If you want a good laugh, you should check out the Senate webcast right now. They are debating a proposal to get rid of the famous “hack holidays” — Evacuation Day and Bunker Hill Day. These holidays, of course, require the closure of state offices in Suffolk County.
They are seriously asking whether, if we pass this, will we be eliminating July 4th next? It’s astounding that this is what passes for public discourse around here. đŸ˜€
UPDATE: And here’s the roll call. It’s a nail-biter! Final tally: 17-22 — fail, but surprisingly close.
Voting yes: Baddour, Brewer, Brown, Buoniconti, Candaras, Chang-Diaz, Eldridge, Flanagan, Hedlund, Joyce, Knapik, Montigny, M. Moore, Tarr, Timilty, Tisei, Tucker
No: Berry, Chandler, Creem, Donnelly, Downing, Fargo, Galluccio, Hart, Jehlen, McGee, Menard, R. Moore, Morrissey, O’Leary, Pacheco, Panagiotakos, Petruccelli, Rosenberg, Spilka, Tolman, Walsh
I know some will just use them for an extra day off, especially if they are moved to Mondays, but I’ll take any excuse I can get to raise popular awareness of significant historical events. For that matter, I’ve always thought Patriots Day should be observed throughout all the former colonies, if not nationwide. I remember a few years ago the national news broadcasts were referring to the anniversaries of the Waco siege and the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19th and commenting that it’s a date right-wing militia groups call Patriots Day. I felt like saying, “Thanks for calling all of Massachusetts (ironically the state probably most hated by this crowd) a right-wing militia group!” Of course it doesn’t help matters that even in Massachusetts, the Boston Marathon gets more press than the re-enactments on Lexington Green and at the North Bridge:(
It would be nice if they had an embed feature for the live feed. What about the bloggers!!!???
I think the Senators who voted No just “evacuated” all over the people of the Commonwealth. What do they have against working for a living? I’m all in favor of observing this most excellent local holiday, but it doesn’t have to be done with a special “hack holiday” for state employees in Suffolk County.
p>The margin of the vote, however, suggests that with a bit of a push legislators more interested in pleasing their constituents in the Commonwealth than their constituents in the building might actually get the majority. Hmm.
most at the state house work ungodly numbers of hours for little compensation. If we want to take this day from them, it should be added to their vacation time so that day off can be dispersed throughout the year (as opposed to shutting down the state house/govt center for the day).
My senator voted ‘no’ to repeal, and ‘present’ on the wage/hiring freeze. Quite the profile in courage.
p>Ryan – it isn’t just the State House. It isn’t even just Suffolk County. EVERY state employee in MA either gets the day off, or gets a comp day for bravely working while the masses frolic.
p>Hmm…Bunker Hill Day is June 17, a Wednesday this year…do you want the mid-week break, or an extra day for Fourth of July weekend….decisions, decisions…
I’d legislate that everyone who works full time in the state gets 4 weeks off. viva la france!
10 vacation days + 10 paid holidays = 1 month of weekdays.
p>Thank you, Union Movement.
get memorial day off?
p>’Nuff said.
How many working people work at the Gap? Is it most? Is it even many?
p>Union Movement would help them, too.
is not to punish public workers (I think everyone should have more time off), but it’s a major pain for other people who live and work in/around Boston to have all gov’t offices closed on two random days when that are just regular days to them. It’s a special perk that should go.
And somewhat humiliating. I appreciate that it was like a district thing and Sen Hart had to defend the special perk, but he really came across as a dope. Sen Knapick, from Westfield, argued most forcefully against it- like and angry avenging leprechaun of good government running circles around the hapless senator from Southie.
p>It really was pretty entertaining. It actually seemed like the no votes were up a lot and one point, there was way more yes votes at the end of the vote.
Wait until you’re confident that the “no’s” will prevail, then cast an impotent, token “yes” vote? Look like a hero to the BMGers and so forth without really earning any state/city worker ire because the thing didn’t actually pass?
That might not be what happened, but that’s probably what I would do if I had to vote on this critical issue. đŸ˜‰