never hear or here anyone speak like this.
Social Security has always been a money machine for Congress. We have never gone in the RED, we the middle class constantly are charged more and more and the system works. At lease that part works. The problem I see is one thing and its not the national Debt killing Social Security its Congress constantly putting our money into the General Fund and making sure it will fail. I think American people want there SS money that was paid in over and above there federal tax dollars and this was taken from our pay checks as our gross income. So we were tax then and lose income doing it. But what I suggest is creating a Social Security bank that is is allowed to invest into say Treasury bonds and make interest on our money. I believe someone like you Elizabeth Warren who would be honest to the American people could do this job. I also believe that it would lower the taxes on SS over time and keep it solid. We could have a law where the bank always has to have say 1 trillion over needed to create the income that would help all Americans at the same time later, maybe lower there taxes paid into Social Security and keep it safe for all our people. We have to stop pretending and hiding the big lie that congress uses it for what ever but not for us. This is our money not a piggy bank for WARS or Tax cuts on the rich and then tell us we have to cut our benefits for it will keep working. If your driving on a flat tire sooner or later the wheel will fall off. I don’t want to wait I believe in (preventive maintenance) If it before its broken.
Second these Republicans who sign pledges should be call out. The only pledge is made when you take your oath and I bring it up as many times as I could that this tax pledge they love to sign means nothing if you believe in your country over your own self interest. I read them the oath they sign and tell them your country needs them. Not false free trade lies taking our work and futures to China. I went to war in Vietnam and we were told we needed to stop the spread of Communist. Now we are told to believe this is all good for America the people. China is building Air Craft Carriers now with our money and our jobs.
Debtor Nations are failed nations and I beat that to them over and over.
Republicans are Dead beat Grand old Party and that is what you call a party that created the Debt and now tells us we don’t have to pay for it but we have to cut Medicare, and fix Social Security.
I’m not proud of my country I believe CEO’s are the biggest traitors of our 21 first century America. They are like locus eating up everything in sight and killing the ground when they leave and say it wasn’t me it must be you!
If Democrats are Socialist then they the Republicans are Sociopaths without a doubt.
Sincerely a person who sees the pain in people and is begging for a real leader that will stand up to lies and tell facts. Facts don’t lie.
Well I read through your entire post and realized that I don’t have to address any of my concerns to you because you already know what they are. The amazing thing is that your not afraid to speak about them publicly or work to change what is going on. That is so terrific!!!!
I think you have an excellent chance at winning the Senate election because while you may not be well known in Massachusetts, you are very well known across the country. You will have support from everywhere in the U.S., plus the campaign will most likely receive national attention where you will be able to continue being our voice for the right kind of change.
I just can’t tell you how excited I am about this. I do want to let you know a few things that are going on in the western part of Massachusetts:
While the Boston area is doing fairly well with job growth and feeling positive about an economic recovery, Western Ma is in such bad shape that it is devastating to see what is happening here. It is really hard to find jobs, the infrastructure is in terrible shape and we feel isolated and left behind. It is hard to deal with it and if it weren’t for the State of Connecticut many of us would be unemployed. Western MA has so much to offer and there is no reason why it can’t experience a boom of it’s own.
Also, which you are probably aware, much of the electorate is misinformed, not only nationally but absolutely in Western MA as well. This is a terrible thing and led directly to Scott Brown’s win. I do believe that you are capable of speaking in a way that will connect with voters and guide them to the knowledge they need to make wise choices when it comes to who they will vote for. This may be one of the most difficult situations you will face in trying to win this seat. But I have faith that it will take someone like you to overcome that issue.
Thanks so much!!! I hope so much you will run for this Senate seat!
Thank you, Dr. Warren, for your sensible and pragmatic efforts — and for sticking to them.
The miserable plundering of the middle and working and lower classes is without doubt an immediate and critical (maybe a bit beyond critical) issue. So is holding the powerful accountable.
There is also a broader systemic issue that I’d like to see addressed: and that is, we want to DO things. We want to MAKE things, BUILD things, INVENT things, ACCOMPLISH things, DISCOVER things. And the way matters stand now — we can’t. Being tied up in false, one-sided, forced-choice “agreements” and drowned in predatory debt contributes to this, but it is also a symptom as much as a cause. We’re not DOING anything in this nation any more — we’re not working TOWARDS anything. Most of our power elites don’t seem interested in the slightest in doing anything themselves; they are interested in what they can asset-strip by forcing people to pay usurious bridge-tolls to unending phalanxes of middlemen.
We want to be able to build and to do again. We want a purpose. I have my own list of things I’d like us to have for purpose, and I’m sure that others do too. I’d like to see purpose as part of the conversation, not just how to fix our (very large, very important, very pressing, and very meaningful) problems.
I want Elizabeth Warren to start her own Peoples’ Bank and run it the way the CFPB would want it run.
No other bank could beat her brand of bank. Imagine the money that would flow her way. Middle class America, sick of being ripped off by Wall St mega banks and usury rates on credit cards, could pull its money from those other banks and park it with Warren, safely!
Then Warren would have the cash to back future competent candidates for Congress and President.
Warren should start her own bank!
Cross posted at
The barriers to entry to banking are extremely difficult, and the competition, once in, is fierce. That’s why we’ve not see much in the way of new banks, and even fewer banks willing to ‘think out side the present box’. But even were she to try, and fail, to create such a bank, the high profile nature of such an attempt would highlight, italicize, underline and generally call out the present state of banking, a state which is parlous in the extreme and a cancer on the economy.
And, were she to succeed, I consider pdaly is exactly right: a veritable economic tsunami as people abandoned the old banks, indeed the old way of banking altogether, and park their money with her. I know I would. And the existing banks would be forced to adapt or wither.
So, I agree with pdaly, and I think that such an endeavor would be more valuable and of such worth to the nation as to make a Senate term or two pale in comparison.
Mrs Warren, I am a conservative Republican here in MA. From everything I’ve read about you over the last few years, you appear committed to the “people” of this country. I’ve always tried to vote for the best candidate for a position but unfortunately have been in the typical position of not really liking either candidate and reluctantly following ideology or party.
I’m also very pro-capitalism in the business world but not at the cost of running over the regular people. Your efforts to protect regular people from outrageous bank fees and misleading/complicated contracts is far overdue from our government.
I like what I see from you and if you were to run, I would seriously consider voting for you due to your pragmatism, your sincerity and your commitment to average Americans.
