I don’t know. Only Howie’s sad self-loathing sadistic soul would know.
Of course Ernie, Jr. knows he can go to court anytime he wishes and ask a judge to order Blue Mass Group stop letting me post under the Ernie Boch, III name (or is it now a brand?). Or get an order for BMG to turn over their internet info so Ernie, Jr.’s lawyers can figure out who I am and sue me for infringement or something.
But of course Ernie, Jr. also knows that he ain’t gotta case so the judge will throw it out without me being close to being identified.
So Stay Focused. This Is All About Howie. Not Ernie.
Howie’s current and future radio stations need to know how you feel.
WRKO (link to diect e-mail – all links below are to comments/feedbak pages)
20 Guest Street, Third Floor
Brighton, MA 02135-2040
(617) 779-3400
WTKK 96.9 FM
Main Office: 617-822-9600.
Below is a list of 23 advertisers of the Howie Carr Show. This in not a complete list. I will gather more names next week.
Remember, be polite and don’t get side tracked. Each person is doing this because they honestly believe Boston as a community should unite against Howie’s unnecessary, long time and still on-going nastiness towards too many people. No need to repeat myself. You are the missionaries my children.
Bob Varettoni
Executive Director
Media Relations
(908) 559-6388
Adobe Systems Incorporated
275 Grove Street
Newton, MA 02466
Tel: 617-219-2000
On Star
P.O. Box 430627
Pontiac, MI 48343
1.888.4.ONSTAR (1.888.466.7827)
Gold Line International
1601 Cloverfield Boulevard
100 South Tower
Santa Monica, CA 90404
East Boston Savings Bank
67 Prospect St
Peabody, MA 01960
Lumber Liquidator
1-800-HARDWOOD (427-3966)
Boar’s Head
1819 Main Street, Suite 800
Sarasota, Florida 34236
(941) 955-0994
Bose Corporation
The Mountain
Framingham, MA 01701
(508) 879-7330
Fram Oil Company
Siemens Corporation
153 East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022-4611
Tel.: 1- 800-S I E M E N S
Fallon Community Health Plan10 Chestnut St.
Worcester, MA 01608
Community Relations Department
Kate McEvoy-Zdonczyk
Giant Glass
1000 Osgood St
North Andover, MA 01845-1520(
Phone: (978) 688-8211
Dennis Drinkwater Pres. (the guy always sitting in the front row behind home plate at Red Sox games – not a bad guy
gstrazzere@giantglass.com tel. 1-800-54-GIANT
J.B. Sash and Door
280 Second Street
Chelsea, MA 02150-1710
SBLI of MA Life Insurance
One Linscott Road
Woburn, MA 01801
President & CEO Robert K. Sheridan
SBLI of MA Life Insurance 1-800-694-7254
Shaws Supermarket 1-888-431-7429
Head of Public Affairs
Judy Chong
508) 313-3318
Commerce Insurance Company Email: Generalcomments@Commerceinsurance.com
Amica Insurance
Corporate Office
100 Amica Way
Lincoln, RI 02865-1167
800-652-6422 to speak to Craig Phelps, Corporate Communications Department
Eastern Standard Restaurant
528 Commonwealth Ave.
Kenmore Square,
Boston, MA 0215
tel (617) 532-9100
Garrett Harker, Proprietor
Armstrong Advisory Group
144 Gould St.
Suite 155
Needham, MA 02494
Barry Armstrong, Pres. (Financial Services)
Hanover Chop House
149 Hanover Street
Manchester, NH 03101
Owned by the
The Premier Companies
18 Kilton Road
Bedford, NH 03110
Michael’s Deli
256 Harvard St
Brookline, MA 02446-2904
(617) 738-3354
Marconi Olive Oil
Catania-Spagna Corporation
1 Nemco Way, P.O. Box J
Ayer, MA 01432
Joseph Basile – President
23 Ernie Boch, Jr.
EB3, long before the current spectacle I wondered about your choice of alias. Have you ever explained why you chose it?
p>Not that I’m complaining — it certainly is making the story more interesting — but your current noble cause would of course be more straightforward if you hadn’t added this intentional confusion.
cuz it’s funny?
As you and the BMG community know, I post as myself. Always. One of the upsides to being self-employed is that I am not going to fire me – and my clients know who I am, like my being tough and compassionate and count on me to be a fighter – so as long as most of my clients are ok with me being me, I have a business.
p>So while I have gone without paid vacation and sick days since 1981 – and a pension and healthcare [I have neither] would be nice, freedom to be honest, fight the good fight, and tell the truth as I see it counts for a lot with me.
p>Unlike Howie, I don’t have to shill for products that claim to remove intestinal spackle (yecch).
p>Hey – I even got a former rep to hand deliver Howie a Menotomy Moonbat T-shirt and invite him to take a turn in the fundraising dunk tank last year at our Town Day – but he never had the courtesy to say thank you for the shirt and invitation. I bet the dunk tank would have broken records as a fund raising tool.
p>Oh well – hang tough, E3 – you and I have butted heads at times but are adult enough to agree to disagree rather than waste time on personal attacks.
p>Howie? Hey, personal attacks are what that pusillanimous man does.
I’ve sent an email to all of Howies sponsors. I hope this goes somewhere. I’m still shocked that Carr bashed Sen Kennedy on the day of his passing. Who did Carr think he was offending? The Senator was gone, so that leaves his family. How lonely, angry and confused Carr must be. As for Boch Jr? This guy is so stuck on himself I’m surprised he gets dressed in the morning. Maybe once Carr is gone we should start a boycott of all Boch Motors.
