Yesterday, Massachusetts Republicans nominated Gabriel Gomez for U.S. Senate. You may recall that Mr. Gomez appeared on MSNBC on August 17, 2012 – less than one year ago – acting as a spokesman for the swift-boat-style “Opsec” attack group, dishonestly criticizing President Obama over, of all things, giving the order to kill Osama bin Laden. Despite President Obama heaping much-deserved praise on our military and intelligence professionals, Mr. Gomez claims that the President took too much credit, or some other such nonsense. You are encouraged to go directly to the MSNBC page with the video in order to share this segment on your Facebook Wall and Twitter feed to help remind Massachusetts voters of who is really challenging Democratic Congressman Ed Markey. (If you’re having any trouble sharing the video off of the MSNBC page, VoteVets has it on their YouTube page.) Offered without further comment:
FLASHBACK: Gabriel Gomez Criticizes President Obama over Osama bin Laden Raid
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and it’s not working out equity deals with Bain. Gomez went from donating to Khazei and Obama to going fringe right when getting his bonafides in order prior to seeking elective office. And yes, he was planning, his letter to Patrick didn’t come out of the blue. Public office was something he was planning.
Heck Fire! Being anti-Obama sure nuff makes me want to this guy to be my senator, bless his heart.
I believe the word I am search for is PUTZ!