I am proud of the steps we have taken in Congress to build on the successes of the suffrage movement and further level the playing for women.
But the progress we’ve made over the past few years is in jeopardy.
The healthcare reform bill we passed earlier this year prohibits insurance companies from considering pregnancy a pre-existing condition and denying women maternity care. It will also level the playing field and ensure women are charged the same rates as men. Yet my Republican opponents talk about repealing this law.
The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act which guarantees equal pay for equal work-a fundamentally American notion-was signed into law in spite of the votes of 172 of my Republican colleagues against it.
This is what is at stake this November.
Will we continue to move forward and build on progress of the last few years? Or will we turn back the clock to the inequalities of the past?
Early suffrage leaders didn’t dedicate their lives to winning the right to vote so that their descendents could sit at home on Election Day. As Democrats, we need to pledge to vote this November. But more than that, we need to get involved and get active.
We’ve come too far to let up now.
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