So said BMGer rollzroix at Twitter. Actually a bit better than that … perhaps. Here are the numbers from the new Suffolk Poll (FWIW, always):
Patrick 46%
Baker 39%
Cahill 10%
With an astonishing 80 percent of likely voters aware of Cahill’s lawsuit accusing former aides of sabotaging his campaign, one in four said the debacle made them more likely to vote for Democrat Patrick.
Well duh. Decent personal behavior actually sometimes helps in politics. Hard to imagine.
Please share widely!
Because he is the only adult in the race. He has even earned my vote and I thought that would never happen.
(Well, dangerously for Charlie Baker.)
It’s entirely possible that Jill Stein will get more votes, and that 46 could be enough for 2nd place. If Cahill’s votes evaporate, they’ll go to any of three places (or stay home I suppose). If they all go to Baker, Patrick might not have enough.
p>Bottom line: get out your vote. Friends, neighbors, social networked peeps, the works. Go phone bank young blogger!
I’ve made about 250-300 phone calls this week….
that I have at least one twitter follower who is not a spambot. (You’re NOT, right Charlie?).
Actually I agree with stomv – still too close to relax, let’s GOTV.