UPDATE: Here’s the audio:
It was bad enough when Scott Brown thought he had seen secret photos of the dead body of Osama bin Laden, only later to discover that he was the victim of an internet hoax that every 14-year-old in the country laughed off.
Now we have this, from the Globe’s Noah Bierman:
Brown also fired back at suggestions that the campaign is lacking in substance, pointing out that he ran a radio ad about military base closings. He also said he is engaged in substantive issues on a daily basis, some that involve royalty.
“Each and every day that I’ve been a United States senator, I’ve been discussing issues meeting on issues, in secret meetings with kings and queens and prime ministers and business leaders and military leaders talking voting working on issues every single day,” he said.
I don’t even know what to say about that. I can’t think of a joke or a wisecrack that makes it seem any more absurd than it is on its face. Here is Bierman’s hilarious kicker:
A Brown spokesman did not immediately respond to clarify the remarks about the secret meetings.
I can’t wait to learn about the kings and queens that Brown has been secretly holed up with lo these past two years.
“Secret meetings.” “Kings and queens.” It’s impossible to parody this stuff.
UPDATE: Bierman has updated his Globe piece with the following, from the Brown campaign:
Brown spokesman Colin Reed said in an email that “Senator Brown was speaking generally about private meetings he has had with foreign and domestic leaders.”
He did not say whether, or how often, Brown had actually met with royalty.
Ah. So, in other words, what Brown actually said on the radio was totally false. Got it.
Koo koo, koo koo ….
He left out wizards. Speaking of which, why isn’t he in daily communication with Cardinals and Mullahs and maybe the Dalai Llama? If he could hook up regularly with the latter, his popularity in Middlesex Co. would quadruple.
I love the image I have of the Senator (trenchoat, fedora, shades) sitting in a dimly-lit back booth in a Dunkin Donuts in Saugus whispering about “issues” with Margarethe II of Denmark. And taking notes. Oh, wait, Marge is probably a flaming socialist. Hmmm. Here’s a list of currently reigning monarchs. Which ones do you think are provding tips on “voting working on issues?”
He won’t meet with anyone not in his ‘circle of trust’ and why his staff can’t tell constituents about his stands on issues–he’s just too busy meeting the crowned heads of state-how cool is that!
“Sen. Brown was referring generally to private meetings with foreign and domestic leaders. He misspoke when he said kings and queens,” said Reed in a statement.
So when Brown made specific reference to meeting with Kings and Queens, he didn’t meet with Kings and Queens?
I don’t quite understand that statement.
Whatever happened to the BMG standard of Truth: If he feeeels like they were secret meetings with royalty, then they were, right? I’m sure he is proud of his secret meetings with kings and queens.
Seriously, this is another example of boorish noise that is wearing readers out. You guys are jumping on one detail in an off-the-cuff hyperbolic general statement in a live interview that was quickly corrected, when you failed to see anything wrong with Warren’s deliberate repeated lies in official directories about her minority status over the course of years, that she still hasn’t acknowledged was untrue?
…that at least in Europe, Kings and Queens are generally hands-off when it comes to routine governance and policy-making. Apparently Sarah Palin did not get that memo.
Makes you wonder what’s coming next. They really shouldn’t let him out without a leash. No wait………..