Congratulations to our friend Kirsten Hughes, who won the hotly-contested election for Chair of the Massachusetts Republican Party. Apparently it was a long and, to judge from Herald reporter Joe Battenfeld’s tweets, annoying evening.
There really aren’t that many Repubs in Mass for the vote to take this long
massgop can’t even get vote straight on party chairman. And you wonder why ScottBrownMA lost in Nov.
ScottBrownMA must be looking at this messed up massgop party chair vote and thinking the private sector is looking pretty good
Thanks massgop for preventing me from watching 30Rock finale. You make Florida election officials look good.
Hilarious. Also in the room was the Globe’s Stephanie Ebbert, who offered the play-by-play.
Fairly unbelievable what’s happening here in Natick at
#magop meeting. A tie?Kirsten Hughes was called the winner by one vote.
Then someone began screaming “Mr. Chairman!” and demanding to know whether there were any contested votes.
There was one contested vote, it turned out. The ballot had the initials of Rick Green, but his name was not spelled out.
They are now voting on whether to accept the contested ballot. If they do…I have no idea what happens next.
It has come to my attention that 2 state committee members did not vote. Why would you sit through this and not vote?
MassGOP is now counting the ballots from the second vote.
Kirsten Hughes, it is, by a 41-39 vote. The two silent state committee members have spoken.
Imagine if the two who didn’t vote the first time had split their votes! Anyway, I do love the capstone of the evening, also from Ebbert’s Twitter feed:
“This was a long race even though it was the shortest one I’ve ever been involved in.” Newly named magop chairman Kirsten Hughes
I’m just not sure what to make of that. But, in any event, Hughes is the winner, and so is Scott Brown, who reportedly was working the phones to install Hughes as Chair. I suspect this video is what put her over the top.
If she comes out claiming not to be a witch, I’d still want to check with the local covens…
From Chabot at the Herald:
Really? I would imaging that their should be other factors in determining representing your state in DC.
And we’re complaining about Markey?