US Senators have a wide variety of responsibilities so it would be useful to know your positions on issues such as Illegal immigration, the National debt (and how to reduce it), Healthcare costs, Afghanistan, bringing jobs home to the US, Renewable Energy, Unions and jobs, jobs, jobs…
Welcome home to MA, welcome to BMG and good luck in whatever you decide to do… and Thank You so much for what you have already done.
Awesome. Thanks johnd.
DOUBLE WOW, “johnd!”
You are more than awesome, and make me glad I settled on
“unitedwestand” (not my first choice) for a user name.
Only when people stand up for the principles of our founding fathers and support the best candidates regardless of party labels can we restore this sinking ship of state, the “U.S.S. America,” to the proud vessel she once was.
I am a progressive and liberal Missouri Democrat and thus couldn’t vote for Elizabeth Warren for U.S. senator from Mass., but should she run and be nominated and win your approval, I will consider that you are voting for me, and I will thank you from the bottom of my heart.
If we don’t stand together, we may not hang together but we will surely all fall together — which will be just as bad.
I appreciate your kind words and open mind about my potential candidacy. You sound a lot like my two conservative Republican brothers when we talk about the state of our country. We’re all trying hard to get this right.
I live in Texas which means my money and vote will never help a senator from Texas with your values get elected so I’m happy to donate my money to you.
What ever you do, don’t pander. Let people know the truth, don’t tell them what you think they want you to hear. If you run for senate, don’t be a senator, be Elizabeth Warren in the senate. If you run for president, be sincere and you will win – that is how today’s political climate works, thankfully.
You don’t need to prove to us your credentials; people don’t care. They want to see you, and see that you are sincere, hard-working and compassionate. That is what they saw in you this year, and that is what you must be now as well – yourself.
We are with you – just be you.
Dear Ms Warren:
What I don’t see here is any specific reference to, oh, any particular seat. So that when everyone says “do it,” could they possibly be alluding to … primarying Obama? Cool. Oh. Wait. They mean….
Seriously, I’m an avowed supporter of Bob Massie, but I’d welcome your entrance, in that it will certainly start drawing more attention to an incredibly important race–if the way my Facebook newsfeed lit up tonight is any indication. I will continue to wonder what it is, exactly, that sets you apart from Mr. Massie–I suspect you’re both very much on the same page, and what I’d love to see is you having a chit-chat with the declared candidates … and afterwards, endorsing Bob. (A man can dream, no?). But again, seriously: we don’t know enough about you. From immigration to legalizing marijuana to drones in Pakistan … there’s a lot yet to learn. Start talking! And, too, one reason I’m supporting Massie is because we desperately need Senators who will stand up, not simply to the Tea Party, not merely to the establishment Right, but … to The President. And not from the Scott Brown standpoint. We have House members who do just that. I’d love to know where you break with the President and with Senator Kerry–maybe starting with climate change-related issues (that’s a pretty hot issue among the folks I know, no pun intended)?
I’ve frankly been disappointed that so many Democrats have been witholding their endorsements–“wasting summer praying … for a savior to rise from these streets.” So I’m hoping, at least, that you announce one way or another right away. No Cuomo-like dithering (and I loved Mario). With everyone’s cards on the table, we can at least move on up from this state of ennui.
You are, of course, the nominal front-runner. And I won’t deny you your status–you’ve shown grace, fortitude, wit and genuine devotion, and your intelligence and mastery of matters economic should be giving the Brown camp fits tonight. Should you walk out of next year’s Convention with support of the delegates and go on to win the primary, it will be your sign I’m holding and on your behalf that I’m pitching for funds–and anything else you ask me to do, for that matter. And I’ll be able to do it wholeheartedly and sans any qualms of conscience. As I recently posted on the Half-Term Senator web site, this time, for me, it’s personal. Brown goes. By whatever means necessary.
But at the same time, I hope that this announcement causes everyone to take a closer look at the other candidates. My sense if that is you like Elizabeth Warren, you’ll love Bob Massie. And since Ms Warren hasn’t yet declared, well… I’ll leave it at that.
In closing–welcome back. While I’ll continue working on Mr. Massie’s behalf, there’s no small consolation in knowing that should you enter and should you win, I don’t lose. I look forward to a spirited debate–sheesh, the idea of you and Massie discussing and debating economics should do for the Democratic Party what Brady-Manning does for the NFL!–secure in the knowledge that we have a solid field and that come next autumn, the nominee will have the support of every Democrat and way more than a few independents.
Thanks for your ongoing service (glad to see the shoddy treatment n DC didn’t get you down), and I look forward to hearing you articulate your ideas on the rather wide range of subjects upon which a presumptive Senator must pronounce. Mitt Romney handed you all a nice gift today–maybe start with the idea of corporate personhood (Massie has promised that his first act as Senator will be introducing a bill overturning the CU decision…). I’m pretty sure you have some definite ideas on THAT. HIt ’em, and hit ’em hard.
BTW, Pedroia’s too obvious a choice–everybody loves Dustin (with cause). But that’s what Mitt would say. Go with Wakefield (and Rondo, and Logan Mankins).
that, and because I agree with everything you have said here, except the primarying Obama part 😀
I share your dream that one of the people she talks to in her pre-announcement listening tour will be Bob. If she does, I know she will immediately see what the rest of Bob’s supporters have seen. I also dream of her endorsement–that way her ideals can be supported without her having to be the candidate herself. And the waiting game logjam will finally be broken and the current candidates will get the attention they deserve on their own merits, instead of being compared to someone who is not yet in the race.
If she declares, Elizabeth Warren will add a lot to the campaign by helping keep the focus on progressive issues, but I will also keep working for Massie, regardless of how much I admire and respect Warren. Of course, I am fully committed to taking back this seat and will support the eventual nominee whoever it is.
I’ve been a big Elizabeth Warren believer for a long time. I honestly can’t think of anyone I’d rather have in the Senate. And she is so beautifully articulate, so down-to-Earth, so determined, and so tactically brilliant, I think she’ll crush Scott Brown easily.
So please go to to join the Draft Elizabeth Warren movement!
One tip for Elizabeth Warren, if you’re reading this: Put your campaign muscle in door-to-door caucusing, not phone banks. Phone spamming can really annoy people, and you have a much greater chance at convincing people if you talk to them face to face.
I had the depressing experience of working on the Coakley campaign. I live in Amherst, one of the most liberal districts in the state, but there was no caucusing effort there at all. I asked for causcusing materials, but instead I was sent to a phone bank where I called people who had usually already gotten a bunch of calls already. If you want to get people excited, you need to actually get your supporters out there in the community.
Good luck!
