Look at the BMG front page. ‘Markey’s Great’ and ‘Gomez is a Fool’. ‘A Progressive Senate President’. Jamie Eldridge at a computer conference.
Congressman Capuano press release addressed to BMG.
Other than this same ole same ole nothing. Nothing about the phone records scandal. Nothing about the mayor’s race. Nothing about the bombing and government follow-uo/cover-up. Nothing about the Bulger trial.
This isn’t a blog. It’s a tade journal. No more interesting than the National Review of Toilet Fixtures.
Really dudes, a can’t say your jumping the shark because you have to try to jump the shark.
Did you scare off dissent when you suspended me for complaining about law enforcement’s response to the bombing?
Just wondering here.
Bob Neer says
For anyone under 50 year old or so. I could be wrong, but that’s just my sense.
Charley on the MTA says
I honestly don’t care more about Bulger than about any number of other things. It’s meaningful for the people whose lives he shattered; it continues to be another embarrassment for the FBI. Anyway, he is a thug on trial. Doesn’t affect that many people at this point. Interesting-not-meaningful.
Point about being more provocative on the front page is well-taken.
centralmassdad says
A thug empowered and protected by the government you guys want me to trust and think is great
HR's Kevin says
Yes, but that aspect of the story has been beaten to death years before Whitey was ever captured. Big yawn.
mike_cote says
I believe that things were significantly more civil while you were suspended. I wish things could always be as it was when you were not here. If you think that good blogging consists of calling Gingers Freaks, and calling all Globe Reporters liars, then I can only assume you will not be satisfied until this becomes “TMG – Troll Mass Group”. As such, I am glad that you have come to realize that you are alone in making this a vitriolic cesspool of personal attacks and name calling and you can are free to join the depths of John Howard over at RMG and continue to beat your dead horse into the ground.
Also, I live only a few blocks from Tenean Beach in Dorchester and the cement slab of my building was poured in 1989 and I would personally love to see the “State” tear down the building searching for dead bodies. But otherwise, beyond the Dorchester connection, I also do not much care.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
Bulger was a throw away in my list.
I expected to see the phone records issue front and center. That’s the point.
Can BMGer have a creative independent thought? Or are they controlled by talking points of the National Democratic Party.
This issue and lack of BMG interest strongly suggests that this blog is impotent.
mike_cote says
You seriously think that attacking Marty Walsh for being a Ginger counts as dynamic political coverage and discussion. Guess what:
1) I am not a reporter.
2) You are not a reporter.
3) Almost nobody that posts on this site is a reporter.
As such, I have no information or opinion about the phone records above and beyond that of which has already been reported in dozens of venues.
Right now, my only opinion is I told you so because when they first proposed the “Patriot Act”, I said this was going to happen. Ergo, I currently support and I will continue to support candidates who voted against the badly named “Patriot Act”. Further, if you are surprised by the phone records, then you are a fricken idiot.
Go peddle you anti-Obama diatribe somewhere else, because I find your moral outrage self-serving at best. It was Republicans who brought use the fricken Patriot Act, so I will Paul Celluci will continue to be the last fricken Republican I will ever vote for in my lifetime.
HR's Kevin says
You want to post on any of those topics, please go ahead.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
how do you feel about the federal government compiling and keeping data regarding every call we make?
cannoneo says
Well don’t you guys be caught later claiming that you give a shit about the political, legal, and criminal history of Boston if you say you’re not interested in the Bulger trial.
cannoneo says
People who are interested in it can write posts, and readers can decide if they are worth recommending. I don’t see any great need for the editors to front page them.
SomervilleTom says
I already know all I need to know about the Bulger case. I’m sure that if and when any striking new information is revealed, it will be repeated over and over again by both our dailies, every TV station, and every radio station.
I don’t think it merits much, if any, further attention here at BMG — especially on the front page.
fenway49 says
I find the case interesting up to a point. But I don’t tend to follow coverage of trials closely. I’ve been involved in a number of them as a litigator and a court employee and I find press coverage is no substitute for being deep into the evidence. The trials that generate a lot of coverage also tend to devolve into media circuses.
My sense, for whatever it’s worth, is that this is not the best place for coverage of the trial. BMG is not designed to be Court TV or Huffington Post.
