If you’re in Providence for Netroots Nation today, be sure to stop by:
From Deval Patrick to Scott Brown to Elizabeth Warren: Massachusetts Elections and National Trends
Panel; Fri, 06/08/2012 – 04:30pm, Ballroom E
Deval Patrick won an unlikely race for governor in 2006; two years later, Barack Obama was elected president. In January 2010, Scott Brown won an unlikely race for U.S. Senate; ten months later, Republicans swept the national Congressional races—except in Massachusetts, where all 10 Congressional seats went Democratic and Patrick won re-election in a race many thought he couldn’t win. Now, Elizabeth Warren is running for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts and Barack Obama is up for reelection, possibly against a former Massachusetts governor. What can recent elections in Massachusetts tell us about national trends? Experts from Patrick and Warren’s campaigns, plus one of the Boston Globe’s top political columnists, will dive into this question.
Led by: David Kravitz
Panelists: Richard Chacon, Doug Rubin, Joan Vennochi
As far as I can tell, this event will not be streamed … anyone know any different? Can this be arranged?
If I do say so myself. 🙂 We had a nice crowd that included several loyal BMGers whom it was great to meet in person. Thanks to all who attended!
Or did it just disappear into the air?
I have about two pages of notes from it I’m currently turning into a blog.
I’d have done audio, but my phone’s battery was dying by then and I forgot to bring a charger 🙁
It was my first time, but I hope to attend again.