A Red Line train derailed at Alewife station this afternoon; no injuries. At this hour, passengers are being bused between Harvard and Alewife. No word yet on what went wrong.
And in a related story, Senator Galluccio failed a random alcohol test, and may thereby have derailed his home confinement sentence. (HT billxi.) Galluccio claims that the failure was caused by mouthwash or teeth whitener or something. Nonetheless, WHDH reports that Galluccio must face a probation surrender hearing in January at which, as I understand it, he could conceivably be sent to prison. Video, including a brief interview with Galluccio, is at the WHDH link.
I’ll simply link back to my over-a-month-old call on Senator Galluccio to resign his seat.
christopher says
I saw the headline and I thought there was yet ANOTHER roadblock to progress on healthcare.
rspeer says
Hint: next time, don’t drink the whole bottle of mouthwash just to get buzzed.
carey-theil says
I realize you’re joking, but I have to admit that is one of the first things I thought of. Mouthwash is absolutely used by alcoholics who are near bottom.
farnkoff says
This is just a social experiment conducted by Galluccio to test class-based inequities in the justice system. He wants to see how many breaks are given to a politically-connected upper-middle class white guy, then compare it to the treatment allotted to Frank the electrician from Rozzie and Carmen the retail clerk from JP, respectively. He’s preparing a report related to Deval’s CORI reform proposal.
joeltpatterson says
I have a friend who is a recovering alcoholic, who pointed out that this judge’s sentence of Galluccio was deeply flawed because the house arrest did not allow Galluccio to attend AA meetings.
p>Whether or not you think he should resign (and I think he should, but he’s not my state Senator), he’ll still be a person in my city with the capacity to drive (if not the license), and the one thing he ought to do is attend AA meetings and sober up.
charley-on-the-mta says
That’s why we gotta fix those durned things.