OK, I guess I’ll start the parlor game.
Who will be running for the Treasurer’s post now? We haven’t had a race there for 7 years.
Will Steve Murphy go for it again?
Will Joe Connolly seek to make the leap from Norfolk like Timmy?
Will a slew of reps and Senators step in?
Will Jim Segel swoop in to save the day?
Will Tim Murray slide sideways backwards?
Please share widely!
(Well, I was THINKING of Eric Kriss, but yeah, Charlie Baker fits too!)
The natural progression…
p>State Representative Sean Garballey. He was on the student council when Tim ran for Treasurer.
What’s with the 3 rating? You don’t like me or you don’t like Garballey?
p>Don’t just sit there with the stupid crappy rating, say something intelligent.
If you’re going to post snark it should at least have an element of humor. You offered no humor. (I might add that similar to your accusation, your post should “say something intelligent,” which it doesn’t.)
p>If you prefer I can change the rating to a “4” as a signal that your sense of humor “needs work.”
I didn’t ROTFLOL. I didn’t even LOL. But I didn’t WTF either.
I think it’s borderline offensive. What’s the point? Other than to poke at his age?
p>He’s actually a few months younger than I am. It’s very impressive he was able to win the election, doubly so considering how fierce it was. Why should someone make light of that, when there’s no real connection to this post? It seems like a real cheap shot to me.
Tim for Treasurer was a high school-esque slogan.
Rep Garballey could pass for a high school kid.
p>Ergo, he’s next in line.
p>He’s got boyish good lucks. That ain’t offensive in my view.
According to Representative Garballey’s wikipedia entry, he was born on February 22, 1985. That makes him 24.
p>According to Tim for Treasurer’s wikipedia entry, he took office in 2003. He was elected in 2002. That was seven years ago.
p>Basic subtraction (Jeremy, please note, this is math as well as snark).
p>Garballey’s age (24) minus the number of years that have passed since Tim for Treasurer’s election (7) makes Garballey 17 years old when Tim for Treasurer was elected.
p>Don’t you think that someone who is elected to Town Meeting in 2003 (age 18) and to the school committee in 2005 (age 20) just might have been on the student council when Tim for Treasurer was running for State Student Council Treasurer?
p>I mean, if Tim for Treasurer can get elected, why not Rep. Garballey?
this ain’t snark. I’ll resist the temptation to name names.
p>I encourage you to lighten up.
Of the seven counties where county government hasn’t been abolished- Suffolk, Norfolk, Bristol, Plymouth, Barnstable, Dukes, and Nantucket- four still have elected county treasurers. In additon to Connolly of Norfolk, there’s also Kevin Finnerty of Bristol, Noreen Mavro Flanders of Dukes, and Tom O’Brien of Plymouth. It’s possible that one of them could start stomping around.
I don’t think so, but if I’m wrong I want to help with his campaign.
but I’m crushing on Eileen Dongohue today. Think we could have a BMG draft effort? (I could think of several other good potential draftees, too. LOL.) What say ye, BMG PAC?
The BMG Kiss of Death??? LOL
p>No, if Eileen Donoghue is running for ANYthing, we need her to run for City Council again…please dear god some sanity…
Longshot, but not impossible. Deb Goldberg too.
Smart money is on one of the County treasurers… I’d say O’Brien or Connolly. That they’ll run, at least, I don’t know if they’d win.
p>Who has $ in the bank now?
p>I also think the rest of the people on this poll are sort of silly. No way the President, Speaker, C. Murphy, or Pangaitakos run.
I agree! Thanks to someone for finally calling it out!
I think given all the turmoil we’ve had recently, someone with a compelling financial story coupled with a strong political base could do well. (Bob McGinn (sp?) had a decent fiscal story in ’98 but couldn’t get any traction against Shannon). And in 2002, even though we were in a recession, it wasn’t as bad as now.
p>That all being said, there won’t be as much competition for airtime next year if there’s only a Treasurer primary in September. Of course, the papers and TV will probably not cover it, but that’s not surprising. So, if you have $$ and a decent organization, you could do well. If no one has $$, then it could come down to something as simple as “the only Treasurer running for Treasurer” a la Cahill 2002.
p>What about Montigny? Doesn’t he have a mountain of cash and hasn’t he been looking to move up for decades?
Formidable candidate, no? Money, many connections. Strong ties to national and state party.
Seems like a reasonable choice. Would be good springboard for something, not Gov. But he’d also be like Segel – doing it because he wants to serve and is a good guy.
p>Probably no memory of him from 2002, though, so no “base” with him, other than party insiders.
Joe Connolly is planning on running, he was telling everyone that at the convention. Apparently he has about $3000,000 in the bank and all the same suspicious contributors as Cahill does. The same ones that the Globe picked up on in this article: http://tinyurl.com/n2a3ha . Great, more pay to play schemes in the Treasurer’s office if Connolly runs and wins.
Reed Hillman for Auditor.