UPDATE (11:30 a.m.): Coakley’s website is now live as a Senate campaign site. They were clearly ready to go. Watch the introductory video and tell me what you think. My first impression: she needs to look directly into the camera more, and it’s oddly off-center. Also, they need to add “embed” code so that others can post the video. Otherwise, though, it’s fine – dignified and to the point, without overdoing it.
I just got an email announcing that Martha Coakley is holding a press conference at 11 a.m. at which she “will make an announcement regarding her future political plans.” Gosh, I wonder what that could relate to? đŸ˜‰
I can’t make the event, but I’m pretty sure we all know what she’s going to talk about. On that subject, Joan Vennochi has some interesting thoughts on how Coakley should proceed. She starts off this way:
Martha Coakley wants to run for Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat. So, she’s running for it. Unlike other would-be candidates, she isn’t waiting for another Kennedy to decide whether to try to keep it in the family.
Thank goodness there’s at least one pol in this state who isn’t treading on eggshells until Joe makes up his mind.
We hope to have a chance to chat with AG Coakley very soon. In the meantime, here is an interview I did with her at the convention in Denver.
I don’t recall.
p>It would indeed be interesting to hear Capuano tell me about his leadership qualities shortly after obtaining permission to run for the seat from an unelected scion.
p>In terms of “leadership”, “charisma”, and other Axelrodian vagueness, I like Coakley. But more important (for me at least), where is she on issues that would confront her as a Senator, but not an AG?
hard on the issues, supporting environmental protections, fighting predatory lending, filing a law suit to challenge DOMA and more.
p>She is a strong supporter of health care and hopefully will have her position papers up soon, but her record is of a strong progressive who uses her role effectively.
I feel Coakley is a light weight. She has no real accomplishments as AG. She’s not the best speaker (as judged by her awful web announcement piece with her akward pauses ).
p>I want someone who has more experince, insight, and gravitas in that Senate chair. I’m not sure who I’m supporting yet in this race but definately not Coakley.
Yes, indeed, she must weigh all of 110 pounds…but what a lot of intelligence, determination, ability, courage, honesty, compassion and achievement are packed into that deceptively light frame…
p>I believe she is just what Massachusetts voters are looking for to follow on EMK’s footsteps…it’s time they got what they want.
… history with the Fells Acres case? I know she was part of the deal that let one of the women out early with additional probation, but other than that I don’t actually know many specifics.
I thought her delivery was fine. Sure, awkward pauses (reading from a teleprompter or cards, perhaps?). That suggests her staff should have taken more time for rehearsal. But on balance, fine.
p>A far greater problem, I thought, was the background. Who set this up, the custodian? A door and part of a dying ficus tree? What message does that send. That this video was slapped together without much thought, I suggest. Granted, better than Charlie Baker’s freaky Matrix-like rent-a-backdrop, but not up to the standard of a Senate candidate.
p>As to the substance, fine. I honestly can’t remember a word of what she said, which suggests it was pretty anodyne, for better and worse.
p>I think Coakley can beat Kennedy or any other comers on the merits. Massachusetts is moving on, as the recent passing of Senator Kennedy underlines, and our smart well qualified AG from North Adams will have potent appeal.
The editors seem to be a bit worried about the superficial stuff and not enough about the substance of her record of public service. I don’t think any of the other potential candidates, save Markey, can hold match her credentials. Massachusetts needs to send a strong progressive voice to Washington in this seat…Martha would do an excellent job.
p>PS – I am sure they will have plenty of slick video coming down the pike.
Oh for heaven’s sake. We’re wondering whether she can/will win. The “superficial stuff,” like it or not, has an awful lot to do with that. There will be plenty of time to talk about the various candidates’ records.
It is way too obvious that she is reading from something above the camera. You can even see at one point where she loses her place and has to struggle to find the next words.
p>Whoever made the decision to do this video that way better wake up or she will be ruined. There are ways to read from prompters so that it is not noticable. She needs to make it a priority to do it the right way (and she has done it right in the past). This video comes off as insincere.
Should take stock of what they just put out. It is not well done. It is not terribly long so a candidate as seasoned as our AG should have no problem rehearsing enough to not use cards or teleprompters. This begs the question, is she campaign hardened? Has she ever had to really fight for a seat? Was the last race she was in a losing battle to Jim Marzilli, I mean Martin Walsh for state rep in Dorchester?
p>I thought the back drop was a strange choice, some bland law office maybe? Martha, you are not running for DA or AG anymore, this is the big leagues!
p>Think about the production values of the citizens energy commercials people have been seeing every winter for years now. Very well done, uplifting and polished. That is what Joe Kennedy will put out if he enters the race. This is not a great start by Martha, but not enough to knock her campaign out of stride. Just enough to give us all something to talk about.
…smile…you’re not in a courtroom, you’re in a campaign…
Link to the interview.
p>I like her responses. I love the chutzpah she has shown announcing early and going on Hardball, so soon.
p>For consideration as my second choice, I am now, strongly leaning Coakley.
She did pretty well. She needs to sharpen her responses a bit for the TV setting, but overall a solid showing.
She didn’t back down. She looked real. She did not look like she was playing to politics.
for being the first one out of the box. God love her, she’s got more duende than some of them. We can all pick and tear apart the superficial…but this campaign will come together. She didn’t get to be the Attorney General because she’s only window dressing; she’s run substantial campaigns in the past, and gotten to where she needed to be. I’m not worried.