Just what did happen today?
Major demonstrations in New York in the Wall Street area seem to be occurring/have occurred today. There does seem to be a beginning of major media coverage. There may be SEIU involvement, an organizer named Stephen Lerner. Interestingly, Al Jazeera was covering the events of today/this week on Wall Street and comparing the actions of these protesters to the initial gatherings in Tahrir Square before I could find other coverage, so I waited to post.
The New York Times Blog had this coverage.
The goal was/is to protest the corrupt influence of money on politics and government in the United States, as well as the mammoth growth in income inequality.
But, all the same, I don’t claim to know what “did happen in the Wall Street area of New York today.”
[Links fixed. Please, for the love of Pete, learn how to insert links instead of typing in long URLs! -ed.]
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” —Mahatma Gandhi
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” –John F Kennedy
The US media must control the access of the people to knowledge of world events to shade the view to their own interests. It’s their job. They don’t work for you. Their corporatist boardrooms decide what news will be released.
But as the people are more and more impacted by events there is more an awakening among the people. We’ve seen countless times people around the world getting fed up with corruption and control by their leaders.
How long before the people in the forces of order such as police, military, government agents, realize that they, too, and their families, are the targets of the corporations and banks? How many will turn? What happens to control then?
Al Jazeera, as well as the media in other nations maintain a different set of values than the corporate vision. Right, wrong or indifferent, they make the people think. Does the leadership of a country want people to think? Is it little wonder there are so many government initiatives to control communication?
I think of soldiers on a long march or run. At the level of endurance they start to falter. The sergeant leading the soldiers initiates a song called a “cadence”. The idea is get the minds of the soldiers off their misery and concentrate on the march. A distraction. As the soldier, are we not served a cadence? Are we not in step with perpetual war, bank control of the economy, security through liberty take-aways? Concentrating on the Hollywood people, sensationalism and other “news” that has no impact on our lives?
And, another quote:
“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” –John F. Kennedy
It seems this is something that would have been promoted ahead of time to get people to come to the rally, but I at least didn’t see it.
Seems to have been a Twitter-based initiative. I’ve known it was coming up for some time, but I hang out a lot on Twitter. The progressive types have been working on this for some time.
All of which suggests that Twitter may not actually be the best way to communicate something of this nature in the United States where people have all sorts of outlets from which to get their news & commentary.
And yet – Uncle Rupert, King of the Evil Media Titans, is the only major outlet giving this any kind of airplay.
GE/CBS? Comcast/NBC? Disney/ABC? Not so much. PBS? AWOL.
Maybe, just maybe, you SHOULD watch Fox from time to time, Charley. They genuinely cover things that other media do not on a regular basis.
Probably because a peaceful protest against corporate power can be portrayed as the rabid, brown, left wing mobs out to get hard workin’ folks like us
Al Jazeera than Fox. I’d be more inclined to learn something I didn’t know than to confuse what I do know with the noise emanating from the GOP’s Ministry of Turth.
By howlandlewnatick at 2011-09-18
And Preview is like this:
By howlandlewnatick at 2011-09-18
how to embed a video for idiots?
The NYPD shut down access to Wall ST
My thanks to “howlandlewnatick”.
September 17, 1989 is an important day in labor history, and in the history of ordinary people standing up for their dignity and rights as human beings.
In 1989 a coal company, to save money, cut health benefits for widows, disabled miners, and retired miners in Virginia. That was a cold, evil calculation on the part of that corporation–and I don’t care how pious or virtuous its board of directors & CEO may have been, that is cold and evil to take health benefits away from widows. The union went on strike, and eventually won, making that corporation put human beings above profits.
Oh right it was the Republicans who opposed the TARP
You know, the PRESIDENT at the time.
…who teared up as he often does begging his colleagues to pass it.
CBC link to coverage