Excerpt from an email sent out by the Mass GOP just now, emphasis mine:
Veteran Dan Allie is in the race to become state representative in the 4th Hampden district. Currently he serves as a Westfield city councilor and the Vice President of his own ad agency. Dan has signed the No New Laws pledge and is a tireless supporter of the efforts to end the Forever Gas Tax. To assist in Dan’s campaign please visit his website and Facebook.
Freudian slip? Typo? Stupidity? Regardless, consider throwing the Democratic nominee, John Velis, a contribution to avoid adding another obstructionist Republican to the house at velisforstaterepresentative.com.
Please share widely!
…with previous comments by John Boehner to the effect that he wants to be judged on the number of laws he repeals.
Why run for state rep? This guy is ready for the US Congress.
I’ve been meaning to put in my two cents on this race (since I’m so close to it). The Westfield News (paywall) has picked this up, too.
“Allie maintains that he visited Pighetti after slipping on an icy brick driveway while campaigning in early January. He said that he has since reimbursed his campaign for the expenditures and that it was merely entered improperly.
“It was a campaign-related injury,” he said. “That first week of January there had been a hard rain and a freeze. A lot of people were busted up. I was lucky I didn’t break anything.”
Allie said that he sustained injuries to his ribs and needed medication to help him sleep, and that he started treatment soon after the accident, including therapy, yoga, exercise and visits to Pighetti.
“I used the wrong checkbook,” he said of the spending error, adding that his personal checkbook looks similar to his campaign checkbook. “It was my own fault,” he said.”
Here’s some of my work over at WMassP&I on this.