In MA, phone banking has a particularly bad stink right now…after the original Brown/Coakley race. Everyone and their mother was phone banking, and I think there were orgs across the country doing it, to the effect that some people were angrily reporting that they’d gotten 6 or more calls over that last weekend and they were fed up. It was hard enough to get people to turn out in the middle of a freezing January – I think it was made harder by the people who were turned off of voting all together. If we’d had had some more normal turnout Brown I think would have lost. I believe he had a ceiling on his votes.
Phone banking also only reaches those with landlines. More and more people are using their cell phones as the main telephone.
I also think seeing a candidate in person shows that the candidate truly cares.
What we need is a working majority of good, decent, thoughtful, informed, smart, reality-based, politically savvy people (that’s you) in places like the U.S. Senate. We get there one position at a time. You don’t have to make any promises, or pass any litmus tests. Your life’s work merits you the benefit of the doubt on any issue.
You will have NO trouble raising money.
Professor Warren,
I’m deeply impressed by your sincerity, intelligence and commitment to helping American families. I’ve never considered giving money to a political candidate before, but if you run for office in MA (or any other state) I *will* be making a campaign contribution.
We need more people like you in politics.
Ms Warren, I have become aware of your iconic status as a woman truly for the people. I believe that Pres Obama made a big mistake, not offering you the head position at the CFPB. Of course the Senate(GOP) wouldn’t of confirmed you, because they are terrified of you,lol. I wish I lived in MA, because if I did I would certainly campaign for you. I live in GA, so maybe I can send you money if and when you do run. Whatever you do in politics, please remain cemented in your stance for the people. Keep fighting the good fight!
Don’t let this round of national fame go to your heads. ^_^
But seriously, I’m not sure I’ve seen quite so many national commenters here before. (Hi, welcome!)
If this post and its reach are any indication, raising money and interest if Elizabeth Warren does jump into the race should be no problem.
I’m with a lot of commenters, no matter what, if you win, don’t let the dysfunctional Senate undermine your strong values and beliefs. It’s hard, most people can’t help it. But there are role models – like Kennedy, who could both work with the opposition to get stuff done, AND be a hard line in the sand when needs be.
Professor Warren, a good evening to you from Colorado. I became acquainted with ou and your exploits while watching Maxed Out, a documentary I believe belongs in every high school consumer science and economics class across the country.
I work for a local, family owned business out here, one that specializes in photography and photographic equipment. We’ve been open for 45 years. In an industry like ours that has quietly suffered so during the past 9 years, this would undoubtedly make us a success story and yet we’re no different from any other specialized, service oriented retail establishment anywhere else in America when it comes to our day to do fight to remain relevant and it is our relevance as a small business (and others’!) that is so threatened in the current economic client. I doubt I’m telling you anything new but I’d like to leave you something to consider: The issues are fairly straight forward.
American consumers want service but also want cheaper prices. Real service and expertise are not cheap to create (though in the right environment, they are fairly cost effective to maintain). American consumers have shown that, for various reasons, they are not willing to pay what it takes to maintain a proper brick and mortar retail establishment, what it takes to see to it that training is up to date, that the employees are paid fairly (and I do not mean egregiously), and that the profit necessary to create security and stable growth continues to be achievable.
One major factor in this case and the one I’m posing my (long story longer) question to you about concerns the tax free arena of online shopping. I cannot tell you how many times a day someone refuses to purchase something in our store simply because we are unable to match the tax-free “benefit” of the internet retail space. This is a serious problem and has been a huge factor in the closure of all but a very few of us in this region. If people are shopping online solely to avoid paying sales tax on their purchases (and they are), then they are not only devaluing my 15 years of experience, my company’s 45 years of community involvement, they are also deliberately blunting our country’s ability to make money. How many millions of tax dollars are we losing through online purchases? How many jobs are lost in the retail sector as employers are forced to make profit through attrition? Wouldn’t establishing a flat internet tax rate assist in giving brick and mortar retailers a chance to grow, or make it more plausible for upstarts to have a better chance? Why can we not do this? What are the hurdles that keep this level playing field out of reach?
I’ve wanted to ask you, specifically, this question for quite some time, Professor; I’m really pleased I may have the opportunity here. Please feel
free to respond here or email through the group. I feel strongly about this issue, as I know my bosses do. I’ve little doubt that a scratch poll of other small business owners out there would only reveal more individuals of a like mind.
Congratulations and thank you for all your work. My kids know who you are and that you’re on of the real warriors out there. I appreciate it.
Not to put too fine a point on it but my family and I haven’t been able to afford internet at home for awhile now so the full body of that previous post was typed entirely on the touchscreen of my Android. Aside from my new case of carpal tunnel 🙂 I really apologize for the typos and beg forgiveness for my oversight in the proofreading process.
My apologies for butting in on your question, but I have some knowledge about part of the equation here (I work in I/O psych, doing pre-employment/pre-promotion/developmental assessments for businesses — time was, businesses of all sizes, but in the last several years, only big ones).
There are a lot of very good people trying to do very good work in even very big companies, but there are systemic issues that are…problematic…to say the least. And one of these is that big companies cannot and will not brook competition — this is partly understandable (the actual profit centers for even very big businesses have contracted dangerously to a desperately few sources that they are milking frantically) but wholly short-sighted, and yet…it’s what’s happening. Where big businesses can squeeze out smaller competition, as with the no-Internet-tax thing, they WILL. There’s your hurdle for you. The big players don’t want this changed. I’m with you, though, I think it’s a good idea to have an Internet sales tax. Competition = good. Small players CANNOT be crushed, or else there’s no competition, and a monopolistic environment inevitably becomes predatory (even when people have good intentions, which they sometimes do and sometimes don’t) and lazy and does increasingly shoddy work.
Hopefully this will change, but in the interim your business needs help to counteract the devastating advantage the big players have. Particularly because I don’t know your industry, nothing I can suggest would be (a) ideal or maybe even (b) remotely useful, but maybe it’ll spark you to think of something that actually WOULD be useful.
You cannot compete on price alone, and this is particularly bad right now, because customers have limited funds, so price is topmost in their minds. It would be nice if the value — and it is a very real value — of your biz’s community involvement weighed heavily, but (as you’ve experienced, I guess) that’s just not realistic. Not every single purchasing issue can come down to “greater-good virtue” even in the most optimistic scenario. People just don’t work that way. It certainly doesn’t hurt to make it clear that you are for, of, and by the community, but I don’t think there’s any way to make that a compelling or sufficient advantage right now — it is more a supporting argument, a backdrop, something that makes people feel better about buying with you AFTER they have decided to do so.
