Billionaire hypocrite Thomas Steyer is trying to bully Stephen Lynch into switching his support for the Keystone Pipeline, America’s largest infrastructure project. Mr Steyer founded Farallon Capital Management who said in a letter to Lynch to do one of two things by “high noon” on Friday, either denounce the pipeline or get sworn statements from TransCanada that the oil will not be shipped overseas, or “an aggressive public education campaign would result against Mr. Lynch.
What is infuriating is the fact Steyer invested in oil companies while operating Farallon. This guy makes Al Gore look legitimate on the climate issue, doesn’t he? True to form, the Lynch campaigned issued the following statement “This letter reads like something out of a James Bond film — a billionaire making threats and issuing ultimatums that expire at ‘high noon,’’’ Yunits said in a statement.
‘‘Like President Obama, Congressman Lynch supports an all-of-the-above energy strategy, and he is not going to respond to threats and ultimatums — especially from someone whose company has made millions off of investments in oil.’’
Now, why should we support Keystone? Contrary to many comments on BMG, here are a few facts.
1. It would reduce our dependence on Venezuela and Middle East oil by 40%
2. Put to work 9,000 American skilled workers (Ya Baby!!)
3. An additional 7,000 U.S. jobs in manufacturing the steel pipe and the thousands of fittings, valves, pumps and control devices required for a major oil pipeline. Manufacturing jobs?? I have posted about the many mfg jobs lost over the past 20 years, can’t we throw these folks a bone?
4. Generate $20 billion in economic impact in the United States, including $99 million in local government revenues and $486 million in state government revenues during construction.
5. $5 billion in property taxes to local governments. Wow, this could help hire teachers and police. Do I hear a “AMEN”!!!
6. Proven track record. “Since the original Keystone Pipeline began operating in 2010, it has safely delivered more than 350 million barrels of oil to refineries in the U.S. Midwest. Long-term commercial contracts remain in place for Keystone XL, which is designed to carry about 830,000 barrels of oil from Alberta, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota to Steele City, Neb.
Thank you Stephen Lynch for caring about blue collar jobs in this country and telling that billionaire who made $$$$$ investing in oil, to take his letter and shove it. Please dont support Keystone b/c of my post, do it for the people below, they are the ones who will benefit the most.
Christopher says
No thanks
johnk says
nuttier than squirrel poop.
Dan, whoa, did you get out of your bunker today to get more rations?
mike_cote says
As in someone has an assault rifle in your back and your are forced to inflict this drivel upon us? Then you must be for the assault weapons ban. Besides, you are wrong. America’s largest infrastructure project is to fix all the deteriorating bridges before another bridge collapse occurs. Question for you, when people die when a bridge collapses, are these people or just statistics?
danfromwaltham says
when you want everyone to take public transportation and raise gas prices so high, nobody can afford to drive a car.
You remind me of people who want to build a new library that most people no longer use, except for the free internet that is available. I mean, what is the point of building or restoring something that you don’t want used? If you let the bridges deteriorate, people will drive less, right? Isn’t that what you really want? You seem to prefer our streets look like North Korea, just empty roads, or China where many ride a bike.
Not me, I love cars and the freedom that comes with it.
mike_cote says
Or me, because I never said any of the things you are attributing to me. If I did, please provide citations where in when. You will not find any comments of this sort on BMG, so stick that in you pipeline and smoke it. Also, oil prices are set globally, so having a pipeline will do NOTHING to the price of a barrel of oil. Absolutely NOTHING.
Mark L. Bail says
said it best, “I am Spartacus!”
In this case, Mike, you’re just a reflected object in the distorted mirror of one troll’s reality. And that mirror, cracked as it may be, cannot be broken.
danfromwaltham says
1. Should our govt. do everything it can to lower gasoline prices?
2. Where in the U.S. do you support new oil exploration, perhaps in ANWR or off of Virginia?
mike_cote says
The price of Oil is set Globally, regardless if the Oil is collected in Canada or Africa or the Middle East or the USA, so the claim that oil collected in the USA will be cheaper is a false premise, and no oil company has EVER, EVER, EVER passed on the savings to the consumer. This is a false premise.
Additionally, how many home were destroyed in NJ and NY and New England because of “Super Storm Sandy” and how much have the oil companies ponied up in funds to compensate for the damaged environment we are all suffering under. Not one red cent.
danfromwaltham says
The answers to my questions are…No and No. Why can’t you just say it?
Have you ever taken an economics class and learned about Supply vs. Demand? If you increase the supply of a product, the demand goes down and thus, magically, the price falls. But if you limit the supply, then the demand increases, along with the price of such product.
No drilling in ANWR, no Keystone, no drilling off the U.S. coastlines, limit permits in the Gulf, no new refineries, harass motorists with new gas taxes, and you get high gas prices and a lousy economy. Happy now?
mike_cote says
It is traded just like the Oranges Futures in “Trading Places”, so you claim that the price of gas is based on supply and demand is pathetically wrong.
The price of gas will not be reduced by so much as 1 red cent if the insipid Keystone Pipeline become operational, and to claim as much makes you a pathetic Republican Stooge. Why don’t you pathetic Republicans open a book one day and learn how the real world works?
SomervilleTom says
mike_cote says
the BS.
Mark L. Bail says
Don’t take it seriously.
kirth says
After 12 Oil Spills in One Year, TransCanada Says Proposed Keystone XL Pipeline Will Be Safest in U.S.
Heckova track record you got there!
danfromwaltham says
21,000 gallon spill in North Dakota? A thimble amount, considering the millions of gallons being transported. I look at it as getting the kinks out, normal/standard startup flaws that come from a new construction project.
stomv says
Seriously. Not 21,000 gallons. Drink a thimble-full of partially-refined tar sand crude.
Dumping 21,000 gallons of crude on the ground or in the water is not normal, it’s not standard, and it ought not be considered acceptable.
(A thimble is 2 oz, +/-)
danfromwaltham says
This oil looks like a thick frappe. If that is the case, would it be easier to clean up?
The amount pales in comparison to the millions of gallons successfully transported, why I used the thimble analogy. Also, the spill happened in North Dakota, I did not read about any watershed being impacted.
kirth says
As happens fairly often to houses that have been carelessly converted from oil heat to gas. Those delivery errors typically make a house uninhabitable, sometimes permanently. Fuel oil is not tar-sands crude, but it’s not a worse thing to have in your basement, either. Nasty stuff.
danfromwaltham says
Should immediately remove the fill pipe, to avoid what you described.
historian says
Both are good to eat? Spill them? All you need is a quick swipe with a sponge or perhaps some paper towels.