February 28, 2013 |
NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC Endorses
Rep. Ed Markey in Special Primary Election for U.S. Senate
The organization fights to keep the U.S. Senate in the pro-choice column
Washington, D.C. – Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, announced today that the organization’s political action committee endorsed Rep. Ed Markey in his special primary election for Massachusetts’ open seat in the U.S. Senate.
“I am proud to have NARAL Pro-Choice America endorse my candidacy,” said Rep. Markey. “I strongly support a woman’s right to choose and believe women should have access to the full range of reproductive-health care choices. With reproductive rights under constant attack, women across the country and in Massachusetts need a champion on these issues in the Senate. I’ve spent three decades fighting for women’s freedom of choice, and I will continue this track record if elected to the Senate.”
“Rep. Markey is the only candidate in this race with a steadfast commitment to protecting reproductive freedom and privacy,” Hogue said. “Markey shares the widely-held belief that women are capable of making their own health-care decisions without interference from politicians. Despite considerable losses in the 2012 election cycle, anti-choice politicians continue their relentless attacks on women’s reproductive rights. We must ensure the Senate continues to serve as the firewall against an agenda that’s out of touch with our nation’s values and priorities. Ed Markey is the only candidate in this race who women can trust to defend their reproductive rights and we proudly support his campaign. We will do all we can to make sure that our Massachusetts members know he is the reliable ally they should support on April 30.”
Hogue said NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC has given the maximum contribution of $5,000 to a special primary election and will work with Megan Amundson, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts, to organize activists and provide on-the-ground support for Ed Markey’s campaign.
Amundson praised the endorsement and said Markey would build on his record as an effective leader for reproductive rights.
“Ed Markey is a champion for women’s reproductive choice,” Amundson said. “As a member of the House, Ed has shown an unwavering commitment through some of the most intense attacks against reproductive freedom. NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts holds Ed Markey in the highest esteem and we are proud that NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC has endorsed his candidacy.”
For more information about NARAL Pro-Choice America’s electoral work, please visit our Elections page.
Paid for by NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC. Authorized by the Ed Markey for Senate campaign.
I said NARAL is to abortion what the NRA is to guns. This could be an unfair comparison, so I would like someone, with knowledge of the organization, to post their official stance on when life begins. I could not find it on their website, just typical Chicken Little stuff.
I know Stephen Lynch supported the Laci Peterson Bill, which stated if a pregnant women is a victim of a violent crime, there would be two victims, the mom and her unborn child/fetus. NARAL disagreed with the bill, as did Ed Markey. I do believe Scott Peterson killed both Laci and his son, Connor, even if Connor was not born yet. Besides Ed Markey and NARAL, does anyone disagree with the notion Scott Peterson killed two people?
I fear what NARAL’s official position is, but I keep an open mind. I hope it ain’t what I think it is.
Right now, as this race for Senate takes place, all women have a legal right to their own medical choices. As to keeping an open mind, you do not demonstrate it at any level.
You mean to tell me if a pregnant women is discovered by her physician to be abusing a substance (alcohol or prescription drug), NARAL believes this is okay and the Dr. cannot report it to child services or a govt. authority? If not, why not?
They must have a position. I will ask a different one if my first question is too difficult.
Does NARAL believe a woman can have an abortion at any time during the pregnancy, for any reason. Or do even they have limits? This is all I am asking. The NRA seems to allow any clips, any bullets, all the way to a semi-machine gun. Does NARAL have the same view regarding abortion?
By the way Mike- did Scott Peterson kill 2 people?
Personhood bills fail, even in places like Mississippi. They are non-existant here.
Scott Peterson killed one person and one fetus.
So now, you are going to scream from the mountaintops every time Lynch gets an endorsement, but insult and denigrate anyone who endorses Markey, it is exactly Lynch supporters like you that will make me both vote for and contribute to Markey campaign, because I believe IMHO that your pathetic hero-worship of Scott Brown (makes you want the weakest POS possible to go up against the eventual republican abomination). Just keep digging Lynch’s political grave, why don’t you.
It is quite likely he is just trying to raise dissent and thus harm both Democrats. Keep that in mind when you respond.
And does anyone believe that Dan really cares in the least about either Women’s Rights or the rights of fetuses?
Scott Peterson “killed” a fetus. Your words, not mine. So you agree he stopped the life of a living “something”. We are making progress. By the way, that fetus Scott Peterson killed had fingernails. working brain, heart, blood, even testicles, sincenConner was a boy. At this point, I’d call it a baby, what does NARAL believe, does it deserve some protection?
See for yourself Mike, below are the different stages of pregnancy. Conner was at week 28, let me know if you see a baby in the picture. This could be shocking to some, much like the Whrilpool factory Ed Markey helped close down.
Since you believe that a fetus is alive, you should not have an abortion, and you should avoid murdering a pregnant woman.
Guns don’t kill, people kill. Same argument, ain’t it?
Always a complex issue and one I have gotten into lots of arguments with people on BMG about. I will just say that the Mourdocks and Akins, along with the past three years of encountering women I know who had to face unwanted pregnancies and made different decisions, have convinced me that nuance and moderation are on the side of choice. You can’t even call yourself pro-life anymore without having to endorse draconian backward policies, including policies against contraception and health and rape exemptions. Thats the choice the pro-life movement has made to go extremist.
No one supports abortion on demand, no one wants a woman to get an abortion, but those of us that support a woman’s right to choose acknowledge that a) its not ours to make and b) government should have a constructive role in reducing unwanted pregnancies. Safe, legal, and rare. We can do a lot better on making a constructive role and making abortion rare. I am highly confident Ed Markey is the better choice for this and believe that is why NARAL endorsed him.
I disagree with his votes on the Laci Petersen and Informed Consent Act by the way, and I am sure he supports federal funding which I, along with Joe Biden and others, oppose. But at the end of the day he has been a consistent supporter of Roe, a decision I’ve always supported, albeit with reluctance in the past. We cannot say the same about Lynch. Its not a black and white issue and I wished Markey was a little more flexible and nuanced on the issue, but Lynch has historically supported the very draconian policies I oppose.
Downrate & ignore!
As a Markey supporter, I think comments like this only help my candidate…
DFTT – Don’t Feed The Troll.
laced with Ex-Lax–Verbal Formula.