So, what you definitely have as a potential advantage (however small) is that you are RIGHT THERE, and what you almost definitely have as a potential advantage is that at least some of the employees in your biz are probably photography nerds 😉 .
If business is slow, some of those photography nerd employees probably have a bit of time on their hands while they’re on the clock. That is a wealth of experience that is just sitting there twiddling its thumbs, as if no one cared about it or it meant nothing or had no value, but people DO care and it DOES mean something and DOES have value.
With hobbyist customers at least, you might be able to include some sort of extra training or guidance along with the sale, beyond what you probably already do? A free class for customers on photography or using specific cameras (either group classes or do it individually, ad hoc), helping customers (just as part of a regular sale, a free option) set up whatever software they need on their computers (when applicable). Set up a site where local photographers who are your customers can sell their pictures to local businesses looking for artwork? Something, anyway, that leverages from your being there, accessible, able to listen to customers’ individual needs and concerns and provide INDIVIDUAL EXPERT GUIDANCE — as well as your expert insights about how to perform, enjoy, use photography more, whatever customers’ level of interest or ability.
I know this is kind of small potatoes. But from what I’ve seen, I think it’s probably the best option available for a lot of small businesses in your position. Pure price is a loser. But “we can actually make your purchases work” can sometimes give you an edge. Getting something on the cheap ultimately doesn’t help customers if they can’t use or take advantage of what they’ve bought — YOU are the people who can bridge the gap between idea and implementation. Customers can buy an isolated “thing”, or they can buy being able to make that “thing” work. Some customers just want the thing, admittedly, and I’m not sure there’s much you can do there.
If any of the above helps you think of anything that will help, yay to that — if not, I am sorry for the LENGTH of it, and hope you’ll just accept my sympathy! Best of luck to you. xoxo
To “setaside2”:
Your comments about buying on the internet to escape local sales tax are right on the money! Even though I could have saved more than the sales tax alone, I have never even considered buying photographic equipment on the internet because I believe camera stores that give good advice and service deserve to be rewarded by my business and not simply be used as a convenient place to “window-shop.”
If all brick and mortar stores are killed by internet concerns, a lot of people will learn too late what they have lost.
More power to you and the store you work for, and congratulations for not only recognizing Elizabeth Warren’s great contributions but making your children aware of them!
Prof. Warren:
You are my hero. Out in Sacramento, CA, were I live, as a bankruptcy attorney have seen the devastation the financial crisis has caused. I read your book “The Two Income Trap”, and recommend it to everyone I know. Godspead Prof. Warren.
Warren for President, 2016!
If you are the “chosen” one like Martha was there is not much anyone can do but play it out. Clearly you are a remarkable and talented person, intellect, and budding public servant. As a grassroots volunteer I have come to discover we are truly at the mercy of the big players and expected to support the candidate deemed the best though of course we go through the motions of primaries etc. Deval changed that to a degree but he has obvious political talent and skills that excite people not to mention a clear devotion and understanding of a political vision that breaks with the past on many levels.
In my personal life, be it a non-political or political setting, every single time I have been a part of bringing someone to the table through coxing as opposed to lifting up that person with the obvious “fire in their belly”, it has not produced a positive result. So all I ask is do you have the fire in your belly needed to win and campaign so you can bring the unenrolled voters to your side? Do you have the charisma needed to beat an extremely charismatic Scott Brown? In my town during the previous Senate race, I was stunned by the number of people, who never were known to speak out on politics, speaking up for Brown, stating he was a break from same old same old, an independent. They were so excited about him. It is going to be a crazy race again.
So good luck in your decision. If you do run, I hope you have a very seasoned, energetic and organized campaign staff and a strong strategic plan. We need to win and I think we can with the right candidate, an excellent campaign staff, abundance of energy and of course solid strategic thinking. That candidate has to have the fire to make it happen and surround themselves with a winning team not a team that thinks they are roadies for a rock star. Grassroots energy, dollars and time is drying up. Organization at the state and local levels when we are in campaign season hurts not helps too often. It is a challenge, especially so since there will be more than one race on the table this time. Again good luck with your decision. Glad you are home and happy and most of all thank you for the great service you have given to our country during your time in D.C.
We need someone as thoughtful and dedicated to making changes that would actually help lower and middle class families as Elizabeth Warren. Even GB Trudeau is asking you to run through a story line in Doonesbury!
and if you decide to run will contribute in any way. Scott Brown does not represent MA. Excited at prospect of talking with you & encouraging you to run for senate.
Everyone I know/work with has mentioned your name as their first choice as Democratic candidate. You have a built-in base in the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Run Run Run!
We need you in this state, and as an outspoken voice in this country. Your common sense approach to politics is exactly what we need to combat the ridiculousness of our political discourse.
I’ll donate, canvass, volunteer, hell.. work for ya!
Welcome Dr. Warren,
From media inquiries, I found your past responses a bit pensive (understandably) about pursuing other avenues of public service, but I am pleased to find you connecting with the masses here at BMG.
From tax reform to Social Security to off-shore tax-dodging to sustained job growth to undocumented amnesty, there are many challenges requiring answers. If you decide to become a candidate, know voters want doable solutions – not tasty, election-driven soundbites.
About your detractors: if they don’t get it by now, they never will. Only those willing to engage in intelligent cooperation can move this country forward. Seems pick-up trucks are fine for some things, but now it isn’t clear whether they can carry the Bay State’s load…never mind the nation.
You enlightened the country and made average folks feel they had a voice in the D.C. arena – a claim some elected officials cannot make….
It used to be about the greatest good, for the greatest number…perhaps it can be again.
Thank you for revealing your concerns with such personal reflections here.
Please tell me how I can volunteer to work on your campaign. I’m been ready for a long time.
I have a feeling that the only true way to begin to limit special interest control over our gov’t and the decisions they make is to enact term limits for our politicians. Career politicians care about one thing only…re-election. This opens them up to be susceptible to threats from special interests who donate to their campaigns, and from within their own party if they do not “tow the line”. This is a problem for both parties.
Future Senator Warren,
Please run either for the Senate or as primary challenger to Obama for President.
Ever since the idea of you running for Senate was proposed, I have been promising people that you would be no Martha Coakley.
Your post here just fills me with confidence.
Pay no attention to the posters on the Boston Herald web site with regard to your posting here. On second thought, reading it might help you see what you will be up against.
