Teh crazy… it is too strong… too powerful…
Gingrich Floats Idea of Anti-Romney Alliance
In an interview with Laura Ingraham, Newt Gingrich raised the possibility of creating an anti-Mitt Romney alliance with Rick Santorum.
Ingraham: Can you see a scenario under which the two of you would align together to try to defeat the establishment candidate, Mitt Romney?
Gingrich: Absolutely. Of course. I mean Rick and I have a 20-year friendship, we are both rebels, we both came into this business as reformers, we both dislike deeply the degree to which the establishment sells out the American people. We both think Washington has to be changed in very fundamental ways, and we have lots of things that fit together. And the thing that’s interesting is if you take the votes, you add to that Perry and Bachmann, you begin to see the size of the conservative vote compared to Romney…if you take, you know, Santorum and Perry and Bachmann and Gingrich you get some sense of what a small minority Romney really represents.
Hey Newt:
First off, the fact that your first name also happens to be the moniker for my beloved city is irritating.
Second, a tip: hydrogen-filled dirigibles are easily felled – just a small flame penetrating the fabric envelope and oh the humanity!
has vented a lot of the gas before it had a chance to catch fire. So, at any rate, claims the _Manchester Union-Basher_:
(( For more of the same, apply within. ))
Happy days.