Recently I was accused by Bob and others on here of being “Old Boston”. I don’t think it was a compliment.
Hey Bob, can you help me out here and tell me what you young hipsters mean by “old Boston”?
I also encourage others to join in. Tell me what you think Old Boston is or isn’t.
I expect Michael Flaherty to pull a good vote Tuesday and get a council seat back. Why? No other reason than people have four votes and the incumbents are widely seen as puppets of the Mayor. Many voters save one of their votes for the rabble rouser. Just the way it is.
Add to that the fact that Flaherty has city wide campaign experience and success so he has an organization getting the bullet vote out.
Please don’t ask who he’ll replace. I don’t know. I think there are still enough old ladies alive to keep Steve Murphy where he is. But who knows?
Hey, anyone see the new draw bridge they’re building to replace the broken down one in East Boston near Suffolk Downs? It goes right to Chelsea.
Once the casino is built the the Spanish and Asian hookers along with the drugs will arrive in 30 minutes or less. Guaranteed.
Another great example of government and business working hand in hand.
Hey Tom Conroy, if you don’t come out attacking Elizabeth Warren then you are a big wus.
Here’s what you do:
Agree with her about everything concerning what she knows. i.e. wall street screwing the little guy. Get real familiar with what she knows.
Then tell her how awesome she is as a scholar and an advocate for this one particular, albeit most important, issue. And with your legislative and Washington experience you are going to advocate for her positions on the economy in the way that she can’t because it’s not her background.
Plus she is a one trick pony. What a bout foreign affairs and transportation and local industries and hyper local issues that wind up on a U.S. Senator’s desk.
Elizabeth has been a tenured law professor. Her job is to argue and she can’t be fired. Think about that. What does that do to a person? It explains her unnecessary feistiness with that dink congressman. A good pol would not have done that.
Also there are people in Washington already waiting to burn her for being such a pain in the ass. On the other side of the coin Democratic Senators will be jealous because she’ll becoming with superstar status. Worst thing for a freshman. The Dem senators could sit back and let the Repubs marginalize her. Make her ineffective.
So there are lots of good reasons to vote for Tom Conroy rather than Elizabeth Warren. But only the Conroy campaign can tell us.
Hey Kids, if you don’t follow me on Twitter @ernieboch3 you’ll get cooties. And everyone will know it. I’ll make sure.
Sounds like one of those lame new 10-yard NFL penalties.
Seriously, though, haven’t recent events proven that the “why can’t we all just get along” model for getting things done in DC has failed?
Not sure what the hell you are talking about by getting along. But are you saying it would be wrong for Conroy to show he’s different from Warren because she is a one trick pony who does not have political and legislative experience to work things through Congress. Her feistiness with the Congressman over what staff did and did not say regarding scheduling was not very senatorial like.
I’m talking about the president being out-maneuvered every time he thinks he’s going to cut an awesome deal with John Boehner or Mitch McConnell.
The problem with your suggestion to Conroy is that, unlike Conroy, Warren has actually managed to get important legislation through Congress despite being up against a huge lobbying operation and massive resistance from Republicans. So that attack is likely to fall pretty flat.
As for the “feistiness” re scheduling not being “senatorial,” the fact is that, at the time, she wasn’t running for Senate. She was working for Obama.
Finally, 10-yard penalties suck. 5 or 15, make up your mind.
… then you are “New Boston.”
I just hope Ayanna Pressley wins.
And you really think people will listen to Conroy on foreign policy?
then yes. If he wants to stay in the race he needs to state his reasons, same goes for Warren. This is not an attack, but, if you are saying a candidate is weak in a certain area, it works only when you are strong in that area, otherwise you sound like you’re attacking.
Are you saying that Conroy has demonstrated this in a level that Warren has in her strengths? If you are, then show me, I haven’t seen it.
Plus, District 3, I thought Baker came out of nowhere early and would be the favorite, then he opened his mouth. O’Toole or I would be shocked.
I remember when I use to love a taste of Old Boston. In fact, everyday before work I’d stop at the package store around the corner and buy ten of the 1/10 pint bottles (nips, just like in the picture) Then I’d tape five to each leg.
Before punching I’d stop at Dunkiies and get two extra-large black coffees which I poured into my extra extra large thermos.
I’d was good til lunch.