Here is the coverage from the Boston Herald, whose photos were much better than mine. Occupy Boston was definitely an active, well attended protest last night. Rows of tents, a medic tent, etc. A night march left about 9:30 PM, and that may have been the group that experienced the arrests. I spoke to several people, and the age group involved was mid twenties to mid thirties, for at least 3/4 of those present. For an “FDR Democrat” like me, the signs and message were like coming home.
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who entered the Bank of America lobby. Likely pre-planned as a couple hundred tea partiers get more press than 3000 progressive protesters in Boston.
It was electric. As we marched from the Commons, we passed the protests of the Hyatt workers, and Verizon before converging on Bank of America. Saw old friends and met new ones. Probably also met some of our future leaders. Far from the descriptions they are very well organized. (Coakley campaign….) But they need our help.
The Electrical Workers Union, Teamsters, IWW, TWV, United Federation of Teachers have expressed solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. Verison workers have joined the protests and yesterday the NYC Transit Union voted support. Susan Saradon, Michael Moore and Cornell West have been spotted at Occupy Wall Street protests and Noam Chomsky has announced support. I saw SEUI t shirts yesterday, but have not heard an official statement.
For those of us who have organized, called and written letters to elected officials, only to have them hold their breath and wait for us to leave so they could get on with business as usual, this is the right strategy!
Thanks to all the young people who are sacrificing so much for us!
Here are some photo’s from Friday. Photo of the rally on the Boston Common by J. Michael Gilbreath, the march to Bank of America by Rand Wilson, my feeble cell phone photos of the demonstration at Bank of Areica and Dewy Square from Deb Sirotken Butler and Nancy Weinberg.
I loved that there were people talking and handing out lit about Jamie Eldridge’s amendment to the Casino Bill, proposed legislation on clean elections, single payer, and Citizens United. At times it felt like a rally of Senator Eldridge supporters.