I think Ernie’s right to say that we should discuss the NSA situation, though to some extent we have. I’ve been busy as hell this week but I’ve got a few words to say about that sometime soon. The mayor’s race, I’m sure, will get a lot more coverage as we move past the Senate race and toward November.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
Please go back and read. Or are you taking my bait and proving the need of some BMGers to obfuscate and confuse. That’s why I put it in. But the post, as anyone can tell, is really about the phone records and the sheep.
SomervilleTom says
Specifically: “Well don’t you guys be caught later claiming that you give a shit about the political, legal, and criminal history of Boston if you say you’re not interested in the Bulger trial.” That comment most certainly IS about the Bulger trial, and that comment is what I responded to (that’s why my response appears underneath it).
Further, I’ve already published a post about the phone records (which you’ve recommended — thank you). No obfuscation. If there is any confusion, I don’t think it’s on my part.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
fenway49 says
was responding to cannoneo’s comment about the trial.
I agree with you entirely about the phone records.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
this is beyond the usual politics.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
I like how you selectively picked out Bulger and used that to attack.
I got your attention. So tell me boyos, what do you think about Obama’s position on taking our phone records?
Are you that afraid of upsetting someone in the Dem Party?
And the mayor’s race.
But really my aim is to point out the lack of courage to take a position that the dems are not in agreement on. BMG is exactly the place where this issue should be debated? What are you guys afraid?.
Christopher says
You are free to write your own posts. Since all users can post I have little patience for the “why isn’t there a post on…”whining. There have been Boston mayoral race posts as well. Plus, the President has taken plenty of heat on a variety of issues here.
howlandlewnatick says
This site is for the purpose of the status quo of Democratic Party issues. It has nothing to do with political ideals of liberty. justice or any perceived “American Way”. It would be awkward for this site to rock the boat. I think we have to respect that. There are plenty of other sites that deal with governance from every conceivable view. If people wish to write on philosophical issues there are still many open avenues. Aren’t party politics the antithesis of open discussion?
You may bring up prior posts that dealt with philosophy but that time is gone. We have secret courts, lost the right of habeas corpus, public trial and a host of other rights. This is a dangerous world.
Consider: If you are dangerous to the status quo you can be dealt with. It is best to keep a low profile for the sake of safety and convenience. One might wind up on a no-fly list or with a friendly FBI visit or something more sinister. There is no secret that the security apparatus is grossly over-funded and the staff is looking to justify their jobs. They look for check marks on their performance appraisals. Consider your consequences before your actions.
I rarely look at this site anymore. Sometimes there is an interesting post but most are the “Hurray for our side, the other guys are stinky!” variety. Much as Redmassgroup.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
If you are so inclined you can follow me on twitter because i post my blog links there.
Right now “their side” is fighting among themselves over the phone records thing. Charley, David, and Bob have been deafening silent on this.
Have they ever heard of Daniel Ellsberg? Where is the evidence that we are “at war”? As if the feds are swatting thousands of flies with bombs attached and killing them all before the bite. Thank God.
Does this make sense? Shouldn’t there be more attacks for the government to confiscate our personal records.
This i much different than the pen register days.
Isn’t the Constitution a living breathing thing evolving with the country?
Well if it is or isn’t the government should not be digitally storing our every move.
A Deval wants to put transponders in every car instead of raising the gas tax. Are you freakin kidding me? Know our every move.
WTF people.
SomervilleTom says
I find it curious that you seem so eager to bash me and this site, while apparently ignoring facts that inconveniently interfere with your rant.
In fact, I have heard of Daniel Ellsbert. I commented on him here on May 15 (perhaps while you were away) here and here.
I began commenting on the phone records scandal here on June 7, specifically asserting that it is “real” while the IRS rubbish is not.
I immediately criticized the hyper-inflated response to the Marathon bombing while it was happening, and followed that with a post on April 30.
I have a current post asking Mr. Markey and Mr. Gomez to specifically address the phone records scandal.
And yet on this very thread you direct, towards me, “Or are you taking my bait and proving the need of some BMGers to obfuscate and confuse” (itself ignoring that the comment I responded to was, in fact, specifically about the Bulger trial).
I get that your persona here requires you to be hostile towards, well, everybody. I suggest that if you really care about important matters such as the destruction of our individual liberties, you might pay a bit more attention to who supports your point of view and who does not.
Of course, none of that matters if what you really care about is the visibility of EB3.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
it’s not always about you you know. It’s about me. Don’t forget that.
I mentioned Charley David and Bob. The editors.
Calm down there rudy.