As a former City Council aide I have the experience of working on city budgets, ordinances, and basic city services. I also remember getting a frantic phone call from a single mother of three that had no place to sleep that night and helping her and her family find shelter. It was through my work at the council that I learned the importance of ensuring that all of Boston’s residents have equal access to city services and I remain committed to that goal today. For our city to work it must work for everyone.
As the Political Director for SEIU Local 615 (commonly referred to as the “Janitors’ Union”) from August of 2004 to August of 2008 I worked hard to help ensure that the working poor in our city were able to provide for their families, get health insurance, and be treated with respect and dignity on the job. Currently I serve as a Field Director for Northeast Action where I am helping to coordinate a national universal health care campaign. If successful we will have health care reform this year and everyone in America will have access to health coverage. It is through these jobs that I honed my skills as an organizer and I learned how organizing truly can make change.
I am also very proud of my community activism. I served as an elected member of my local Community Center and continue to serve as an elected member of the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council where I serve as the vice-chair. It is through my role on the neighborhood council that I have been able to help advocate for and secure the construction of affordable housing in my neighborhood. We must advocate for the construction of affordable housing throughout the entire City of Boston so that residents of Boston can continue to afford to live here.
Of all my volunteer work I am most proud of my work with young people in our City. For over 5 years I have been an active youth sports coach of young people between the ages of 13 – 18. In this role I have been able to personally mentor dozens of young people in Boston. I have also come to learn the importance of caring for our youth and ensuring that they have every opportunity to succeed. I have experienced the pain of burying a young person that I mentored and I have experienced the joy of watching them graduate from high school and go on to college. For many of the young people that I have been able to mentor, I know that, sadly, either outcome is possible. All of our children are valuable and we must treat them that way. As your City Councilor I will work hard to ensure that all children in Boston have access to opportunities to succeed.
Our campaign is powered by new Bostonians, long-time Bostonians, and lifelong Bostonians. We are linked in our common goal of living in a truly great city with opportunities for all, where all children have access to a quality education and where we all feel safe and live in a neighborhood we can be proud of.
Please contact us at if you would like to get involved. Our campaign is committed to collaborative politics and governance and in that spirit your questions, ideas, suggestions, and criticisms are welcome and encouraged.
I hope you feel inspired to join us. Let’s build a better Boston.
Felix G. Arroyo
P.S. for more information on me, our campaign or my positions on issues please visit
I know you have a personal and political committment to social, economic and racial justice Felix
p>And I know you have the character, the intelligence, the determination and the skills necessary to put together a winning citywide campaign team, and I’m happy to play a very small role.
p>And I know you always have good food at your parties so we’ll be there.
Thanks for your BMG introduction. Glad to see you on here and it’s great to see your comments about schools and youth programs in Boston.
p>Keep in touch. I’m sure people would be glad to see you comment from time to time on some of the Boston-relevant Blue Mass Group discussions.
p>Good Luck!
This is an exciting election year but I’m concerned about the sleepy start. Where is the coverage by the Globe and Herald for local elections?!! In 2007, there was 13% turnout in the city election – a tiny percentage of Bostonians are choosing our elected leadership. We need forums, media coverage and active campaigns.
p>GO get ’em Felix!