You’ve probably seen it … I just don’t know what to say that hasn’t already been said. But if you’ve been thinking too much lately, this ad is the cure for that.
I mean … They filmed an ad. OK. Our Senator pretended to fold laundry while cameras rolled. In the last ad he pretended to walk into a diner, while cameras are rolling. Because he’s so real, you see. (Not like the other lady.)
I half-expect the next ad to follow him into the men’s room.
Real. Contrived. Really contrived.
Please share widely!
a total acknowledgment of his little woman problem…
His other one was funny, but this takes the cake!
They will never show Scott Brown inside a men’s room. Because the men’s room is the only place where Scott Brown actually takes a stand.
He’s not your type of guy.
So just who is the more productive outside the house member in the Brown family? This ad sounds like something some mythical women would gab about at some made up Hollywood girlfriend information exchange over lunch. I do admit I like watching those movies sometimes. Is this the constituency he is after? Does this make Gail Huff a standout since she was able to get her husband to take care of household routines? So I guess this is suppose to enhance the status of Ms. Huff in whatever circles she travels in, but what does it do for the good Senator. It is certainly admirable he takes on this role. The press however should print some negative stories about its veracity just to be fair and balanced. If this is truly the major accomplishment of his professional career, why does his voting record come so short on what actually supports women in the workplace? The Senator also has to train for the triathlon leaving one to wonder when he has time for his day job. Sen Brown is having his “Don’t look behind that curtain moment” with this ad by weaving a hard to believe scenario, that not only is he uber Dad and husband, he is also uber legislator. Not bad but I think I like Professor Elizabeth Warren’s story more. Taking on even greater parental responsibility she sported an outstanding professional career that strove to improve women’s lot in their careers. So in this peeing contest set up she still gets my vote.
I know McGrory has already noted this statement, but it bears emphasis. Because, really, what the hell was Scott Brown doing with his time while he was sucking down his daily dose of taxpayer dollars?
reporting to Robert Hedlund, who reported to Bruce Tarr, who reported to Richard Tisei, he was in charge of making sure the rank and file R’s were voting the right way. Or rather, make that THE rank and file R, Senator Mike Knapik of Holyoke. (The R’s numbered five that year.)
Brown’s “leadership” position — keeping Senator Knapik in line — earned him an extra $15K a year. And don’t feel bad for Senator Knapik — he got an extra $15K a year for being the ranking minority member of the Ways and Means Committee.
He took care of the children because he wasn’t working. He was a Republican member of the state legislature, and they haven’t accomplished anything in decades.
Presumably he’s been taking care of his charming children for the last three years too, because he hasn’t gotten anything done in the US Senate either except to block jobs for Massachusetts residents and try to give employers the right to decide if their employees can get reproductive health coverage in return for campaign payoffs from Wall Street et al.
In Republican Scott Brown’s defense, he has been taking care of his children while in the U.S. Senate. While Brown has advocated taking away the ability of parents to keep their adult children (up to age 26) on the family health insurance plan, he has been hypocritically covering his own adult daughter on his family health insurance plan, a health insurance plan paid for by we the taxpayers.
Do ya think we have a problem when one touts as an accomplishment the ability to cling to mommy and daddy’s health insurance in your mid 20’s? It wasn’t too long ago, by that age, you already purchased a home!!
I suppose if you cannot create enuff jobs, keep the young “entertained” with free contraception thru their parents health insurance.
Actually Bob, the senate was poised to ram through Cap & Trade, which according to the WSJ, would cost the avg. family $2,000 a year by 2020.
I spoke to Steve Lynch about this and he told me he voted for cap and tax in hopes the Senate would fix the problems in the House bill. Can u believe that?
Anyway, by Scott being elected #41, that bill didn’t see the light of day.
a house keeper? Given both their careers, I would bet that they had one or the other – and they got the girls ready for school.
One wonders.
1. Ms. Huff mentions she was a Boston reporter. This is a dig at Warren who did not grow up in MA, ie-Warren is not one of us.
2. Being the bread winner, Scott not ashamed doing housework AND Scott did the toughest job, raise the kids.
3. Saw the truck, good looking family, etc. Any time Brown can get his kids on tv with him, it is a good thing. It works, it sells, it plays, it may win the election
The problem for me with this ad is that it sucks as a political ad because all it makes me think is that Scott Brown is a good dad and I don’t care about that in the senate race. That’s great for his family, and I applaud him for not being above household and family responsibilities, even if the ones we see in the ad were contrived for the ad. But the campaign doesn’t tie it to anything. He doesn’t use his experience being the go-to guy for his kids to tell us how that makes him better understand [fill in kid-related problem here]. When Jim Shannon was running for senate in 1984 he made an ad that used his 3 year old daughter Sara, and concerns about the future she might face as a female, to advertise the endorsements he had received from NOW and the Mass. Women’s Political Caucus and show he cared about issues that affect women. This Brown ad is pointless.