Body Scanners in airports. I don’t like them for many reasons, the most important being women and the perv factor. Where the hell is NOW or The Junior League or The Housewives of Atlanta? Those and their entire ilk should be speaking up for the sisters. As for me, I don’t care. Hey, what can I say, I’m a show-off. If you have t, flaunt it.
Most guys won’t give crap who sees what they have. But some creepy guy leering at the chicks as they walk through or some non-creepy guy who is turned into a creepy guy because it is his job to stare at chicks all day or some non-creepy guy who stays a non-creepy guy just doing his job. They all suck. And you will have all three types. But the creeps will be drawn to it like pervs to the priesthood.
Here’s a quick phone call from nice, happily married, faithful, normal father of two who won’t become a perv. Just an ordinary guy working at the TSA
Friend: Hello.
TSA Employee, Hey, what are you doing?
– Nothing. What’s up?
-You’re not going to believe this. Remember Lucy Crucifulli?
– Who doesn’t? She had the most perfect, the biggest, the shapeliest, the most succulent boozongas of any woman I have ever seen before or since the seventh grade.
– Well guess who came through the old scanner today?
– You’re kidding me? Wow! How did she look? Tell me everything.
– It was perfect. I saw her in line and knew I knew her. Remember her mother, she used to help out at lunch time? She was right next to her and it clicked. They must have been going to Florida or something; there were little kids with them.
But anyway.,I kept a low profile so she wouldn’t recognize me.
– Recognize you? Dude, she didn’t give you the time of day you when you sat in front of her in class for a year, you loser. She was choice. I wouldn’t worry about it 20 years later.
– Right. But here’s the good part. She could have been carrying a machine gun in her pants for all I knew. I kept my eyes zeroed in on her you-know-whats and goddamnit, talk about M&Ms. She must have been stuffing her mother’s bra back then. There was absolutely nothing going in there. I was so disappointed. What the fuck.
– What the fuck is right.
And.. scene.
Bravo to the EB3 Players for that performance
My point being. Even the best guys are pigs in one way or another. Let’s not encourage it. If we’re going to have body scanners we need chicks being screened by chicks and guys being screened by who-cares.
We should have a new Attorney General within the next three weeks. Most likely it will be someone with less then 2% name recognition. i.e. any state rep. but the Speaker. The replacement will be chosen by the 200 reps and senators in a Constitutional Convention that can only be called by the Senate President.
The vote taken will be done by secret ballot. Political horse trading is discouraged when choosing the people’s lawyer. “Australian Ballot” is what they call it.
Regardless, the speaker has the influence. The secret ballot needs to be considered and addressed, but the speaker should still rule.
The speaker, any speaker, will do whatever is in his best-interest. Not the House, not the people of Massachusetts, not his staff. Only him. (this is true in life, not just politics.)
The next issue/problem/attention needer/ on the list is the A.G. appointment. The speaker didn’t go looking for this, but it has to be dealt with.
Unless he has the A.G.’s job fingered for his best friend or has some secret reason to want someone in particular for the job, then I and hundreds of others who have paid attention over the years know what the speaker is thinking.
As speaker his constant concern is staying speaker and having few headaches (like Lida Harkins et al.) and what his exit will be. i.e. “where can I make some money after this?”
The institutional custom is it goes to a House member. Take care of our own sort of thing. But deeper than that.. Not only does the speaker give a plum to one of the flock it causes the domino effect which allows people to move up. If DeLeo does not use this to move people around then the all those vice chairmen and lower committee chairman and non-leadership reps are going to say, “WTF. Nothing has changed and I ain’t moving anywhere. The speaker sucks!”
Self-interest rules the day.
The speaker wants to shake things up anyway. He has to keep rewarding people. Therefore he wants it to go to a member whose departure would result in nice shakeup allowing at least four or five or maybe more promotions.
Nothing wrong with that.
