Charles D. Baker, the Republican candidate for governor, who has criticized unions as special interests that block reforms and waste taxpayer money, has quietly accepted his first union endorsement. Baker on Saturday accepted the endorsement of the State Police Association of Massachusetts [SPAM – srsly -ed.], which voted to endorse him….
Baker did not hold any media event or release any statement upon receiving the backing of the State Police Association, which has a history of supporting Republicans for governor. The union endorsed Kerry Healey over Patrick in 2006, and Mitt Romney over Shannon P. O’Brien in 2002.
Funny that Baker seems embarrassed about the endorsement. Maybe that’s because…
Baker has also blasted Patrick, a Democrat, and Timothy P. Cahill, the independent candidate, for accepting union endorsements, arguing the endorsements make them beholden to special interests, not taxpayers.
Oh, but I’m sure Baker would never do anything to suck up to a special interest….
The union has criticized Governor Deval Patrick for not authorizing a new class of state troopers during the economic downturn and for changing state rules to allow civilian flaggers rather than uniformed troopers to direct traffic at some construction sites.
Baker has criticized the move to flaggers, arguing that they do not save enough money, and has said he supports funding for a new class of state troopers.
Ah. So Baker, who “has criticized unions as special interests that block reforms and waste taxpayer money,” is in this case in favor of blocking reform (flaggers) and spending more taxpayer money (on a “new class of state troopers” – I don’t know anything about that issue, so I don’t know if it’s fair to say it’s “waste,” but it’s certainly new spending).
Baker’s comments on flaggers date back to the summer when he was courting other police unions, most of whom ended up backing Tim Cahill. Nice that Baker’s pandering has finally paid off; too bad he’s too embarrassed about the endorsement to do anything with it.
Oh, and who names their union “SPAM,” anyway?
has paid off for Charlie. Nice job working to reduce spending.
police details have pissed off cops, who, as a group, think liberals are not “pro-cop.” Most cops are conservative, even if they aren’t Republican. No surprises on the state police endorsement.
p>I question how much state police have actually lost in road detail money; the regulations were largely written to protect them.
p>Not funding the Quinn Bill is a pain for municipalities because some local contracts might require them to foot the whole bill for Quinn Bill requirements.
the interesting thing about this article is not that SPAM endorsed Baker – which was totally predictable and consistent with their endorsements over the last few cycles. It’s that Baker seems so embarrassed about the endorsement that he didn’t hold an event or even issue a statement.
p>If he doesn’t want the endorsement of a public employee union, he should have refused it. But no, that would require political courage.
Didn’t the Supplemental Budget that was finally passed in the House and Senate include $6 million to prevent layoffs of State Troopers?
p>Weren’t the Republicans actively blocking this bill?
p>Just asking.
West Springfield fire fighters were duped into playing a part in a
The Springfield Republican has an article.
He’s Sgt. (I Know Nothing!) Schultz on his Big Dig financing fiasco. Or, he’s misremembering it. Your choice.
p>He’s blamed his wife for the overrides he voted for in Swampscott. (Sure I’ll vote for those overrides, honey. If that’s what you really want. But remember, we’re still against taxes. Except, of course, for the ones OUR kids need to get a good education.)
p>His campaign’s in bed with Loscoccocococo and the Four Sleazes, but tries to deny the paper trail. (I just showed up for a meeting and there he was. Was I surprised!)
p>He accidentally coincidently gets some firefighters in a campaign ad without their knowledge or consent. Any apologies, retractions, or anything?
p>And now he jobs the State Police on their endorsement. Promises them their flagger jobs back to get their support. But then can’t even have the decency to acknowledge it. Or decline it. All so he can keep blasting away about waste, inefficiency, and insider deals on Beacon Hill.