I’m enjoying watching Scott Brown’s campaign throw in the terms “elitist” and into their attacks on Elizabeth Warren. Fear and tremble, libs, before the might of such calumnies!
“Professor Warren is entitled to her own opinion about whether or not Congress overstepped its bounds, but this sort of irresponsible political attack on the court even before judgment is rendered goes too far, and reveals Professor Warren’s elitist tendency to attack anyone and everyone who does not immediately embrace her far-left worldview,” said Brown campaign director Jim Barnett.
Oh SNAP! It is so ON!
You know what kind of book elitists write? Books like Buying the Right Truck for Your Daughter’s Horse: An Illustrated Guide The Two Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke. Oh man … sooooo elitist.
Perhaps I should be afraid of this kind of I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I, Karl Rove-style attack. I suppose it’s worked in the past. But given that Warren has spent her entire life working on behalf of the middle class, and can speak for herself pretty darned well, this line looks more pathetic and desperate — an attempt to distract from Brown’s sterling record on defending plutocracy:
- Voting to continue billions in tax subsidies to insanely profitable oil companies;
- Begging for cash from plutocrat billionaires:
- Insisting that unemployment benefits come from “the checking account” while allowing tax cuts for the wealthiest to be put “on the credit card”; — indeed, holding middle class tax cuts hostage unless the cuts were also extended for the rich.
… and let’s recall that Brown went to fancier undergrad and law schools than did Warren. Nothing wrong with that, just sayin’.
When Scott Brown and Co. call Elizabeth Warren “elitist” … it’s not scary. It’s pathetic and weak — a smelly red herring to distract from Sen. Brown’s record. I hope they use that line every day and twice on Sunday.
I suppose, if one is trying to shrink government to the size it had during the McKinley Administration, then much of the world is going to appear hostile and radical.
I wanted her over other candidates since she is scrappy and a fighter and I need to see more of that. The money advantage is important, as is closing the polling gap, but we need her to start takin the golden boy down a notch or too and start doing it now.
she needs to inject a bit of negative zing. I think her best bet is humor. Brown is such a self absorbed twerp – he’s just begging for a few good towel snaps. Anybody have suggestions?
snappy one liners.
Fight fiercely, St. Elisabeth,
fight, fight, fight!
Demonstrate to them our skill.
Albeit they possess the might,
Nonetheless we have the will.
How we shall celebrate our victory,
We shall invite the whole team up for tea
(How jolly!)
Hurl that spheroid down the field, and
Fight, fight, fight!
Happy days.