Just keeping track of what Republican Gabriel “not a ‘slick-talking politician‘” Gomez refuses to tell Massachusetts voters.
[Gomez campaign spokesman Will] Ritter declined to say whether Gomez would support McConnell for majority leader.
Yes or no, would you, Gabriel Gomez, have voted for the anti-woman Blunt Amendment?
Gomez went on to state his position on related issues of abortion and contraception but he again declined to say how he would have voted on the Blunt Amendment.
Yes or no, would you, Gabriel Gomez, have voted for the anti-woman Stupak Amendment?
He [Gomez] also declined to take a stand on the Stupak amendment, a measure that threatened health care reform and erupted into controversy in the 2009 Senate special election in Massachusetts.
The general impression I was left with is that Mr. Gomez does indeed abhor discrimination. However, he still leaves me reading the tea leaves as to whether he would translate his personal views into decisive legislative action. Not only did he refrain from speaking to the ENDA bill specifically, but he never used any of the vocabulary key to it: sexual orientation, gender identity, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender.
In short, I found his answer to be positive in tone but frustratingly vague.
The Gomez campaign on Thursday again rejected the Democrats’ request to release the 2005 tax return, arguing that the candidate has been transparent with his taxes, having already released returns for six years beginning in 2006. The Globe first requested Gomez’s 2005 return on Wednesday.
Anything else I’m missing? Share in the comments.
Gomez, who worked for Advent International, failed to list clients of the company in a public finance report required when he became a Senate candidate.
On this topic, the Markey campaign has released this web video:
Gomez won’t release his client list from the nine years he worked at private equity firm Advent International, as the Senate candidate disclosure form requires.
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed an ethics complaint against Gomez for failing to release the client list.
Gomez says that he can’t release the list as it belongs to Advent but he doesn’t seem to have pushed them to do so.
Has he released his full military record?
The new ad has only one fault: the ominous background music is too loud and tends to drown out the waffling. Either make the music softer or add captions, the latter being a good idea regardless.
How will Gomez vote on Elizabeth Warren’s bill that lowers interest rates on student loans to the same rates paid by big banks?
Will Gomez agree that he will never filibuster a bill introduced by Elizabeth Warren?
This is really very good.
Gomez’ positions, based on his ads so far: term limis, no congressmen becoming lobbyists and no pay raises if no balanced budget. In other words, three things that are as likely to get passed as a proposal to repeal the second amendment.
See, it’s easy to take positions on things that have no chance of ever, ever ever coming up for a vote.–ever If only he could translate that skill to actual legislative issues, he’d be on his way to being a mediocre candidate.
Gomez for Senate: He’ll Get Back to You on That
Not only won’t he pay his plumber’s bills, he won’t say how he’ll vote on the people’s bills. The only bill he is clear on is the reduction on his tax bill.
Anything from Gomez about whether he approves of removing prosecution of military sexual abuse from the chain of command?
In this Politico story, NRSC communications flak Brad Dayspring offers this gem:
Extra points for saying a refusal to offer any specifics constitutes the “specifics” of their strategy to win. Translation: If I say anything at all about my positions, people won’t like it and I’ll lose. So I will say nothing.
Meanwhile, Dayspring talks about a 5-7 point race while the RCP polling average has Markey up 10.3. He oculd be up 15 for all we know, since the Emerson College poll that closed 5/22 is the only poll in this race in the past three weeks. I have the impression, from the polling trends between May 1 and May 22 and what the headlines have been, that the movement favors Markey. It would be nice to see some numbers, especially a bigger margin so we can lay to rest the “toss-up” story.