In a spectacular example of the principle that the arc of the universe bends toward justice, applause is due two BMG stalwarts who have gathered the reins of power into their enlightened hands for the good of city, nation, planet, and universe (moving out from its Hub).
Mayor Walsh’s Chief of Policy Joyce Linehan, the woman who convinced Elizabeth Warren to run for Senate, according the Boston Magazine, is a long-time BMGer — member 1,594 of our current 8,465 member gathering of the best of Massachusetts. With a graduate degree in America, and a professional pedigree that mixes poetry, punk, and the Holy Spirit, she is a progressive exemplar.
Eoin Cannon, Walsh’s speechwriter, trumps even Joyce’s ancient blogging ancestry: as BMGer 615, he is one of the earliest stars of our expanding universe, with posts that date back to the Mayflower 2006. At that time, BMG was little more than a wave of super-heated progressive gas and light expanding from an infinitely dense reality-based core. Cannoneo, who earned a 2010 American literature Ph.D. from Boston University, and wrote a splendid book about the politics of redemption, has educated the state with dozens of trenchant posts over the years. During blogging breaks, he also lectured on History and Literature at Harvard from 2007 until duty called and he joined the Mayor’s Office.
And here is the O. Henry twist: Joyce was so impressed by the wit and wisdom of Eoin’s passion powered BMG posts, that she tracked him down offline and introduced him to Mayor Walsh. His job followed. From progressive pixels to the lips of power.
Onward! Our mission to expand reason and reality-based political decision-making demands continued bloviation and persiflage with all the force that 30,447 posts, 360,006 comments, millions of unique readers, and tens of millions of page views since 2004 demands.
And more immediately, kudos to Joyce and Eoin!
merrimackguy says
Here’s the blurb at that link fro Mr Cannon’s book:
Interesting that sobriety is a big part of the Mayor’s story.