We’re getting down to the crunch in the 2010 elections and many esteemed BMGers are wondering how they can help fight for truth, justice and the American Way against the ugly mob of surreality-based teabaggers that have taken over the Republican Party, and certainly the Twitter feeds and Facebook pages related to Bill “Is Bill Hudak a Birther” Hudak, Jeff “Red Light” Perry, and Charlie “Big Dig” Baker. Larouchie icon Heath Ledger’s jolly joker mask, as just one example, still turns up on Baker’s feeds — the virtual equivalent of a “Keep your government’s hands off my Medicare” poster.
Here is what you can do in 5-10 minutes each day that will help Governor Patrick’s online campaign:
If you have additional ideas, please share them in the comments.
p>The default ordering for the Globe is chronological — which means that the first 20ish comments get seen over and over again.
p>If you’re an early riser, go to boston.com first thing, find the political articles, and write something logical, appropriate, and friendly. Bonus points for using your real name.
Tweet and status-update your friends to let them know who you’re supporting and why, keep track of who “likes” them or comments in support of them. Call/Email/Text those people personally on election day to make sure they vote…