Sister Mary Francis: Wake-up Cullen. Wake the hell up.
Kevin Cullen: Sister Superior, it’s you again.
SMF: Damn right it’s me Cullen. I’m here and I’m mad. Real mad. You made me look bad Cullen. Real bad.
K.C.: What did I dod Sister:
SMF: After our little chat the other evening I went back and told the heavenly girls that wee little Kevin Cullen should be no problem. He is beginning to see the light. With a little more sunshine he should be straightened out.
So what do I see this morning? This. Your column Kevie. The first one you penned since my visit.
K.C. Oh’ c’mon Sister, how can you have a problem with that?
S.M.F. That’s funny. Right after I remind you of your Catholic School up-bringing in Malden and scold you for committing a mortal sin by attempting to have Whitey Bulger killed you come out today trying to get the ignorant masses to believe you have South Boston cred. Talk about gratuitous.
On top of a mortal sinner Kevin you are an incredible phony. Why did you find it necessary to write a laundry list of your South Boston distant relatives today. You were raised with us in Malden. What, do we embarrass you Kevin?
Instead of writing about Tom English’s or Muls or Sully’s like you’re one of them you should be writing about The Highland Cafe, Granada Bowling Lanes, or the old Jordan Marsh. Lot of stuff around here too Kevin.
Instead you’re like a Weymouth High School kid whose father moved out of Southie 35 years ago and the kid thinks he’s Knocko McCormick.
You’ve become an insecure transparent poser and today’s column is proof to me.
So Kevin, rather than spooking you to bust balls and ask you to repent I see you are going to make me work.
New game plan Kevin. Thanks to the internet and people like Matt Connolly, the retired F.B.I. agents who just wrote a book about Paul Rico, and many others I can actually do a forensic of much of your work.
You know the work I mean. The stuff that makes you carry that faux Clint Eastwood like opinion of yourself.
Time to look at your book and all the assertions you make. Time to look at your need to make people believe you are a “Southie Guy”. Your need to make people believe your life was in danger at one time. Wait a second I have to laugh over that one. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah guffaw guffaw hahahahah
Kevin, I’ve known you since first grade. You aren’t what you pretend to be. And it’s obvious.
Today’s column was pathetic Cullen. Pathetic.
I have some studying to do Kevin. Gather facts so I when I come back to begin your re-education we can right to work.
K.C. Okay Sister, thank you.