I honestly don’t know, since I’ve never heard Howie on the radio. But from what I’ve gleaned from coverage of him in print and web media, Carr’s hallmark is meanness and insensitivity in order to achieve a provocative effect; and this is a trait we see from time to time in EB3.
p>One key difference may be that EB3 occasionally gets a spanking or time out and returns better behaved?
Two grand is probably not enough to cause a stampede, but there could be some crazies.
p>It’s probably a joke to Howie, but it’s pretty serious, and it’s terribly damaging to freedom of the press.
p>Where is the Globe on this?
I am Ernie Boch III !
I am Ernie Boch III !
I am Ernie Boch 3!
Like others I have my disagreements with EB 3’s posts but this attack is plain stupid (and dangerous). Perhaps what is needed is a BMG call in to Howie where we can all claim to be EB 3 (send me the money Jr!)
We need to play a round of To Tell The Truth!
It seems we are rallying around EB3. Whodda thunk.
p>Insert “United We Stand” cliche here.
p>PS. I’m more sticking up for BMG Admin. Don’t be a rat, BMG.
but i’m really low on cash right now, and could use the $2K.
p>the true identity of ernie boch III is . . . .
p>ted williams’ severed head.
p>(i’m sorry! i know you said that you wanted to lay low, and just keep everything cool. but i really need the dough. cable bill is due next week. i hope that we can still be friends.)
p>I think other people here with personal blogs should do the same. We may laugh at this (and I hope we do, sooner rather than later), but the implications of paying someone to “expose” a blogger’s identity are pretty serious.
remade by frat boys in blue blazers sipping Chivas on the rocks.
p>Geez, these people really need to lighten up.
p>Let’s hope Georgia O’Keeffe doesn’t have any kin hating me on this site.
p>Perhaps you could have some fun at these people’s expense? Raise a little money for your favorite politician with a “Rename Ernie Contest”?
p>Something like:
rrnee bach cubed
p>You get the idea.
p>Hang in there. lol.
Abe Froman, The Sausage King of Chicago!
Howie will end up like the actor who played Mister Rooney….
I suggest that persons who want to Blog use their real names. Thereis nothing more frustrating than witness people who Blog from the Left or right do so under false impressions.
p>Persons who made statements about others should at least identify who they are.
p>If someone wnats to do a campaign against another, do it openly not on personalities but on issues.
p>Time for a code of conduct and ethics on the internet.
p>Blogging has given many who report on accountability and oversight lacking funds to advocate as a means to respond especially the print and broadcast media that allow comments on their internet pages.
p>Ernie Boch lll can do what he does but should do so openly. The Howie guy Ernie Boch Jr has a valid position and response to state that Ernie Boch lll is not him or a famiily member.
“Who do so under false impressions” — I’m not even sure what that means, but I’m going to guess that you mean misleading people.
p>There’s nothing inherently misleading about anonymity.
p>It should come down to free speech. Are the blogger’s comments valid? Are they libelous? Sure, one could use anonymity as a way to avoid libel, but there’s no instance of that occurring that I’m aware of.
p>People — I’m not saying you — who talk about transparency are really concerned about what’s being said. They wouldn’t be less concerned if the posts were signed with real names.
p>In this case, what purpose is served by “exposing” EBIII? What harm is he doing? This is plain harassment by powerful people. Like I said, maybe they think it’s a joke, but it’s shameful behavior.
it’s pseodonymous.
I’d say anything short of synonymous (if Ernie called himself Ernie Boch Jr.) should be protected.
i have no objection to pseodonymous posting.
Vito Corleone.
you are really Vito Corleone.
I have spent a career exposing waste, fraud, and abuse in Government, Business, and Labor. I am the architect of the Massachusetts Public Employee Whistleblower Legislation. Look at my record whether on the Blog Dig or Healthcare Faud as examples of what I have done. During my career, I have helped conscientious sincere citizens that are sources by protecting them and their families when coming forward.
p>Therefore, I have a problem when people accuse others by not revealing who they are and if legitimate. Using a BLOG name that insinuates and can be taken wrong is not morally ethical. There are various whislteblower and advocacy groups who try to do the same when a person comes forward to expose improprieties or wrongdoing.
p>If Ernie Block 111 is so afraid to come forward, he should provide his comments to credible advocates of his position and let them come forward.
You haven’t really explained that.
p>It would be one thing if one were to make anonymous charges based on privileged information (e.g. I have personal knowledge that so-and-so did such and such), but when you are talking about public facts, what difference does it really make who you are? Readers should be extremely wary about anyone claiming inside information whether they state their name or not, and indeed people making such claims here usually get jumped on pretty quickly.
that someday a potential employer is going to figure out that JoeTS is me and toss my resume on the scrapheap.
p>Meh, life is full of risks.
Joan’s op ed.
p>Ernie doesn’t hide his fealings or intentions either. In Ernie’s line of work, you can’t be a “generally mean, narrow-minded, liberal-hating, chauvinist and homophobe” and still get paid. Unless Ernie and Howie are more closely related than I think.
bidemytime wrote:
And a boo for pushing the anonymity angle.
p>I think the money quote is Ernie’s reply:
p>Good answer, Ernie. Meanwhile, I am trademarking “Erniegate” as soon as the US Trademark Office opens in the morning.
p>This is a false equivalence. Everyone in journalism wants a column; a column is the bully pulpit where you are freed from the restrictions placed on reporters. Describing the signing of the column as a burden (or in this case, the hosting of the radio show) is like saying a politician would be happier just doing their job without public recognition. It’s nonsense.