I just got back from my most recent occasional sojourn to Red Mass Group, and as always, I came back with some terrific finds. The place really is a gold mine.
First was this, buried deep in a comment thread:
I won’t be a resident of MA for much longer though so my vote most decidedly doesn’t count.
This would be unremarkable, except that the comment was authored by “CVarley,” which is the screen name of Christen Varley, the head of the Greater Boston Tea Party. Varley has become the go-to spokesperson for the Massachusetts tea party crowd; Google searches on her name bring up dozens of mentions in the Globe, and hundreds in the Herald. With Varley out of the picture, to whom will the media turn for tea party commentary?
Second, you will be pleased to know that good old John Howard, long since banned from BMG, continues to hijack comment threads at RMG with his lonely quest to turn every political issue into a referendum on same-sex reproduction. Also, don’t miss this bizarrely self-referential post, which itself generated a couple dozen comments.
And finally, you should check out RMG proprietor Rob Eno’s endorsement of Newt Gingrich for president. As is often the case here at BMG, what’s really interesting is the comments – in that case, a long discussion involving Romney partisans, friends of Newt, and apparently undecided folk who like some of what Newt stands for but don’t think he can win. Great stuff.
I’m so glad John Howard is gone, but man did I laugh hard clicking that link. What a nut.
Rob’s endorsement of Newt read as only slightly less crazy than John Howard. Who doesn’t have “personal foibles?” Really, Rob? Cheating on your cancer-striken wife, while trying to impeach a President for cheating on his wife — that seems like a typical, mundane little oopsie? Lots of chuckles, there.
Starr is the one who said he’d committed perjury, and that’s what the House then impeached him for. They didn’t impeach him for cheating on his wife. There was also an abuse of power charge, which failed. In my opinion that was the only charge that has merit, it was a form of sexual harassment because of the power differential of the Big Creep.
The record shows that Ms. Lewinski initiated whatever happened, and was a consenting and enthusiastic partner. Ms. Lewinsky said, herself:
The facts of this relationship have never supported an abuse-of-power claim — except by denying Ms. Lewinsky the ability to make her own choices about her sexual relationships.
—Peter Porcupine explaining the need for Mitt Romney to raise fees substantially.
I am basing this solely on the Rob “EaBo Clipper” Eno Kiss of Death theory. The Eno version is far worse than the infamous BMG version; I mean, has that guy ever picked a winner? I guess Scott Brown, but beyond that…
In eleven months, Scott Brown will no longer be called a winner.
From South Shore Republican complaining about Romney
Sounds like he has learned from Obama’s mistakes, hopefully Barack has as well.
That’s all I’m saying. He’s not my favorite US Senator.