There are many many people in Boston who have listened to and read him for 20 plus years and do not need an explanation of why he is different from Jay Severin, Bill O’Reilly, Michael Graham, Keith Obelman, Rush Limbaugh, Hannify, Jim Braude, Gerry Callahan, Don Imus….. Of course they have all been impolite at times. Impolitenss is what fuels my posts for crissakes.
But Howie is much different and we don’t need explanations
This protest has to move beyond “lefty bloggers”.
Regular people and customers have to tell Bob Sheridan, Sal Bertolami, Dennis Drinkwater and others that “Hey, Howie’s just not a good guy.”
What goes around comes around and it is time that us Bostonians band together and let him know that although funny and intelligent his motis operandi is not appreciated by any person with decency. Throwing punch after punch after punch at a guy already knocked down and given the ten count is beyond classless. The constant fat jokes about George Keverian back in the day; the ready to pounce when a small time politician family member gets into to trouble; the bizarre repetitive attacks on Tom Finneran.
The track girls don’t do that.
Time for Bostonians to join forces and finally do the right thing.
BTW This quopte stands out from the INside Track Piece.
Bob Sheridan was upset because his has the utmost respect for Ernie, which is why he called him himself,” said Sheridan’s spokesman, George Regan . “He was pretty sheepish when he found out it wasn’t him. “He values his relationship with WRKO and is a proud sponsor of the ‘Howie Carr Show.’ But there is a bigger issue here – people posing as others on the Internet.”
Mr. Sheridan do you also value your relationship with your customers, the governor, the speaker of the house, the senate president, the mayor and other powerful people who have been targets of Howie’s unique brand of journalism?
Pull-eeze … what nonsense.
p>Keep up the fight, Ernie, you leftist!
get their friends going on this. The beauty of this is it can get support from all over. Old Dukakoids especially.
… that the real Mr. Boch (a Carr sponsor) has caught flak for this, there’s a serious issue for advertisers.
p>When Bob Sheridan of SBLI buys ads on Howie’s show, he’s writing Howie’s paycheck. He wants the association of his product/services with Howie; he wants to reach those listeners.
p>Now, no reasonable person would assume that therefore he agrees with everything Carr says. (Heck, I don’t even agree with everything I say.)
p>But here … Howie Carr has just written a column which associated an SJC justice with pedophilia — didn’t accuse him of it, of course, just sleazily put him near it. Why? Because the SJC justice had the audacity to write a slam-dunk, no-doubt opinion against the state GOP.
p>How sleazy is too sleazy for SBLI? That’s the question for Sheridan, Amica, and the other advertisers on Carr’s show. From their perspective, never mind the boycott; isn’t it just dubious branding?
p>And it’s not about ideology, it’s about integrity. I don’t like Dan Rea’s political leanings, but he certainly doesn’t cross the line of decency like Carr.
…if you could get some of the “pinky-ring wearing union thugs” Howie talks about so nicely to join your boycott.
p>He’s always talking about speaking up for the little guy…so long as the “little guy” doesn’t carry a union card.
If anything, his program has gone down quality-wise lately because he seems to resent the fact that the station did not let him out of his contract. He also spends too much time obsessing over teen-agers who are having illicit relationships with their teachers (some sort of adolescent envy which he admits to). And the Colonel Hunt who replaces him when he’s on vacation is unbearable to listen to.
I now listen to the new sports talk program on 98.5 or the Big Show on eei. My only concern about not having him around would be: who is going to keep up the pressure on the hacks and hackery that this banana republic state is notorious for?
That’s what Ernie is so upset about, he doesn’t like that people like Howie Carr. It’s not enough that you changed the channel, you have to change the channel for everybody else too.
People have a choice to listen or not, just as advertisers have a choice where to advertise.
p>We’re just adding our input: you choose to advertise, we chose not to patronize.
p>p.s. Do you really think that Howie isn’t part of the hack establishment?
… about Howie? I’m guessing very little.
I do read his column in the Herald, however.
Howie likes to play “man of the people freedom fighter.” The reality could not be more different. He’s a prep school grad who lives in Wellesley.
p>I’m also a prep school grad, but have never pretended to be anything else.
why not Herald advertisers, as well? no, they aren’t as directly associated with Howie’s junk, but if they say they don’t want to be on his page (paper or cyber) it’s an awkward fix for the Herald.
p>didn’t someone here get on Scott Brown for his ad showing up on some objectionable website?
People tune in to Howie, and the advertisers choose to buy time on Howie’s radio show.
p>People buy an entire paper and may turn to Howie’s page along with many others, and the advertisers choose to advertise in the paper, but likely not specifically on Howie’s page.
Ernie Jr is just paying homage his Dad when he says it, that’s why he smiles when he says it. His dad really implored you. And what was that “Right, Kuwichi?” “Itchy bum!” thing at the very end? Who was that guy?
p>I wonder if this will be result in Howie Carr fans going to more Ernie and Automatics concerts, out of sympathy for him having an online stalker.
p>And, why does he advertise their “state of the art collision center” so much? Isn’t that a rather sketchy thing for a place that sells cars to have? I suppose other dealers just have collision work done other places, but owning and advertising a collision center would be an incentive to specialize in selling rebuilt wrecks, wouldn’t it?