It seems that the folks at RMG somehow got themselves mixed up with Breitbart. Gawker reporting on the Breitbart extravaganza in Lexington, noted that he wishes for a second civil war, this time it’s to get the liberals, he likes his chances as “we outnumber them and we have the guns”.
Breitbart’s war fantasy pits Janeane Garofalo, the SEIU, and “public sector union thugs” vs. him and America’s gun-owning anti-liberals. “They can only win a rhetorical or propaganda war,” he told a gathering of Tea Partiers in Boston. “We outnumber them and we have the guns.” When the gatherers laughed, he reiterated: “I’m not kidding.”
Oh, boy.
Breibart goes on to brag that “Major-named” people in the military have his back. Major-named? What does that mean? Ollie North? Who? Sure Andrew, now go run along and play nice with the other kids. But in all honesty, who hasn’t had a war fantasy against the mean liberals on twitter.
File under nut job.
UPDATE (by David): Here’s the video. There really isn’t any mistaking his remarks – he seems pretty clear that he actually wants some shooting to start. There’s laughter from the crowd, but as it becomes clear that he’s serious, it seems to me that the laughter gets a bit nervous.
with special focus on the psychopathology. Quotes here segue into the ones cited by JohnK.
Kos post here.
“I’m under attack all the time. They call me gay, there are death threats… There are times where I’m not thinking as clearly as I should, and in those unclear moments, I always think to myself, ‘Fire the first shot.’ Bring it on. Because I know who’s on our side. They can only win a rhetorical and propaganda war. They cannot win. We outnumber them in this country, and we have the guns… I’m not kidding. They talk a mean game, but they will not cross that line because they know what they’re dealing with.”
Can’t really argue with him on this: “there are times when I’m not thinking as clearly as I should.”
…that the right wing really doesn’t believe in democracy.
laughing and applauding. Is this the philosophy for all Tea Partiers?
Interesting that they are always accusing the left of hating Americans.
called projection in which the the wingnut projects his own rabid feelings on liberals.
Anti-semites do the same thing with Jews, and in the 1950s, anti-communists did the same thing.
RMG‘s words ….
some of the other videos from the event take some footage looking back at the audience … there can’t have been more than 20 people there. Not exactly a spectacular turnout for the right wing’s most famous blogger.
Enjoy the ride. It will be interesting, perhaps not pretty.
This guy is the only one I can think of.
I wondered where in Lexington they found to hold this event – Cary Hall? The Museum of Our National Heritage? But no, it was at a corporate auditorium at this place.
This man, and his troubled, toxic personality — can he say anything worse than this? When do we get to decide he’s completely deranged and should just be ignored?
If he released another deceptive video tomorrow, it would be all over the news. It makes me nuts. I hope Shirley Sherrod sues his ass off.
I’m not naive about some Republican activists, but what’s EaBo doing with Breitbart? Desperate for getting attention for his blog? Not sure, but he should have known better than sponsoring psychos.
From this clip, at least. Maybe he said something else somewhere else. What he says is “when he is not thinking clearly” he sometimes thinks “fire the first shot.” He also says later on that there is a part of him that wants his opponents to step over the line, presumably so that the shooting can start. But that is different from him stating that when he is thinking clearly he wants a shooting war to start, which is my take-away from the headline. He does appear to feel persecuted and oppressed, which is characteristic of this strain, or stain, of historical actors in our country, as I suggested with my book reference. It is also ironic, given his record of making things up and mounting smear attacks based on untruths.
I’m not advocating censorship or anything like it. But this man can create national news at will — despite having been caught lying more than once. That is simply wrong, and says terrible things about our press.
The press has been leaving itself open to having terrible things said about it for decades, and some of us have been saying those things. See: what they did to Howard Dean, what they did to Al Gore, Oliver North, Swift Boaters, on and on, .
How ’bout putting your obstructionist ideaology aside to rally for the hard-working masses in this nation, instead of the top tier? Try bringing THAT on…
Lady Liberty’s plea seems long forgotten by those ‘Americans’ who now puff themselves up by spreading such fiery hogwash. It’s air, albeit polluted – nothing more, nothing less.
Civil War is spot-on; the specter of Jefferson Davis has been wandering this country for some time.
I’m not sure how much these folks know about the Civil War, the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, or today’s crop of right-wing terrorists.
The Civil War was fought to protect the economic interests of the elite ruling class of the South. Jefferson Davis was a plantation owner and aristocrat. The economic prosperity of the south depended on slave labor, and hence the slave owners went to war in a failed effort to preserve their wealth and power.
The claim that today’s right wing is somehow protecting the working class is approximately as valid as the claim that the Civil War was fought to protect the poor and working-class (not to mention slaves) of the deep south.
Nevertheless, I hope that the launch codes for the rather substantial nuclear arsenal kept in Texas are secure.
I meant the claim that the Confederates fought to protect …