My name is Damian Anketell and I am running for Essex County Sheriff in 2010. I have a fresh vision, the education, and real life experience in law enforcement to be Essex County’s “Right Choice for Change” for the Sheriff’s department.
The primary responsibility of the Essex County Sheriff’s Department is to ensure the
Public Safety. I believe we can achieve this through the establishment of a more balanced approach to law enforcement and corrections while at the same time, maintaining the best traditions and principals of law enforcement.
One of my main objectives as Sheriff will be to utilize a more balanced approach than that of the current Sheriff. As I see it, the present administration’s primary goal has been mainly to provide services to those who are responsible for criminal behavior. As Sheriff, I will also be focus on the effects that criminal behaviors have on the community along with Public Safety, Victim Restoration, Offender Accountability, and Competency Development. My Administration will achieve this balance and assure that proper policies and adequate resources are allocated to each. Additionally, within the facility itself, I will focus on officer and staff safety and ensure that inmates are housed in a humane manner.
Throughout my careers I’ve seen what is needed in the correctional environment, I’ve worked for the victims of crime and I’ve experienced the eagerness of the communities to make a positive change.
My desire to serve the Public Interest of Essex County motivates me to run for Sheriff as “The Right Choice for Change.”
p>You can visit my website to view my complete bio.
you have 3-5 minutes of attention span before I ADHD out of here. You should include more biographical information in this post, such as following up claims that you have the career and educational experience to be sheriff with what that career and educational experience is. You also should include that website in the original post.
Damian Anketell is a candidate for Sheriff of Essex County, 2010. His commitment to civic responsibility and his work with Local, State and Federal agencies has enriched the quality of life of the citizens of his communities. As Sheriff, he will continue these ideals by ensuring Public Safety, Offender Accountability, and Competency Development through the establishment of a more balanced approach to Law Enforcement and Corrections.
p> Mr. Anketell was a Correctional Officer at Middleton
House of Corrections and Jail for 10 years during which time he maintained the best traditions and principals of law enforcement. He argued for safe officer to inmate ratios and other officer rights. Mr. Anketell’s experience as a Correctional Officer fortified his sense of pride, integrity and purpose which has lead him down this path of public service.
p> After leaving the Sheriff’s Department in November, 2005, Mr. Anketell went on to receive a Bachelor of Science Degree with a Concentration in Public Law from Salem State College in 2006, graduating Magna Cum Laude. While working toward his degree, he held an Internship at the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office. Here he worked in The Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) division of the Criminal Bureau of Corruption, Fraud, and Computer Crime. He assisted in the organization and development of training programs for law enforcement and educators in the area of Internet Crimes Against Children. He assisted in preparing cases for prosecution. During his time with the Attorney General’s Office, Mr. Anketell had contact with the Victims Witness Program which significantly influenced his view on how the effects of crime on the victims continue beyond punishment of the offender. It showed him that there is a need for more of these types of programs in order to restore the balance of a community. Creating these programs will be a major part of his Administration.
p> Continuing with his community service ambitions, Mr. Anketell worked as a Community Specialist and Juvenile Probation and Parole Officer with the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (SCDJJ). He served as a department liaison with community programs, represented the SCDJJ in the courts presenting cases and preparing reports. He conducted assessments to furnish courts with social and background information on the juveniles. He
processed referrals, crisis assessments and detention screenings. He developed plans for juveniles and their families based on assessments, case history data and court orders. As a Community Specialist and Juvenile Probation and Parole Office, Mr. Anketell saw that there is more to corrections than just offering offenders classes in domestic assault, drug rehabilitation or other such classes. He recognized that it is only with diverse Competency Develop programs such as life skills development, job training, social interaction development, parenting classes and mentoring programs that we build the foundation for complete rehabilitation of the offender.
p> Since his return to Massachusetts, he has taken a position as an Opiate Prevention Specialist for the City of Gloucester’s Health Department. Again, as in his previous work, his civic responsibility remains focused on informing and educating community members on programs to promote awareness about public health services, availability, and health education initiatives. During his time in this position he has provided a strong leadership role in opiate overdose prevention services for the Health Department. He was responsibility for the implementation and the overall execution of the MassCALL2 Grant including writing grant-related progress reports as required by the State Department of Public Health. He worked with an external evaluator to conduct a community needs/resource assessment on opiate overdoses and assisted the evaluator in implementing all grant-related evaluation activities. In addition to the administration of grants and funding assessments, Mr. Anketell was co-managing Opiate Planning Committee to identify strategies for reducing opiate overdoses. By reviewing all collected opiate overdose data with key local community stakeholders, they wereable to pinpoint intervening variables that contribute to the occurrence of overdoses. Mr. Anketell recruited and coordinated all related contracting services for the MassCALL2 Grant.
p> Again, as in the past Mr. Anketell is committed to Public Safety by the creation of these and other community programs in order to restore the balance of the community. His focus remains unchanged and he will continue to work hard now and in the future as the Sheriff of Essex County to ensure Public Safety, Offender Accountability, and Competency Development through the establishment of a more balanced approach to Law Enforcement and Corrections and Community programs. Creating these policies and programs will be a major part of his Administration.
p> Mr. Anketell is residing in Rowley with his wife Lori and two dogs. He is focusing his attention on his campaign and is working diligently preparing policies and programs that he will implement once elected Sheriff of Essex County.
p>The Committee to Elect Damian Anketell
P.O. Box 245
Rowley, MA 01969
Most prefer the adjective Democratic , as in “Democratic candidate”.
When I read the title, I thought, “Why’s a Republican running in a Democratic primary?”
p>Saying someone is a “Democrat candidate” is how House Republicans talk.
What do you say to voters who believe the Sheriif’s office should be removed from the books and the job of housing prsisnors be turned over to the state correction department? That would save mucho dinero by consolidations and patronage eliminations.
The the process servers can be supervised by the courts (SJC) where they should be.
p>Mr. Anketell, can you tell us why those who have taken this position are wrong?