Hakeem Jeffries (NY) was elected Chair of the Democratic Caucus besting Barbara Lee (CA) 123 to 113.
Leader Pelosi just cut a deal with the 9 Democratic members of Problem Solvers to reform House rules in order to win their support for Speaker.
“I’m persuadable” says Rep. Stephen Lynch today about voting for Leader Pelosi as he was seen exiting the Democratic Caucus morning session with her.
Pelosi wins Speaker nomination 203 to 32. Steny Hoyer unanimously elected Majority Leader.
So were the 32 abstentions? My understanding is that there was no other candidate. Now that she is the nominee there is no excuse for her not to get the vote of all 235 Democrats.
It appears that some of them are Democrats in name only.
Some erstwhile candidates whilst out upon the hustings had pledged that, under no circumstances, would they vote for Pelosi for Speaker… essentially tying their own hands.
Within the past week Pelosi added to the ballot a straight “no” option on her nomination, so Members who had campaigned on voting against her could claim that back home. Of course the caucus was closed and the ballots are secret so I can imagine many members claiming to have voted against her, even while they know that she has been the best option for more than two years, Moulton ’16 to the contrary.
Pelosi proves that liberalism and pragmatism are not mutually exclusive.
Speaker nominee Pelosi won 8 votes from the 9 member dissident Problem Solvers after meeting with them. This is how a leader leads.
203 yes – 32 no – 3 blanks and 1 absent.
Seth Moulton folded his ballot into a little hat.
I didn’t realize this was a yes-no question, but now those folks can go home and say they voted against her in caucus and now get on board.
Hakeem Jeffries (NY) was elected Chair of the Democratic Caucus besting Barbara Lee (CA) 123 to 113.
Leader Pelosi just cut a deal with the 9 Democratic members of Problem Solvers to reform House rules in order to win their support for Speaker.
“I’m persuadable” says Rep. Stephen Lynch today about voting for Leader Pelosi as he was seen exiting the Democratic Caucus morning session with her.
Pelosi wins Speaker nomination 203 to 32. Steny Hoyer unanimously elected Majority Leader.
So were the 32 abstentions? My understanding is that there was no other candidate. Now that she is the nominee there is no excuse for her not to get the vote of all 235 Democrats.
It appears that some of them are Democrats in name only.
Some erstwhile candidates whilst out upon the hustings had pledged that, under no circumstances, would they vote for Pelosi for Speaker… essentially tying their own hands.
Within the past week Pelosi added to the ballot a straight “no” option on her nomination, so Members who had campaigned on voting against her could claim that back home. Of course the caucus was closed and the ballots are secret so I can imagine many members claiming to have voted against her, even while they know that she has been the best option for more than two years, Moulton ’16 to the contrary.
Pelosi proves that liberalism and pragmatism are not mutually exclusive.
Speaker nominee Pelosi won 8 votes from the 9 member dissident Problem Solvers after meeting with them. This is how a leader leads.
203 yes – 32 no – 3 blanks and 1 absent.
Seth Moulton folded his ballot into a little hat.
I didn’t realize this was a yes-no question, but now those folks can go home and say they voted against her in caucus and now get on board.