I don’t want to rush to judgment, but someone running in the Republican primary for Senate who, less than a month before announcing that he was officially in the race, wrote to very Democratic Governor Patrick in a somewhat bizarre attempt to finagle the interim Senator spot for himself would be weird enough. Now add to that the following revelations contained in Gomez’s letter to Patrick:
- “I supported President Obama in 2008.” Standing alone (as it does in the letter), any reasonable reader would take that to mean that Gomez voted for Obama over John McCain in 2008. However, Janet Wu reports that “an aide said Gomez was referring to a donation he made to Obama’s campaign in 2008, but that he voted for Republicans John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012.” Uh huh.
- “Two main issues that will dominate the political discussion during this appointment will be Immigration Reform and Gun Control…. I support the positions that President Obama has taken on these issues and you can be assured that I will keep my word and work on these issues as I have promised.” Again, any reasonable reader would take that to mean that Gomez was on board with the central parts of President Obama’s proposals that would, among other things, reinstate an assault weapons ban (Obama’s support for a renewed ban was made explicit the day before Gomez sent his letter). But, at the GOP debate the other day, Gomez declared his opposition to the ban, stating that the 1994 ban “didn’t achieve its goals” and that “I don’t believe that we need to do an assault weapons (ban).” How do you square those two statements? Easy, for a would-be politician who apparently has gotten quite adept at speaking out of both sides of his mouth:
A Gomez aide said Wednesday that Gomez in the letter only meant he was willing to work with Obama and bring those issues to the table, but that he didn’t back a specific policy agenda supported by the president.
Um, wow. Sorry Gabriel, but that is profoundly dishonest. If you say you “support the positions that President Obama has taken,” then, well, you support those positions. Unless you’re a double-talking politician. But of course, you can’t be that, because you keep telling us you’re not.
Gomez should do himself and his party a favor and withdraw from the race now. He either tried to intentionally mislead Governor Patrick, or he is doing the same to Republican primary voters – there’s just no other way to interpret these events that I can see. It seems that Gomez is interested in only one thing: securing a nice job for himself in Washington. Sure sounds like a “politician” to me.
I’m shocked that a GOP candidate for Senate would so clearly lie about himself in order to be elected.
Run as a Democrat, or a very liberal Republican. But yeah time to bring out the ole blimpie cause he’s done
He’s toast. Even if he stays in the race, I doubt he’ll be able to raid much cash from here on out.
reporting that two of the three co-chairs of his women’s committee of supporters have resigned in light of this revelation.
I’d say he’s toast.
Gomez never grew to blimp proportions…maybe a paper airplane?
…that brought us Jim Ogonowski, who after sucking up all the RSCC money failed to get enough signatures to get onto the ballot.
I say no more.
wannabes working for the MASS GOP.