Dr. Warren,
I am glad to hear that you are exploring whether or not to run for the Senate. My two cents woul be that you please do NOT run under the Democratic party… The party itself has shown to be a corrupt and willing accomplice to the two-party corporate oligarchy you have spent time fighting. I hope that you are in agreement that we need to break the two-party system and thus hope you stay away from the democrats.
my second cent is regarding “foreign policy” – i put it in quotes because it affects us domestically as well. President Obama is looking to jump start our manufacturing sectors with so-called Free Trade Agreements that would further escalate the displacement of farmers, afro and indigenous communities in Latin America while banking on unenforcable promises about protection for these communities that the state (Colombia) itself has been unable to provide and in fact has been complicit in the murder and displacement… Being senator means voting on a wide range of issues, and I hope to learn that you are a progressive, not a democrat, when it comes to most of them…
Can you flesh out the details between these two? Did you attend on scholarship?
Many people need to borrow in order to finance higher education. I suspect this may have been Ms Warren’s path as well.
Professor Warren, should you decide to run for senate, you will have my full support. I’m not a wealthy hedge fund manager from Wall Street, working the tax code and the regulatory loopholes. I’m not a rich CEO who just increased the value of my stock options by sending more jobs overseas. I’m just a dad, with two sons in college and a wife who is a cancer survivor. We’ve spent the last ten years cutting back, living with less, learning to do without, working more…and our backs are to the wall. We could use your help. There was a time in America when people like us mattered. Today, we’re seen as convenient sources of labor for the “job creators”. It’s got to stop. Count on me as a volunteer, campaign contributor, and enthusiastic supporter.
Yep, “Blues” are not yet extinct in Kansas and I’ll support your run for the Senate in any way I can. MA needs you and the country needs you.
I was fortunate enough to have Professor Warren teach my banking law class while at the University of Texas School of Law. Even though she was only there for one summer semester, she was still one of my favorite law school professors. What frustrates me the most about our dysfunctional government is we set up bi-partisan commissions to investigate issues and then completely disregard their recommendations. These commissions have excellent non-partisan ideas. So, why do we bother setting up these commissions if we are not going to implement their ideas? I just don’t get it!
So why would congress decide to create bi-partisan commissions for investigating issues instead of a trial-period process of implementation? Why would congress make those investigative commissions 1-2 years, and then completely disregard the findings, facts, and figures? Because they’re just wasting time stupid.
Lengthen the amount of time that an issue comes up, then it will leave people’s minds.
Lengthen the amount of time as much as possible, and it will leave most people’s minds in general.
Be real, we know that both sides play games, and both sides take money from different groups. That is why ultimately, it is about TAKING AWAY THE INCENTIVE of the way poltiics and politicans work. And that is mainly to do with campaign financing, Super PACs, Citizen’s United, as well as misinformation and lies on television which has only gotten worse since the abolishment of the Fairness Doctrine.
Eliminate the possibility of being a career politician and more folks will be less inclined to succumb to outside influence and money.
That just means they’ll try to rip us off as fast as possible, and get the hell out of dodge. LOL
Not sure exactly why Setti is feeling out his support, but the timing appears to be a clue. The field crew called yesterday, we chatted. Pleasant, respectful and politcally honest. The staffer took my less than enthusiastic consideration well.
A few observations:
– E.Warren’s choice to splash on the “netroots” tells us what about the type of campaign she may run?
– Does the participation of so many non-Bay Staters on this thread lend credence to E’s purported, natioanl fundraising base.
– Did anyone notice that Kerry has announced his intention to run in 2014? What does that mean for pols like Capuano? Rumor was, some in the House delegation were waiting for a special election based on Kerry moving into a Cabinet slot.
Maybe four calls. First, my friend, of COURSE you’re on the call list. ^_^ Like, duh.
Second, I had to tell the Setti people to stop calling – that I had not glomed onto a primary candidate yet and when I do, I know how to make up my own mind, can you please just put the brakes on calling me. (Yes, I know, if they are marking GOTV-style I am a “3” in their database but if I ask to not be called like twice you’d think…and the time between calls was only a week or two at most).
The Setti people did not seem to know that I’m a blogger (so they weren’t calling me as new media potential) so they were probably hitting up “active convention Dems,” and the last guy I talked to, didn’t have the history of their calls to me previously (I believe I told them not to call me at least once before) and I dunno what that says about their organization…
Nice enough, but you’d think I’d be hearing from candidates in a different context.
OK, all this is off topic, I admit, but I’ve been saving that up for a while now. 🙂
All things considered, Kerry running again is big news (I told you SOS was off the table, David) and has to affect how Capuano and others think about this race.
Kerry has to announce reelection now. He can’t wait until after the 2012 election, because if Obama loses and then he announces, he looks like he was hoping for SoS, and reelection is his consolation prize. That’s a recipe for disaster. So he announces now, and if Obama wins, there’s plenty of time for him to be named SoS.
Kerry will do the right thing by the delegation. Never say never, but I think he’s running if he says he is.
I have just registered on BMG in order to add my voice to the swelling chorus of support for Elizabeth Warren’s possible run for the U.S. Senate. I wanted to read all the current posts before writing mine when I was stopped in my tracks by the slightly astonishing comments of “don’t-get-cute.”
Sidestepping the question of why someone who apparently recognizes Dr. Warren’s great qualities would want to blast and belittle Blue Mass Group and its members, I can only speculate that “dont-get-cute” may live in some alternate reality, perhaps some bizarro cloud cuckoo land.
I am puzzled by her or his thought processes, and I have to get this reaction out of my system before I get down to the more serious business of commenting on Elizabeth Warren.
“DGC” is a resident curmudgeon around here. There are quite a number of them, though – and I say this with all due affection, Charley, Bob, and David, I think my curmudgeons are even more curmudgeonly than yours. 😉
Professor Warren- You bring to the Senate race the greatest intelligence expertise and experience in fighting the tough fights with the power brokers of Washington and the values, style, and message that will appeal not only to progressives, but moderates and common sense Republicans. Come to Ipswich and the North Shore and find a lot of your natural base of progressive activists who have friends in the middle who can be recruitable. Yours is the voice we have been looking for. Count me in !!
Professor Warren, I am interested in finding out if you would support limiting the terms of members of the House & Senate. I am told by the Brookings Institute that this can only be done by a majority of the states passing legislation calling for a Constitution Amendment for this single item. I truly believe that many of the problems stem from these unlimited terms and a lack of campaign finance reform.
Where do I sign up. Too bad she is not primarying obama as well
I’d like to see both of you in office. What you share with Massie are motivations that have more to do with helping ordinary people than with grasping power, fame, and money for its own sake. Both of you have an impressive string of accomplishments.