He also knows that Terry Murray has to call for the convention and Terry being Terry may not do that. Therefore he will make it clear to Terry in the most subtle and ambiguous and plausible denial terms that this is considered by him and many many members of the House as “personal”. “Personal” is a very rare thing when it comes to votes. Doesn’t come up often. You usually hear it when it comes to a job for someone. And it is used sparingly.
The meaning is clear to everyone. “If you do not go along with this little thing, which is no skin off your back, you will wish you were back on welfare and never heard of the word senate.”
BTW, Terry knows this, she doesn’t have to be told or hinted at by anyone.
Okay. It’s going to a house member and Terry is a non-factor.
Now the secret ballot thing can become an issue. Back in the early 60s we had a Republican A.G. named Feingold. Eddie McCormick (whose uncle was Speaker of the U.S. House at the time) had already been nominated at the convention to take on the Feingold in November. But before the election Feingold dropped dead. Hence the legislature had to meet and appoint a replacement.
John Thompson, The Iron Duke, was Speaker. Unlike DeLeo, Thompson was a strong speaker. The strongest. He makes Finneran look like Jay Kaufman. Because McCormick had the nomination and the U.S. Speaker John McCormick was calling Thompson and telling him it was “personal” to him, Thompson, although pissed and wanting it to go to a member, had to see that McCormick got the nod.
But the ballot was secret and even though McCormick already had the nomination and his uncle was the big wheel and the very tough Iron Duke was campaigning (noticed I didn’t say lobbying – secret ballot) for him it went to four ballots.
It came down to McCormick and Senator Joe Ward. One of their own. Fuck McCormick. Fuck Thompson. Fuck You. Send a message. Can’t give it to a House member then we have to give it to s a senator before giving it to a civilian lie McCormack. That’s what many legislators at the time were thinking.
On the fourth ballot Thompson had his majority leader Chick Artesani standing in the well of the House making some members show him their ballot. Take nobody’s word for it. True story.
McCormick became A.G. and went on to lose to Ted Kennedy in the Senate race a few years later.
(Artesani later became a judge. Here’s a cool side note. In the late 70s I believe he sold his house in Chestnut Hill to a family named Aquino. Mrs. Aquino was living there with her kids when her husband was assassinated in the Philippines. She went back to the Philippines, kicked Marcos’s butt and became the country’s President)
A few years later Bob Crane was House member who was appointed treasurer when then treasurer and former senator Jack Driscoll got the Kennedys to get the governor to make him head of the new Mass Turnpike Authority.
The next and most recent appointment by the legislature was Speaker Bob Quinn becoming A.G. in 1968 when Elliott Richardson was appointed to the U.S. slot by Nixon. The Quinn vote went smoothly. Everyone wanted him out so they could move up. Self-interest again.
I heard Howie Carr on his show yesterday infer in no uncertain terms that his court case against Entercom radio did not go his way because of “corruption”. That is his word exactly.
Entercom should get the tape. S
o should the judge that ruled against Howie.
That was a mighty strong indictment he made.
Basically he said the he lost his court case because the other side paid someone off and the judge received personal benefit for ruling the way he did. That’s what corruption is in a court case. Paying off the judge or jury or the person who controls. In this case the judge. Or perhaps his own lawyers were paid by someone else to purpsoely lose? I don’t know. I just know what corruption means when referring to a civil court matter.
Hey Jason Wolfe…Get the tape. Howie crossed the line, exposed the station to potential litigation and needs to apologize immediately.
I’m withholding the judges name so as to help Howie and WRKO keep the damages low. But the judge still has a case. Regardless of Sullivan v. NY Times.
Now tell me how Massachusetts developed such a strong CJAM within the judicial branch. I would love the history on THAT too.
Just another b.s. security sideshow, albeit a particularly obnoxious and expensive one. Good for L-3 Communications and those who own stock in the company, though. Looks like their ship is about to come in.
They’re not going to make little kids go through those things, are they? I read that U.K. law forbids nude images of children, even for “security”. What about US law?
of the permanent American peasant class I don’t have to worry about flying ever again.