Looks like Harry Reid is going to force a vote on the Blunt/Brown amendment that will allow employers to dictate health coverage for employees.
The Senate has reached an agreement that it be in order for the Blunt amendment #1520 (contraception) to be called up. Further, at a time to be determined on Thursday, March 1, the Senate will proceed to a vote in relation to the Blunt amendment. No other amendments are in order prior to the vote in relation to the Blunt amendment.
The Blunt amendment is now pending.
It would be downright hilarious if Brown votes against his own bill (again), should be an interesting day tomorrow.
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Based on a recent USA Today poll, people still are confused about PPACA. There was a terrific letter in yesterday’s Metro News by a Michael Froschexplaining how the exchanges work. More of this would be welcome.
Og yeah, and dump Brown.
Changing one’s mind about supporting someone else’s idea isn’t quite the same as voting against a bill you wrote yourself, it would seem. This is Blunt’s amendment, to which Brown has said he agrees.
that was likely the reference there. That bill was the work of the Small Business Committee, which Brown sits on (as does former chair Kerry). Landrieu is the chair and the lead sponsor. Brown was one of the cosponsors.
he formally put his name on the bill as a co-sponsor.