Obama is failing ordinary citizens by “negotiating” away the store with Republicans. It isn’t clear that he is willing to stand up for anything other than hope. I am afraid of what four more years of his bipartisan behavior will do to us. Please consider mounting a primary challenge to him. You are one of the few people who has the requisite national respect and name recognition.
Prof. Warren, I’m glad we heard it here first. It’s a nod to the progressive blogosphere. I hope you will run a more savvy, more “new media” aware campaign than the the party ran to replace Sen. Kennedy. I appreciate you haven’t forgotten your roots, even as you are an eminent scholar and public servant. I hope you come to Andover, for I would gladly participate in a exchange of views with citizens. We need a fighter like you.
I have watched with great interest over the last couple of years as you were involved in the congressional oversight of the TARP and as you begun the Consumer protection bureau. There are a couple of people that I believe should run for the senate. One of them is Joe Kennedy and the other one is you. Each time I have seen you speak (whether to Jon Stewart or CBS) I have been impressed. I have come away thinking ” this women gets it” She understands what is going on and has a good sense of what needs to be done to keep it from happening again.
My big question for you is why would you want to put yourself in theline of fire. As you saw already there are lots of special interests that are lined up to stop you. The Republican party has already seen you as a threat and started their response today. But if you do chose to run for the senate count me in as a supporter. And Thank you for the work you have already done.
Professor Warren:
This may sound strange to you, but when my wife and I saw you for the first time on “Bill Moyers’ Journal” on PBS we recognized simultaneously and immediately that you are a person of great character and integrity.
After Bill introduced you, you then spoke unpleasant truths to great power, and it did no more than confirm our first impression.
That was several years ago, and everything you have said and done since then has shown you to be a rare voice of sanity and common sense in a country where — to be charitable — ignorant, foolish, and ahistorical politicians and their followers are doing their best to wreak economic and societal destruction on this country solely to achieve their rigid, ideological goals.
Many people are beginning to realize the United States is a democracy in name only. Some are willing to call it an autocracy. Too few realize that the forces that dominate every important aspect of our government and economy are actually KLEPTOCRATS; they are literally stealing from everyone who has less than they do — from the moderately well-off to the poorest of the poor. They can’t steal money from those who have none, but they do all they can to marginalize them by cutting back on or eliminating life-sustaining services.
Like a number of posters here,I am very disappointed in President Obama’s treatment of you. As one who recognized
his potential literally before he finished the third sentence in his keynote speech to the Democratic National Convention in 2004, I predicted at the time that he would run in 2004, get the nomination, and win the election. I now take no pleasure in being right as all too often his failure to even try to live up to the ringing calls for change in his eloquent campaign speeches has given us dismal proof that he “can talk the talk but WON’T walk the walk!”
You, on the other hand, do both. Should you decide to run for Teddy Kennedy’s old seat, defeat Scott Brown, and once again give your state two senators to be proud of, you will be doing a further service to the country. Living in Missouri, I can’t vote for you, But should you become the junior senator from Massachusetts I can easily see you achieving the record that I hope can propel you to run for and win the presidency of the United States!
Regardless of what you do next, you have already done as much to bring economic fairness to everyday Americans as any living person in or out of government — and for that
alone we owe you a debt of eternal gratitude.
D.M, Missouri
When I previewed my comment before sending it, somehow I missed correcting where I wrote I predicted Obama would run for president in “2004.” Obviously I meant “2008.”
I’m sorry to sully this outstanding blog with a careless mistake! My bad.
Professor Warren,
I was first introduced to you by a documentary called Maxed Out and I was immediately moved by your input. I am now working on my second documentary and it is about the economic climate and the people of America. I began in 2009 and was interested in contacting you since then. I know you have been a bit busy since, but now that you are back home I was hoping to travel up to Massachusetts and take up a little of your time 🙂
Thanks so much!
Ms Warren, I cannot tell you how happy and excited I am at the thought of you running for Senator of Massachusetts. It would be just the shot in the arm that all of us here in Mass would welcome . I read your blog today and also a couple of Internet articles about this prospect and just wanted to tell you that once you have decided and that decision is YES ,please ,just let me know where to sign up to be a volunteer in your campaign . I know for a fact that not only myself but every able bodied female in my family will be at your side in this effort. Just say where and when –really just say where and when !!!
Thanks for considering this
Dr. Warren
I am thrilled that you appear to be running for Senate. You are the strongest, well-grounded individual to come along since Harry Truman and I would love to see you questioning the captains of industry from a Senate Committee as Harry did during WWII.
Here are a few basic facts to remember:
The wages of the working class are the demand engine that determines the health and growth of our economy.
Every time we outsource or automate away a job, we destroy over $3,000 a month of primary demand from the US and the world economy. The structural deficits in the developed countries are the result of repeating these actions tens of millions of times.
The most straightforward way of dealing with these threats to our democracy is to phase in higher tariffs and shorter work weeks.
We are not doing ourselves or our trading partners any favors if we allow these job losses due to free trade and automation to take down the world economy.
Predicting you will become one of our greatest senators.
Elizabeth Warren should have a five point plan for America’s future that is as bold as her past work. It should state:
• Income inequality is the greatest economic and moral problem in the United States. Not since the 1920’s have the rich and middle class been so separated.
• Campaign finance reform is the only way to take political power from the moneyed class and return it to the people.
• The Federal government should only finance three years of education for a bachelor’s degree, encouraging universities to change its degree requirement from four to three years, thus saving families and the government tens of thousands of dollars per student.
• Announce that politics is not about “bringing home the bacon;” not only refusing to be that type of politician but also shaming other politicians who hold such a view.
• For three years only changing the amortization schedules to allow businesses who add buildings and equipment to amortize their cost over significantly less than the present schedules allow, thus encouraging the private sector to put construction and manufacturing workers to work immediately. The federal government should also encourage state governments to incentivize commercial and industrial construction by not locally taxing the increased value of these newly constructed buildings and equipment for a number of years.
These bold suggestions would both change America for the better and appeal to the independent voters Elizabeth Warren will need to defeat Scott Brown.
Randy Feldman
Randy Feldman is a Worcester based immigration lawyer and political commentator on WCRN AM 830 and Charter TV’s Central Mass Chronicles.
Truth is it only takes three years to get a degree with a major or even two, but the additional year is core requirements in all the diverse subject areas. We need to get to a point where the colleges and universities can be confident that our public high schools cover all the basics. THAT is where the core courses should be taken and passed, not at the college level. Of course I believe in testing as a way to be sure that is happening, but on that point I fear I’m in the minority here.
