I used the term “oral sex”. Like they do in hospitals and courthouses and medical books and pamphlets published by the government.
Suddenly after 7 −8 years of doing this they want to shut me down.
Tey are really bothered that I have been criticizing the search and the F.B.I.
Why is law enforcement different. If the trash man skipped your street wouldn’t phones be ringing at city hall?
But if the cops put on a show like they did and didn’t check the boat less than a 5 minute jog away.
Please suspend me. Please suspend. I’m going to say it again.
Why do we not question law enforcement’s constant public oral sex orgy for what? showing up then leaving. The bad guy just had to wait them out.
Fuck them. That’s right I said it. Fuck all those assholes who had the power to order people to check backyards that close to the scene.
Those people are fucking bozoz.
BMG wants to suspend me for this. And calling someone an idiot.
Why now guys? Why now? What are you afraid of?
Here’s the satellite map of the neighborhood showing the driving directions from where he fled to where found in boat. Look closely, you can see the boat.
WE can all call bob deleo an asshole because he didn’t call deval during the transportaion bill debate but god forbid we call incompetence on police when it stares us in the face.
Blind faith in law enforcement or lack of dissent due to self preservation is fascist.
Yet that seems to be the problem. Because last monday first responders saved lives we can’t criticize police work done the following Friday.
Patriots won 71 −70. They won. The defense was awesome right? THEY WON.
The FBI has much nmore to answer for and they’re in bunker mode. Any wonder.
Cops don’t have blind faith in cops, yet the public does. Suckers! Hop on the train and don’t ask questions.
But anyway Bob and David why now? Why after all the shit I’ve posted over the years today is the day to call me on it?
What if she over charges the person?
It isn’t about who you’re criticizing or what you object to, it’s about the intentionally language you choose to employ. Nobody else is allowed to express themselves this way here, I see no reason why you deserve special treatment.
If you can’t or won’t edit posts like this to conform to the same standards of civility that the rest of us use, then the material should be removed.
the problem is not your questioning the cops or the FBI, as I made pretty clear right off the bat in the current go-round. The problem is your peculiar penchant for launching unending streams of invective against anyone (including me) who dares question either your style or your substance.
And so, we are left with no choice. See you in a month.
thank you thank you thank you.
Until Ernie feels he isn’t getting sufficient attention, and we can do this all over again around July.
from invectives, insults and baseless personal attacks against:
1) Anyone with an opinion on Whitey Bulger.
2) Gingers.
3) Anyone involved in the campaign to succeed Menino.
Calgone, Take Me Away!
He could use some sun. I hope he returns refreshed.
I don’t know if a month is long enough for him to learn his lesson, or if he is even psychologically capable of learning a lesson. I hope your trigger finger is quicker the next time he transgresses (and we all know that he will).
he will be on a probation of sorts. Hopefully, a VERY VERY VERY SHORT Leash.
At what point does littering the sidebar with a flurry of “EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME” vanity posts become spam?
[As I write this, it looks like the Editors locked him out for a month. So I guess that question is answered. And I ain’t sad about it.]
I haven’t been on BMG much in the last year, but I gather from recent reading that Ernie has become more unpopular with the community than he had been. I also know that moderating a blog is tough, and the community plays a large role in it that can be tiring for the community members.
In other words — it’s none of my business.
That said, I am wondering if a shorter period was considered. This is the biggest Boston story in quite some time, Ernie has some legal expertise that many of us lack (certainly I lack it), and the story is moving at what we used to called internet speed. Seven days would make the same point.
I’ve never noticed expertise in him about anything, just some dude who runs off his mouth.
He brags about being ignorant about most subjects, the only difference between him and his nemesis Howie Carr is that Ernie is occasionally liberal and funny (circa 2011, hasn’t been since), and Howie is ridiculously more famous and successful. His man on the street schtick was getting old. He was really unfair to Markey, unfair to law enforcement here, and just rude to most people. A suspension is appropriate, I honestly liked some of his contributions, but he needed a chill pill and maybe this will be it.
This place does not lack for smart attorneys. BMG can afford to lose whatever legal expertise he had.
if I’m not mistaken. I believe he was muted for a period a while ago and he returned with a better content to obnoxiousness ratio. Apparently that ratio worsens over time and requires occasionally resets.
give it a freakin’ rest. It ain’t always about you.
Tons of other issues need your attention and we all could learn from your analysis and recommendations for action that would advance justce.
Far too much innocent digital ink has been spilt over his histrionics, let’s delete these threads and talk about important stuff.