Not about the fact that public schools need better curriculum (but I will state, how many more classes do you think you can jam into a high school career? remember you have limited time slots) but about eliminating the “core” courses.
First, many of my core courses were invaluable. It also forced me to take classes I never ever would (like mathy classes, because I was a liberal arts major and disliked math) which is a good thing, because medicine is good for you even if you hate it…and being well rounded makes you flexible in later years. (For instance, this English major took Logic, for my math class, and wound up being a programmer of web code – without logic in my background that transition would have been a LOT harder).
Second, often a student gets the college under one major, and ends up not liking it as a career path. It’s often a gen-ed class that gets them excited and finds them a new path to follow. Something they might have found intriguing (for instance, a psych class for a science requirement) might open up being a whole new world for a student.
Thirdly, no discipline is an island. I don’t care if it’s English or a science or math or marketing; you can find a lot of cross pollination. An English major might find themselves writing a fictional story about a scientist, or a journalist might be asked to write about a physicist, or a math professor may have to write a paper on a discovery, or a marketing person might have to do some statistics on restaurant placement in their job. Core courses prepare you for real life, maybe not every single class – but many of them, and you never know at the time which ones it will be.
If I’d had my druthers, I’d have skipped the math requirement and the Logic class. Then where would I be?
Lastly, university experiences are NOT just about your future career. If we want well-rounded people in our society, people who can understand the links between different areas of life and can see the big picture, then we want to turn out college students who have had broad experiences and learned broadly. People don’t go to college and become liberal because colleges jam liberalism down their throats; they become liberal in college because they open up their thinking and experiences and minds, begin to think for themselves and piece a whole picture of the world around them. Losing core requirements in college would hinder this process greatly.
I would never give up my experiences in my core classes in a million years. I had classes that fascinated me, that challenged me, and that wound up being very important either for my way of thinking, or even for my career.
…but I mostly took them to get them over with and because they were requirements. I’m not arguing against well-roundedness; I just feel that’s what high school is for. I also don’t think you need to necessarily add more timeslots to high school; just make sure the classes that are already offered and required are excellent. Perfect example is US History survey which many colleges require as a core, but I’ve yet to see a high school that does not require it as well. I contend that if it is done right in high school requiring it in college too is redundant. I took the sciences (Bio, Chem, Physics), the Social Studies (Western Civ, Government, US History, Geography), Math (Algebra, Trig, Geometry, Calculus), Literature (American, British, World) and four years of language (Latin), many at the honors and AP levels, so I think I got plenty of math and science for someone not likely to touch those areas again. Granted my high school was a private high school specifically billed as college prepatory, but these days EVERY public high school with the possible exception of technical schools, should be making the assumption that kids will continue their education, or at least make sure they graduate with the opportunity to do so from an academic standpoint.
Professor Warren,
I hope you’ll jump in. Not that there aren’t good candidates in the race — there are. However, if you do jump in, I hope you’ll be more Massachusetts than Washington, DC. The “common knowledge” consensus in DC on education, fiscal policy, budget, and defense has been a disaster over the past 6 or so years. I hope you are willing to stand against it and show it hasn’t infected you.
Public education is the cheapest, strongest pathway to equality and opportunity in our society. It’s being steadily undermined by the President and the “leaders” of both parties. I respect your work in defending the present through consumer protection, but your courage in defending the future by breaking ranks with the public education attack dogs in both parties will determine how much support you can expect from thousands of persons who care about the future across the Commonwealth.
Here’s a link to the Bill Moyers Journal referenced in other postings:
I saw that show’s original airing (2004!) and thought that “we” (middle class) finally have an eloquent advocate. You recognized what was going on in the real world, unlike most elected officials in Washington D.C.
Doctor Warren, I’ve been wishing and hoping that you would run for office since I saw you on Bill Moyers. The time is NOW! I am a Massachusetts resident and offer you my time, my $$$, my vote.
L.S., Greater Boston
Professor Warren:
Thanks for considering this. I know it’s not an easy road, especially in the polarized country we currently live in. The scrutiny will be intense and the cruelty will be abundant. It takes a thick skin. But, I will be thrilled and honored to spend many volunteer hours working to elect you to this office, and know from conversations I’ve been having these past couple of months that I will be able to raise a small army of canvassers from among my friends as well as my colleagues in the arts and culture industries. I can’t wait to hear the conversations you’ll have with my neighbors in the coming weeks. Best of luck to you, and I’ll see you out there.
Joyce Linehan
Dorchester, MA
In the age of the dysfunctional family, I think we can do better than middle class. Here’s how one senior feels: SDS.
So far, I support you.
Dear Prof. Warren,
You most definitely would have my support if you decide to run. Your ideas and views are right on track. I have always been impressed in your ability to cut through the politics and show that someone really “gets it”.
I actually worked for you briefly as an admin assist when you were a visiting prof at HLS, your warm, down-to-earth nature were very refreshing. You are the real deal and …count me in as a volunteer, campaign contributor, and supporter.
Prof. Warren, I have lived in this country for 21+ years and don’t brand myself as Left or Right. For many years I have thought that we have a political system that has transparency and cares for common people. But I am deeply disappointed by the current state of political affairs in the U.S. It’s not much better than a corrupt democratic system like India’s (where I grew up). Lobbyists control this political system, not the will of the public.
We need infrastructure investment, R&D incentives to corporations, investments in education to create more scientists and engineers, cheaper healthcare system that is less burdensome to people and corporations etc. to move this country forward.
I have seen your Congressional testimonies a few times and I am they showed you care for the people. While I believe in capitalism and less regulatory burden on companies, protecting people and corporate interests is a balancing act. Unfortunately, ordinary folks don’t have much voice in the Congress these days.
I would be very thrilled to see you in the Congress. While I can’t vote for you (I live OR), I will send a contribution if you choose to run for the Senate!
Good luck!
Dear Ms. Warren,
I’ve been following your political career for a few years now. I think you’re one of the most cogent people on the American public stage today; I think your worst trait is that there is only one of you.
If, in whatever you choose to do, you have any use for a database engineer who specializes in data mining, cried havoc about Glass-Steagall well before 2008, and wants to /get those bastards/, I would be kid-in-a-candy-store excited to drop my job like a hot potato and come work for you instead. I live in Cambridge not far from your old stomping grounds, but for the chance to be a part of the changes you push for, I’d happily move or commute to DC.
If this interests you at any point, please contact me privately and I’ll send you a resume or whatever else you like.
Ms. Warren,
I haven’t chosen a candidate yet, and I’m intrigued (but not yet excited) about your candidacy. So I’ll throw a few questions out, which I don’t expect an immediate response to, but these are the things I’m thinking about as I consider my choices in this race.
1. Of course I’m interested in your positions on issues, but more importantly, I want to know your values. I don’t expect to agree with you on every issue necessarily, but I want to know that the values you bring to difficult decisions are ones I share.
2. Of course I want to know your positions on some of the critical issues facing our state and our nation (in no particular order: job creation, equal marriage, immigration, revenue reform, welfare policy, transportation and infrastructure development, military and foreign policy). I also am interested in hearing how you talk about those issues. Democrats fail miserably at taking important stands on issues like taxes or equal marriage), and failing to make the argument for why we think they are good or important to our nation. We fall back on Republican language even when we don’t agree with their positions. I am interested to hear how you discuss those topics.
3. I am curious to see what kind of campaign you will run. You will be showered with money, locally and nationally, and you’ll probably surpass all the other candidates combined pretty quickly. Are you going to stick it in a bank and wait to start running ads? Are you going to build an organization? Grassroots? What importance do you see for the caucuses?
4. How are you on the trail? Do you come in the front door or the back? Do you shake hands at Fenway Park? If you thought Congressional hearings were tough, you haven’t been the target of your first Frank Phillips hit piece. How are you going to handle it?
These are the things on my mind as I consider the candidates.
Thanks for getting in mix.
Dear Professor Warren,
I have been a huge fan of yours since long before your involvement in the Obama administration. Every time I hear you speak I think “Damn, this woman should be President!” But I’ll gladly settle for Senator. If you run you can count on me to work my tail off for you!
So, happy you are still fighting for us and standing with us!! I live in southern CA and knowing you’re running for senate gives me hope for our middle class and our country!! We cannot let important issues like what is going on with mortgages, banks, and wallstreet go unregulated and unpunished!!
Hello Ms. Warren,
Hope you don’t mind my posting here being that I’m from Florida, but I have watched your work with the CFPB with ever-growing hope that you would be appointed to head it up and was very disappointed when you weren’t. Even from Florida, I am so delighted to see that you are considering a run for public office. This country NEEDS you in a position of leadership!! Begin with Massachusetts, but know that if your path leads to broader horizons than your state, there are many folks out here like myself who would support you.
Run, Elizabeth, RUN!!
Hello Professor Warren, How fortunate MA is to have you as a favorite daughter. How fortunate the middle class of our country has been to have you as our defender. You ask for ideas for the future. How about a total one time debt forgiveness for all citizens? This is not without historic precidence. I ask you this as a member of the middle class who is now trying to sell her house in order to pay off medical and business debts that hit us with a vengence prior to your new credit supports being put into place.
Thank your for your service
Dear Professor Warren:
Please run for the Senate and boot Sen. Brown back from whence he came. I grew up in the Cambridge area and lived in Boston most of my life but now live in NH. Still, I have a large network of friends and family in the MA area and would work very hard for you. I am still a supporter of President Obama, albeit less enthusiastically. Although he has made many mistakes, I can forgive him most, but withdrawing his support from you is, to me, unforgivable. You inspire me and are my hero.
I am a public servant and I understand the responsibilities of my job and my obligation to the citizens of the Commonwealth. Our elected officials seem to lose sight of their role and obligation and seem to be more focused on party politics and their own careers. Public service is an honor and a priviledge. We need our elected officials to remember they are there to serve on our behalf.
You have served us well, but there is more work to be done. We need more people like you in Washington, who are willing to stand firm against the cultural forces at work and do what’s best for those you are there to serve.
I hope that you will decide to run for office, and eventually return to Washington to continue your good works.
As a public employee I don’t have much to offer, but if you do decide to run, I will do all I can to help insure your success.
Kudos to the great majority of the posters here who recognize Elizabeth Warren’s great potential to re-take Ted Kennedy’s former place in the U.S. Senate and restore it to its former luster.
Even more kudos to all of you, whether you live in Massachusetts or in the hinterland like me, who have offered to help her should she decide to run. (Please Elizabeth,run, run, RUN!)
With all the enthusiasm and obvious intelligence and talent
you display you can help her reach the Senate and be a shining star in the real battle to reclaim this dying contry from the dark forces of ignorance, greed and corruption that are almost literally killing it.
From the “Show-me” state of Missouri I see fresh evidence
of why so many of our truly best and brightest hail from Massachusetts, and I salute you!
and I want to be one of the many progressives apart of this movement. I’m the Vice Chair of the High School Democrats of Massachusetts and I throw my support whole support behind you. I’d love to be involved with the Students for Warren aspect of your campaign. I truly admire your passion for protecting consumers, workers, and the middle class and I will be proud to cast my first ballot as a registered voter with a big check next to your name. Feel free to contact me via here, Facebook, twitter @tyleroday, or email Professor Warren. I’ve only felt so strongly about a candidate and that was the current President. With you in office I fully believe workers and families will have a resounding voice in the Senate. I just want to restate the fact that Massachusetts needs a hero like you. Good Luck Senator 😉
I’m a little late to the party. I think you, Prof. Warren, articulate some of the problems with our economy and what the solutions are better than anyone else there and you would be a great Senator. If you have time, I’d like your thoughts on U.S. immigration policy, though.
It should be obvious to everyone by now that what the republicans want is for the rich to get richer and everyone else to starve. Except young women, who would be enslaved by their “values”.
Yet people keep voting for them. If voters could be educated to understand that the republicans use deliberate emotional manipulation to get their votes, we could elect better representation. When Palin rants, Bachman performs, McCain waved the flag – they weren’t treating the voters with respect as equals who would understand the real issues and address them. They were using emotional manipulation, and unfortunately it often works.
Voters – especially conservative, religious Midwesterners – need to understand how to recognize that and discount it. Ideally, be offended by it! Voters need to look at where we are – One-fifth of Americans hold 95% of the wealth. They need to look at what republicans DO, not what they SAY. Republicans will say anything to get elected. They know the magic words are “no new taxes”. Look where that almost got us.
The tea party insisted on NOT raising taxes for the wealthy and re-distributing that 95% of the wealth. What does that tell you? It tells you that conservative republicans want most of us to starve while they and their rich benefactors party. Are we going to let them do that?
Dear Ms Warren,
I applaud and encourage your possible candidacy for Senator from Massachusetts. I read your recent entry and your background,observations and agenda match mine in so many cases. I am a 64 yo grandmother worried about the future. My colleague and I will be looking for ways to support you in yur endeavor.